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Fascia Tensegrity Strength Exercises


I want to start out by giving all the credit for this training to Coach Chong Xie and his Hyperarc Fascia
Training protocol. It completely changed my perspective on what the human body is capable of, and I
wanted to. I am only going to release exercises which are already public, either from Chong’s YouTube
channel or others. This guide will include some of my knowledge, including some anecdotal tips at the

Lifestyle Factors:

- No food 2-3 hours before bed

- Maintain a bedtime (boosts HGH -> boosts fascia remodeling)
- Ideally asleep before 10PM (Most HGH released between 10PM – 12AM)


1. Elevated Towel Curl:

- Do 2-5 minutes per foot daily
- At the end of towel curls, stay still and close your eyes, and squeeze your feet for 2-5 minutes in

3 x A Week:

1. Hyperarc Hop: 2 sets. (Start with 90 seconds, work up to 5 minutes)

- Hop up and down in place while only using the balls of your feet. It should be like jump rope without a
rope. Try to stiffen your feet as much as possible, while only using the ball of your feet. Try to bounce
off the ground without spending too much time touching the floor. As a beginner this will likely tire your
calf and feet, but as you get more advanced you will feel your glute and core much more activated.

2. Hyperarc Hip Swing: 2 sets each leg, 1-2 minutes.

-Hold a marble in one foot and plant the other foot on the ground. Squeeze the foot on the ground and
harden the toes as you do in the towel curl and the hyperarc hop. The other foot should be grasping the
marble, between your big toe and your second toe, then swing that leg back and forth. The challenge
here is to balance on the leg which is on the ground and maintain the squeeze of that foot. You should
eventually feel your glutes and core engage for the foot on the ground, but to start it will be in the
calves and foot. Also be sure to focus on balance while doing this. At first you will stumble and struggle
to stay on the one foot, but after you get your balance down this is a great exercise.
3. Single Foot Hyperarc Hop: 2 sets each leg (start with 30 seconds, work up to 1-2 minutes eventually)

-Same as the original hyperarc hop but on one foot. Really squeeze the foot and expect to get fatigued

EXTRA VIDEO: Hyperarch Fascia Training Routine That Healed 15 Years of Back Pain - Demo by Coach

-watch this video if you want a good overview of these exercises, though these are different variations.
Feel free to do them as they all help. Do note that the hyperarc hop shown in this video is demonstrated
as jumping side to side. To begin with simply jump in place as I previously mentioned in the guide. Once
you start getting glute activation you can try new variations such as the one in the video. The

4. Upper Body Exercise: Do based on video instructions.

Watch this videos: Do for 2-5 minutes


I recommend starting these exercises only once you have gotten to the point where you can maintain
low adhesions in your lower body and are beginning to feel glute activation on the hyperarc towel curls.
Final Notes:

-This routine should get you started on your journey to a better tensegrity structure. The key here is
building the neurological connection to your fascia and improving your posterior chain (glute
dominance). This in tandem with WBB, Flobility or something that ties respiration into all this and helps
you build diaphragm strength, will speed up your results. I will release diet guidelines and more lifestyle
tips soon, which will also help you speed up this journey.

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