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Earthquake in San Juan!!

In January at night, my family and I stayed at our house. But the problem started when the
house started to move too much. We were very scared at that moment.

My father and I had been watching TV, my sister Julieta was painting, my other sister Martina
was sleeping and my mom was cooking. My mother got dizzy, she didn't understand why, she
started to feel a very loud movement so she started screaming. We didn't listen to her but my
mom shouted again more loudly. We didn't know what to do or how to move. We were in the
middle of an earthquake!! Very quickly we ran to the door, but we remember that my sister
was sleeping. However, my dad picked up my sister and we went outside the house. The lights
were cut off, we hugged though there was a lot of fear and tension, all my neighbors were
outside of their house.

Al the Final, the light came back, the night was very stressful, we slept together. It was really a
horrible experience I´ll never forget!

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