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Journal of Business Research 104 (2019) 338-339 Contents lists available at ScienceDisect Journal of Business Research Journal homepage: Literature review as a research methodology: An overview and guidelines @) Hannah Snyder Iivwegn Schl of sss Myblwen 37, O44 Oa, ery eywet Inepaive review oar Kowledge production within the Geldof business esearch is aceleraing at 2 temendaus speed while a the sme time remaining fragmented nd ntrdscplinary. This makes third to keep up with state of the-art and to be at the forefront of research as well as to ase the collective evidence in particlar area of Dasnes, ‘resarch, This i why the Iteratre review asa research mth ismore relevant than ever. Traditional erate reviews often lick thoraughaess and vigor and are conducted ad hoc, rather than following a specie metho ology Therefore, questions ean be aed about the quality and tstworhinss ofthese types of reviews Ths paper discuss literature review as 2 methoolgy for eondting research and offers an overview of differnt types af reviews, a wells some guideline to how to bth conduct and evaluate literature review pape. tao

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