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Demographic Information:

1. Age: ______
2. Gender: ______
3. Grade/Year of Study: ______
4. Field of Study: ______

Section 1: Academic Stress Please rate the following statements based on your level of
agreement, using a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 represents "strongly disagree" and 5
represents "strongly agree."

1. The workload from my academic studies causes me significant stress.

2. Deadlines and exams often make me feel overwhelmed and anxious.
3. Academic expectations from teachers or parents contribute to my stress levels.
4. I feel pressured to perform exceptionally well in my academic studies.
5. The fear of failure in my academic pursuits is a major source of stress.
6. Lack of time management skills contributes to my academic stress.
7. Balancing extracurricular activities with academic responsibilities increases my stress.
8. Academic stress affects my sleep patterns and overall well-being.
9. I often compare my academic performance to others, leading to increased stress.
10. I experience physical symptoms such as headaches or stomachaches due to academic

Section 2: Coping Mechanisms Please indicate how frequently you engage in the
following coping mechanisms when faced with academic stress, using a scale from 1 to
5, where 1 represents "never" and 5 represents "always."

1. Seeking support from family or friends.

2. Engaging in physical exercise or sports.
3. Taking breaks and engaging in leisure activities.
4. Practicing relaxation techniques (e.g., deep breathing, meditation).
5. Seeking help from teachers or academic advisors.
6. Setting realistic goals and managing time effectively.
7. Maintaining a healthy diet and getting enough sleep.
8. Engaging in hobbies or creative outlets.
9. Avoiding or minimizing caffeine and energy drinks.
10. Using positive self-talk and reframing negative thoughts.
Section 3: Impact of Academic Stress Please rate the following statements based on how
strongly you feel they are true for you, using a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 represents
"strongly disagree" and 5 represents "strongly agree."

1. Academic stress negatively affects my academic performance.

2. Academic stress affects my ability to concentrate and focus.
3. Academic stress affects my motivation and interest in learning.
4. Academic stress impacts my relationships with family and friends.
5. Academic stress affects my overall mental well-being.
6. Academic stress leads to increased feelings of anxiety or depression.
7. Academic stress hinders my ability to enjoy activities outside of school.
8. Academic stress impacts my physical health (e.g., headaches, fatigue).
9. Academic stress affects my self-esteem and confidence.
10. Academic stress increases my likelihood of engaging in unhealthy behaviors (e.g.,
substance abuse).

Section 4: Additional Information

1. Are there any specific academic stressors you would like to mention that were not
covered in the questionnaire?
2. Do you have any suggestions or strategies to reduce academic stress that you find

1. How would you describe the main sources of academic stress in your life?
2. In your opinion, what are the most significant effects of academic stress on students?
3. Can you provide specific examples of how academic stress has affected your academic
performance or overall well-being?
4. What strategies or techniques do you currently use to cope with academic stress?
5. Are there any resources or support systems that you find helpful in managing academic
6. How do you think academic institutions can better support students in dealing with
academic stress?
7. Have you observed any long-term consequences or effects of academic stress on
yourself or others?
8. Are there any changes you would like to see in the education system to help reduce
academic stress?

1. What is your current educational level? a) High school b) Undergraduate c)

Graduate/Postgraduate d) Other (please specify)
2. On average, how many hours do you spend studying per day? a) Less than 1 hour b) 1-2
hours c) 2-4 hours d) More than 4 hours
3. How do you feel about your workload and academic responsibilities? a) Overwhelmed
b) Stressed c) Manageable d) Easy
4. Do you often experience anxiety or pressure related to academic performance? a) Yes,
frequently b) Yes, sometimes c) Rarely d) Never
5. Have you ever faced difficulties in balancing your academic and personal life? a) Yes,
frequently b) Yes, sometimes c) Rarely d) Never
6. How do you cope with academic stress? (Select all that apply) a) Taking regular breaks
and leisure activities b) Seeking support from friends or family c) Engaging in physical
exercise or sports d) Practicing relaxation techniques (e.g., meditation, deep breathing)
e) Seeking professional help (e.g., counselor, therapist) f) Other (please specify)
7. Do you feel pressured to achieve high grades or academic success? a) Yes, always b) Yes,
sometimes c) Not really d) Not at all
8. Are you satisfied with the academic support and resources available to you? a) Yes,
completely b) Yes, to some extent c) No, not really d) No, not at all
9. Have you ever experienced physical symptoms related to academic stress? (e.g.,
headaches, insomnia, stomachaches) a) Yes, frequently b) Yes, sometimes c) Rarely d)
10. How would you rate the overall impact of academic stress on your well-being? a) Very
high b) High c) Moderate d) Low e) Very low

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