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The Correlation Between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery And

Their Reading Comprehension In Descriptive Text

Nursyamsiah Alam1, Fahriany2, Desi Nahartini3
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta,,

This study aimed to determine the relationship between students' vocabulary
knowledge and reading comprehension of descriptive texts. The method and
technique for a correlation investigation were quantitative. The sample was
composed of 30 students who were chosen on the advice of an English teacher in
MTs Kebayoran's seventh grade during the academic year 2021–2022. Total
sampling, which makes use of the entire population, was utilized to collect the
sample. To gather the data, reading comprehension and vocabulary exams were
given out. The correlation was measured through Pearson Product Moment. The
findings indicated a strong relationship between students' vocabulary proficiency
and their reading comprehension of descriptive texts. The correlation coefficients
between the two variables, which were ro = 0,491 > rt = 0,361 at a significance
level of 0.05% (5%) and a sign, (2-tailed), of 0.01 0.05, served as evidence. In
conclusion, the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis
(Ha) was accepted when ro > rt and Sign. (2-tailed) 0.05 were present.
Keywords: Quantitative, Correlational study, Vocabulary mastery, reading
comprehension, Descriptive text.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan kosakata
siswa dan pemahaman membaca teks deskriptif. Metode dan teknik investigasi
korelasi adalah kuantitatif. Sampel terdiri dari 30 siswa yang dipilih atas saran
seorang guru bahasa Inggris di kelas tujuh MTs Kebayoran selama tahun ajaran
2021-2022. Pengambilan sampel total, yang memanfaatkan seluruh populasi,
digunakan untuk mengumpulkan sampel. Untuk mengumpulkan data, pemahaman
membaca dan ujian kosa kata diberikan. Korelasi diukur melalui Pearson Product
Moment. Temuan menunjukkan hubungan yang kuat antara kemampuan kosakata
siswa dan pemahaman membaca mereka dari teks deskriptif. Koefisien korelasi
antara dua variabel, yaitu ro = 0,491 > rt = 0,361 pada tingkat signifikansi 0,05%
(5%) dan tanda (2-tailed), 0,01 0,05, berfungsi sebagai bukti. Kesimpulannya,
hipotesis nol (H0) ditolak dan hipotesis alternatif (Ha) diterima ketika ro > rt dan
Sign. (2-tailed) 0,05.
Kata Kunci: Kuantitatif, Penelitian Korelasi, Penguasaan kosa kata, Pemahaman
Membaca, Teks Deskriptif.
Vocabulary is one of the English subskills that students need to learn
because it is essential to all other language abilities. Vocabulary is crucial to
language and is crucial for language learners (Nurbaeti, 2012). Therefore,
vocabulary mastery cannot be separated from improving students' capacity to
learn English because it may be used to measure how well students comprehend
the language and to enhance their confidence when speaking it. However, by
mastering the language, students can use it as a bridge to any content, so
increasing their understanding.
Four skills are necessary for students to be able to communicate
effectively in English. The kids need to be able to understand certain words for
this to work. The 1,000 most frequent words from the textbook are the K1 words.
When English rings a bell, and the K2 words are the following 1,000 most
frequent words, according to Astika, which provides information about the
vocabulary in the book. K1 words are the simplest and most prevalent in all
literature. K2 words are those that appear frequently but less frequently in the text
(Astika, 2016). These K1 and K2 words should be understandable to junior high
school students.
Schmitt advises to make the same difference between high-frequency
words. In place of academic word lists and technical terms, they propose an
entirely new category of vocabulary they call mid-frequency terms. They returned
as well. The high-frequency word consists of the two to three most frequent word
families. They go on to define mid-frequency words as words falling between the
most popular 3,000 and 9,000 words families, and low-frequency words as terms
over 9,000 levels. Low-frequency words are found between levels 9 and 14 of the
1000-word list, whereas mid-frequency words are found between levels 3 and 3 of
the 1000-word list. As a result, 3rd level children in the seventh grade, whose ages
vary from 9 to 14, need to have a solid vocabulary (Schmitt, 2014). Therefore, as
a result, third-level children in the seventh grade, which ranges extends from 9 to
14, need to have a good vocabulary of 2,000 words.
Students from MTs Kebayoran's seventh grade serve as an illustration of
this study. The students still had very poor reading comprehension. When the
researcher conducted research with seventh-grade students at MTs Kebayoran, the
problem was found. It was demonstrated using information about the student's
language skills provided by the English teacher. The teaching of English is not
particularly appropriate as a result of curriculum revisions, according to Kasihani
(2000, cited in Yulia, 2013) A second language that is not necessary for daily life
is English. This suggests that Indonesian students studying English need to be
aware of themselves. They may learn the material on their outside of class and ask
the teacher questions because it is so simple and clear.
As was already mentioned, building a reading vocabulary is one of the
most important components of learning English as a foreign language. The
success of a student's vocabulary plays a role in how well they learn a foreign
language. Students in junior high school struggle with vocabulary and reading
comprehension. Based on the foregoing description, the researcher is interested in
learning how the language proficiency of MTs Kebayoran seventh-grade pupils
correlates with their reading comprehension.

Vocabulary is a skill that students of the English language should develop.
English language proficiency is impacted by vocabulary. Since every English
ability is dependent on words, students cannot learn the language without
expanding their vocabulary. Students would have trouble with four English skills
if they had a smaller vocabulary. Thus, learning English will be successful if
pupils can master vocabulary. The importance of new words is constantly
emphasized, whether in materials or class (Al-Qahtani, 2015). Like the expert
who provided the previous statement, According to Clouston, a language's
vocabulary includes both single words and sentences as well as word fragments.
Students should possess this crucial talent. The words of a language, including
single items, phrases, or groups of several words that have a specific meaning,
similar to how individual words like Good Morning and Nice to Meet You, the
subject matter expert who provided the preceding description (Lessard Cloutson,
2013). As a result, phrases of three words or more are likewise considered to have
a limited vocabulary.
Studying new terms can be difficult for students, in particular if they are
learning English as a second language. The effort of expanding one's vocabulary
is difficult and takes a long time (Carter, 2012). When students learn new words,
many problems occur. The English language's vocabulary appears to be highly
diverse and wide-ranging, and there are many words that pupils should remember.
Junior high school English classes have varied requirements, especially in terms
of learning new terminology. As stated in English Language Standards
Competency for Junior High School Students by the Curriculum Center, this has
an impact on student vocabulary acquisition outcomes, which are still far from the
goal of 3500 vocabulary mastery for junior high school students (2004 cited in
Nappu, 2014).
The theories above claim that a language's vocabulary is a collection of
words with various meanings. Vocabulary is the basis of language since it teaches
us the four communication skills in English, which are also employed in
conversation by individuals of all ages and sectors. The most crucial element of
learning English is vocabulary. If students have a strong vocabulary, they will find
it simple to comprehend word meanings as they listen, speak, read, and write in
English. We must broaden our vocabulary because it is important for us to be able
to communicate with people and serve as a tool for comprehending their
intentions. Learning a language is impossible without a vocabulary
The teacher needs to know how to assess students' language proficiency so
they can be identified. In other words, the vocabulary test that will be used to
assess a learner's vocabulary mastery measures their productivity, namely the ir
ability to write effectively (Nation, 2012). In conclusion, mastering a vocabulary
is more than just remembering individual words or word groups. They ought to be
ingrained in long-term memory or never forgotten by those who repeatedly attend
them. A person who is familiar with words will also be able to correctly employ
them in oral and written communication.
According to Thornbury, there are two categories of vocabulary (2002,
cited in Sujadi, 2019). (1) Effective Vocabulary: Students can apply the terms in
this vocabulary in speech and writing, as well as comprehend them and pronounce
them correctly.. (2) Receptive Vocabulary: He employs words in his vocabulary
that is easy for children to understand when they read or listen to anything; they
won't need to use them frequently. Children, for instance, only take in the main
words when they read a text or piece of writing. However, depending on the
circumstances, some passive words could unintentionally become active.
Reading comprehension is fundamentally the capacity to understand what
has been read. The context of reading comprehension is found in the text (Clarke,
2013). Understanding is formed as a result of the interaction between the text and
the reader's comprehension of it. It is crucial to consider the contexts in which
developing students must extract and apply meaning from texts while teaching
and learning about reading. Additionally, he claims that reading comprehension
skills become more and more important as students progress through the
educational system. It is vital to understand that reading can be a transformative
experience that affects the reader's thinking and learning. It is possible to
encounter novel words, concepts, and points of view that challenge and enlarge
our understanding.
According to Leon, Making informal connections between the ideas and
events in a text is necessary for the reader to create a mental model of that text.
(J.A. Leon, 2015). Contrarily, According to Hock, reading comprehension is the
process through which a reader draws meaning from text-based information.
(Hock et al., 2015). Using the characteristics of the text and their prior knowledge
of the outside world, the reader constructs a mental image of the meaning of the
text during this process. Deep understanding happens when the reader combines
their past knowledge with text-based information.
According to Clarke (2013): five variables affect students' reading
comprehension test results: (1) Language skills. Phonology (word sounds),
semantics (word meaning), grammar (word and sentence structures), and
pragmatics (word usage) are the four categories that makeup language skills (the
social use of language). (2) Word meaning comprehension; Students' ability to
comprehend connected material is strongly correlated with their word meaning
comprehension. (3) Working memory is the capacity to hold information while
managing other attention-demanding tasks at the same time (4) Working with text;
Successful reading comprehension depends on the reader's capacity to make
inferences and connect disparate pieces of information. (5) Environment
influences; Key factors influencing the development of reading comprehension
abilities are motivation and enjoyment. Reading motivation is influenced by
several environmental factors, such as instructional strategies, reading at home,
and exposure to a variety of books.
A text that describes a person, animal, thing, or location in detail is
referred to as a descriptive text. One form of material that is frequently seen in
essays is descriptive text. The features are used to define the object. Identification
and description form the basic structure of descriptive literature.. According to
Widarso (2013 cited in Fatmawati, 2014) According to this definition, a
descriptive text utilizes words to describe an item, a place, or a person.. This
indicates that the text's subject is a description of some sort. This language
typically outlines the traits of an object, location, or someone. a descriptive text
use language to describe an item, a place, or a person. Sometimes a text is referred
to as a descriptive text if it describes someone, something, or a place in great
detail. The author will make use of Stanley M. and King's reading comprehension
measures (1989, as cited in this research Ningsih, 2015).
In conclusion, teachers who instruct reading using descriptive texts put
their students in a dependent situation since they are in charge of ensuring that
they can understand what they are reading. Additionally, when teachers
concentrate on their students' comprehension of the descriptive text, they have less
time to give comments on other, perhaps more important reading-related aspects
like content and coherence.
The association between students' command of vocabulary and their
interest in reading comprehension in English in the descriptive text was
comparable to study results from before. (Faliyanti, 2015), To collect samples, the
researcher used cluster random sampling. The researcher employed a test and a
questionnaire to gather data, with an emphasis on reading comprehension and
vocabulary knowledge in descriptive writings. After doing data analysis with the
correlation product-moment and regression linearity tests, the researcher
employed the Product Moment Formula to examine the data from the
questionnaire used to gauge students' interest in English. The Product Moment
Formula and linear regression were employed by the researcher to calculate the
coefficient correlation and the significance of the link between students' interest in
reading descriptive texts and their vocabulary proficiency. The researcher's
findings show that students' reading comprehension of descriptive texts during the
second semester of the academic year 2014-2015 at the university is considerably
positively connected with their vocabulary proficiency and interest in English.
And r = 0,45 was the outcome of her research (X1 and Y). 0,61 (X2 and Y). 0,98
(X1, X2, and Y). The ratio has a value of 4,3, and the tdaf has a value of 2,04,
hence the hypothesis can be accepted. It demonstrates that tratio>tdaf and Ha
understood the link between students' pleasure in reading descriptive texts and
their vocabulary proficiency as a positive and important relationship.
The Correlation Between Students' Vocabulary Mastery and Reading
Comprehension of The Eleventh Grade Students of Sman Palu is the title of the
second study (Endah Dwi Lestari, 2020). his study uses quantitative methods. 28
students from SMAN Palu's eleventh grade made up the study's sample.
According to IPA 6 for class XI, a purposive sampling approach was used to select
the students as the sample. Tests were used to gather the data, which was then
statistically analyzed. All of the data acquired for this study were evaluated using
the IBM SPSS Statistic Version 21 tool and the Pearson Product Moment
Correlation method. The study and statistical computations revealed that, with a
significance level of 0.05 and a degree of freedom (df) of 26, rcounted was 0.399
and rtable was 0.388. It can be concluded that rcounted was higher than rtable by
comparing the values of the two variables. It shows that the alternative hypothesis
(Ha) is accepted and that students' language abilities and reading comprehension
are positively correlated. The findings of the study indicate a link between
students' language abilities and reading comprehension.
In a journal article, the findings of a related study by Furqon titled "The
Correlation Between Students' Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading
Comprehension" were presented. (Furqon, 2015). Data from 34 second-graders
were gathered. The pupils were given reading comprehension and vocabulary
exam questions to measure their level of reading comprehension and vocabulary
knowledge. To determine the connection between those elements, the results were
contrasted. The results revealed a connection between students' language abilities
and reading comprehension difficulty. The current study found that students'
ability to analyze texts was aided by their language expertise.
An investigation with the title The Correlation Between Students'
Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading Comprehension at Seventh Grade
Students of Mts. Bahri was undertaken (Bahri, 2019). 32 or so seventh-grade
students made up the sample that was taken. To ascertain their level of ability in
these areas, the students took the tests for vocabulary mastery and reading
comprehension. The results of the current study showed that while students'
personal experiences and reading habits aid reading comprehension,vocabulary
was found to be more crucial for text comprehension.
Between previous research and this research, there are several similarities
and differences. The connections between previous research and more recent
research include the following: (1) A suitable study was conducted to investigate
the relationship between students' vocabulary mastery and their reading
comprehension in order to ascertain the degree of vocabulary mastery and reading
comprehension. (2) The results of studies showing a high correlation between the
variables (3) After that, all of the tools used tests for vocabulary and reading
The following are the ways that this research differs from previous studies
in each case: (1) The research sample includes students from various locations. (2)
Cluster random sampling and purposive sampling techniques were utilized in
several earlier research to select the sample. Meanwhile, the English teacher is
asked to provide a sample for this study.
Clarke (2013) lists five variables that have an impact on pupils' reading
comprehension test results: (1) Language abilities; Language abilities can be
broken down into four groups: phonology (word sounds), semantics (word
meaning), grammar (word and sentence structures), and pragmatics (word use)
(the social use of language). (2) Understanding word meanings; Students' ability
to grasp connected text is strongly correlated with their comprehension of word
meanings. (3) Working memory; Working memory is the ability to hold onto
information while being able to respond to other attention-demanding tasks. 4)
Working with material; Effective reading comprehension relies on the reader's
ability to draw conclusions and link unrelated pieces of knowledge. (5)
Environmental influences: Motivation and enjoyment are two important elements
in the development of reading comprehension skills. The motivation of students to
read is influenced by a number of contextual factors, including teaching strategies,
reading at home, and exposure to a variety of literature.

Method and Design of the Research
The correlational research used in this study is a planned quantitative
research technique. In this study, there are two variables used: dependent (Y) and
independent (X). The purpose of this study is to investigate how students'
vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension are related. According to
Creswell, when two variables are connected, have a common variance, or change
simultaneously, a correlation study is used (Creswell, 2013). This design allows
the researcher to study the relationship between multiple factors and identify their
According to Privitera, 2013, as indicated in (Kartikawati, 2018), the
measurement of two or more elements refers to a study that was carried out to
extract variables, whether they were one or even more, without comparison or
reference to other aspects. Quantitative methods emphasize accurate
measurements as well as the statistical, mathematical, or numerical interpretation
of data obtained through surveys, questionnaires, and other methods, or by the use
of analytical approaches to manipulate statistical data that has already been
received. The researcher is described as follows following the title "The
Correlation Between Students' Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading
Comprehension": X: The outcome of the students' vocabulary test. Y: the reading
comprehension test's score.
The subjects of this study are MTs Kebayoran seventh-graders in the
academic year 2021–2022. There are four courses totaling 122 individuals.
Because random cluster sampling is more useful in many populations, the writer
employed it to select the sample. According to the cluster utilized by the author to
collect the sample and give it to the English teacher, this is the 7C class, which
includes 30 students.
Place and Time of the Research
The study is carried out in South Jakarta at MTs Kebayoran. In the second
semester of the school year 2021–2022, study time runs from October 10 to
November 10, 2021.
Research Instruments
To collect the data for this study, such a method was used. It possesses
(Arikunto S., 2014). Teachers frequently provide tests to their students in order to
gauge their abilities or levels of comprehension of the material they are studying.
The test's results can be used to determine how well the teaching and learning
process went. There are two types of tests for reading comprehension and
This test measures the vocabulary mastery and consists of 40 multiple-
choice questions with the following four answers: A, B, C, or D. The criteria from
the standard of evaluation for students' scores were utilized by the writer to assess
the students' grades and degree of vocabulary knowledge. In the following table
(Kementerian Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan, 2017), however, condenses the scores
of the students into four groups:
Table 1
The classification of students' scores of vocabulary mastery
No Interval Criteria
1. 89 – 100 Brilliant
2. 77 – 88 Suitable
3. 64 – 77 Enough
4. <64 Weak

Reading Comprehension Test

The purpose of the reading comprehension test is to evaluate pupils'
comprehension of the reading material. The researcher only had a limited amount
of time to collect data, thus the reading comprehension test consisted of 20 test
items. The questions were chosen from students' books and other appropriate
levels-appropriate sources. The questions asked about a text's theme, primary idea,
supporting information, true or untrue statements, and other elements.

The Technique of Data Analysis

The final phase in the research process is data analysis. The researcher
employed the statistical calculation of Pearson coefficient correlation to analyze
the test-related data. The association between a student's reading comprehension
score and their vocabulary mastery score is determined using the Pearson
coefficient correlation.
Validity testing is a technique that demonstrates the extent of an instrument's
accuracy and precision in carrying out the measurement function. According to
(Sugiyono, 2016), valid instruments refers to measuring tools that were used to
acquire data (measures). Validity refers to the capability of an instrument to
measure what ought to be measured. In other words, a tool is considered valid if it
can accurately display the results of the variables it was designed to measure.
Correlation testing is done using the Product Moment Correlation
Coefficient. Each question item's ordinal score is associated with the item's total
ordinal score when it comes to validity testing. The correlation coefficient must be
positive for the item to be considered valid; otherwise, it will be either eliminated
from the questionnaire or replaced with a declaration of progress. The correlation
value is calculated as follows:

r xy=n ¿¿¿
r = correlation coefficient
n = total sample
ΣX = the item’s final score
ΣY = the sum of the answers
ΣX2 = the overall square item score
ΣY2 = Total score of an item's response multiplied by the item's overall score.

The Reliability of Instrument

One of the most crucial components of a high-quality test is the reliability
test. It has to deal with reliability, reproducibility, or a test taker's performance.
When the same object is measured using the instrument multiple times, the results
will be consistent. Examples of unreliable/inconsistent instruments are rubber
measuring tools (Sugiyono, 2016). On the other side, a test with low reliability
could give the test-taker substantially different results between the two test
administrations. If a test produces erratic results, it is preferable to change the test
to provide a trustworthy test.
To determine the accuracy of the data and make it simple to understand,
the reliability in this study will be determined using Alpha Cronbach's formula
and the SPSS software. The Alpha Cronbach's formula is as follows:
r K ∑ σb 2
11=⌈ ⌉ ⌈ 1− 2

K −1 σ t

𝑟11 = Reliability Instrument
𝑘 = amount of item question
𝛴𝜎𝑏2 = Sum of variant item question
𝜎2𝑡 = Variant Total
The following is the basis for decisions (Sugiyono, 2015):
*If the data's Cronbach's alpha value exceeds 0,6, it is acceptable.
*If the data's Cronbach's alpha value is less than 0,6, it is unreliable.
Using the degree freedom = n-2 (df = n-2) computation with a significant
level of 5% or equivalent to 0.05 is one way to determine a table's critical value.
In order to interpret the coefficient correlation between the two variables, the table
conditions are then applied as follows (Sugiyono, 2016):
Table 2
Interpretation of Coefficient Correlation
Interval Coefficient Correlation Level

0.00 - 0.199 Very Low

0.20 – 0.399 Low

0.40 – 0.599 Moderate

0.60 – 0.799 Strong

0.80 – 1.000 Very Strong


To conduct this study, correlational research was used. Correlational
research looks at one or more of the attributes in a group to see how much they
differ from one another. Understanding the relationships between two or more
variables is the aim of this study.Without attempting to sway them, they are being
studied. The correlation approach is used in correlational investigations to show
the correlations between variables.
Using 20 items for the reading test and 40 things for the vocabulary exam,
the researcher determined the score of "students' reading comprehension (variable
Y) and their vocabulary mastery (variable X)" (the type test is using a mixed test).
The researcher discovered the test results for the pupils after completing the study.
Table 3
The Findings of the Test of Word Formation and Derivation
No. Students Variable Variable X X2 Y Y2 XY
Initial X Y
1. AO 75 70 7 49 -2 4 -14
2. AL 65 85 -3 9 13 169 -39
3. AF 70 80 2 4 8 64 16
4. AH 80 80 12 144 8 64 96
5. AN 80 85 12 144 13 169 156
6. AN 60 85 -8 64 10,5 110,25 -84
7. AAS 85 80 17 289 8 64 136
8. AN 70 50 2 4 -22 484 -44
9. ES 70 60 2 4 -12 144 -24
10. FBI 65 70 -3 9 0,5 0,25 -1,5
11. KFA 75 85 7 49 13 169 91
12. MI 85 75 17 289 5,5 30,25 93,5
13. MNA 40 80 -28 784 8 64 -224
14. MRR 45 75 -23 529 0,5 0,25 -11,5
15. MR 65 65 -3 9 -9,5 90,25 28,5
16. MSGA 45 50 -23 529 -22 484 506
17. MF 75 80 7 49 8 64 56
18. NZ 75 80 7 49 10,5 110,25 73,5
19. NAN 75 70 7 49 -2 4 -14
20. NAF 65 65 -3 9 -9,5 90,25 28,5
21. NJS 70 80 2 4 10,5 110,25 21
22. NPA 70 85 2 4 13 169 26
23. QAFS 75 75 7 49 3 9 21
24. RR 40 45 -28 784 -27 729 756
25. SS 60 60 -8 64 -12 144 96
26. SAF 75 55 -8 64 -17 289 136
27. SN 65 80 7 49 8 64 56
28. TIY 65 60 -3 9 -12 144 36
29. ZMR 85 80 17 289 8 64 136
30. ZA 75 70 7 49 -2 4 -14
TOTAL 2040 2160 4430 4105
MEAN 68 72

The researcher can easily conclude from the table above that practically all
seventh-grade students at Kebayoran in the academic year 2021–2022, who score
higher on vocabulary exams, also score higher on reading comprehension tests.
The fact that a vocabulary score can support a reading comprehension score
suggests that language competence is crucial for reading comprehension. The
researcher draws the conclusion that there is a link between students' vocabulary
proficiency and their reading comprehension of descriptive text in light of the
The researcher calculated the data using a t-test in the SPSS program to
determine the significant difference between students' vocabulary knowledge and
their reading comprehension of Descriptive Text after analyzing the normality and
homogeneity test. The researcher next used SPSS and Pearson Product Moment to
gather empirical data about the relationship between students' vocabulary
competence and their reading comprehension of the descriptive text. The image
below shows the outcomes of the test scores for both factors:
Table 4
Variable_X Variable_
Variable Pearson 1 ,491**
_ Correlation
Sig. (2- ,006
N 30 30
Variable Pearson ,491** 1
_ Correlation
Sig. (2- ,006
Y N 30 30
** At the 0.01 level, correlation is significant (2-tailed).
The sign (2-tailed), according to the preceding table, represents 0,006. The
number 0,006 0,01 indicates that Ho is rejected whereas Ha is accepted, and that
both variables have clearly distinct observation frequencies. The researcher comes
to the conclusion that variable X and variable Y are associated given the
examination of both variables and the correlational result of 0.491.Because the
purpose of the calculation hypothesis test was to address the question posed in the
research question, "Is there any significant correlation between students'
vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension in the descriptive text at
seventh-grade students in MTs Kebayoran?" testing the hypothesis becomes
This is how the conclusion was reached:
Ha: There is a strong correlation between the seventh-grade MTs Kebayoran
students' vocabulary knowledge and their reading comprehension of the
descriptive text.
H0: There is no evidence that seventh-graders in MTs Kebayoran's vocabulary
knowledge and reading comprehension of the descriptive text are related.
Based on the results of the reading and vocabulary tests in Table, the
correlation value is 0,491. It indicates a moderate level of linkage. Based on the
results of the vocabulary and reading comprehension tests, ro = 0,491 > rt = 0,361
at a significance level of 0.05 percent (5 percent) and the Sign, (2-tailed) is 0.01
0.05 may be found. In conclusion, the Sign and the ro > rt. Ha is valid if the (2-
tailed) p-value is less than 0.05. The author can infer a connection between the
pupils' language skills and their ability to understand descriptive content.
Based on the data analysis of the MTs Kebayoran seventh graders, the
researcher can make the straightforward deduction that nearly all of the students
in the seventh grade of MTs Kebayoran academic year 2021/2022 who achieve
higher scores on the vocabulary test also achieve higher scores on reading
comprehension. Vocabulary knowledge is important for reading comprehension,
as evidenced by the possibility that vocabulary scores support reading
comprehension scores.
According to the table 4 above, the sign (2-tailed) displays 0,006. Because
of 0,006 < 0,01 and Ho is dismissed while Ha is accepted due to the fact that both
variables have distinct observation frequencies. The findings of the word-
formation and derivation tests can be used to deduce the sign (2-tailed) is 0.01
0.05 and the ro = 0,491 > rt = 0,361 in the significance level of 0.05 (5%)
respectively. As a result, Ha is approved if ro > rt the sign (2-tailed) 0.05. The
researcher concluded that pupils are related with reading comprehension and
derivation mastery.
The results of the author's study related to those of earlier studies conducted
by Faliyanti (2015) and Lestari et al. (2020), with a r = 0,45 for the former. (X1
and Y). 0,61 (X2 and Y) (X2 and Y). 0,98 (X1, X2, and Y). The hypothesis can be
accepted because ratio has a value of 4,3 and tdaf has a value of 2,04. Lestari et
alinquiry .'s and statistical computations showed that the degree of freedom (df),
rcounted, and rtable had a significance threshold of 0.05 and that there were 26
degrees of freedom (df), 0.399, and 0.388 respectively. By contrasting the two
variables' values, it can be said that rcounted was higher than rtable. The ro =
0,491 > rt = 0,361 in the 0.0 (5%) significant level and the Sign. (2-tailed) is 0.01
0.05, according to the author. In conclusion, ro > rt 0.05 and the Sign. (2-tailed).
The findings of the writer's vocabulary and reading comprehension exam can then
be shown to yield the ro = 0,491 > rt = 0,361 in the significance level of 0.0 (5
percent) and the Sign. (2-tailed) is 0.01 0.05. As a result, Ha is acceptable because
of the ro > rt and the Sign. (2-tailed) 0.05. Thus, it follows that the students'
vocabulary proficiency and their reading comprehension of descriptive texts are
A different researcher from Furqon (2013) looked at the relationship
between students' vocabulary competence and reading comprehension in his
article. Data from 34 second-graders were gathered. To ascertain the students'
level of reading comprehension and vocabulary competency, reading
comprehension and mastery exam questions were presented to the class. To
determine the connection between those elements, the results were contrasted. The
results revealed an important link between students' language abilities and reading
comprehension. The current study came to the conclusion that vocabulary
knowledge affected the students' ability to comprehend the texts. The study, titled
"The Correlation Between Students' Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading
Comprehension at The Seventh-Grade Students of Mts," was further analyzed by
Bahri (2018). 32 seventh-graders made up the sample, which was used. The
students took the examinations for vocabulary mastery and reading
comprehension in order to determine their degree of proficiency in these areas. To
determine the connection between those elements, the results were contrasted.
showed a clear connection between the students' language proficiency and their
understanding of the content. The results of the current study showed that
although prior knowledge and reading habits of students aid reading
comprehension, vocabulary was shown to be more important for text
In conclusion, the research's conclusions were developed using the steps.
Because the research results are consistent with the hypothesis of Ho while
contradicting the hypothesis of Ha, they show that there is a substantial
correlation between students' vocabulary proficiency and their reading
comprehension. The language abilities of students and their reading
comprehension of descriptive literature show clear variations. Based on the
aforementioned factors, the researcher came to the conclusion that reading
comprehension and vocabulary proficiency were significantly correlated,
especially for MTs Kebayoran students.
The author cites the following conclusions from the researcher: First, it is
clear that seventh-grade students at MTs Kebayoran have a 0,491 correlation
between vocabulary and reading comprehension. The analysis in table 2 indicates
that the link is medium. It displayed 0,491 since the range for the insufficient
category was between 0,40 and 0,70. Following that, the results of the reading
comprehension and vocabulary tests can be used to calculate the ro = 0,491 > rt =
0,361 in the significance level of 0.0 (5 percent) and the Sign. (2-tailed) is 0.01
0.05. Finally, the Sign, (2-tailed) 0.05, and the positive ro > rt indicate that Ha is
acceptable. Thus, a student's proficiency in language is correlated with their
capacity to understand descriptive writing.
The researcher makes the following recommendations in light of the
aforementioned finding: (1) Those who are interested in conducting research
related to this study might think about applying the relationship between
vocabulary and students' reading comprehension to a variety of learners at various
levels and across genres to demonstrate the value and thoroughness of their work..
(2) Test the items to conduct a more thorough and reliable evaluation. Last but not
least, the researcher thinks that this work still needs to be verified by other
academics who are working on a relevant topic.

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