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1. Explain the protocol belongs to transport layer application layer, network layer In computer networking, protocols are sets of rules that govern how data is transmitted, received, and processed between devices on a network. Each layer in the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model or the TCP/IP model has its own set of protocols that serve specific functions. Here's a brief explanation of some common protocols belonging to the transport layer, application layer, and network layer: Transport Layer: The transport layer is responsible for the end-to-end communication between two devices, ensuring the reliable delivery of data. Two prominent transport layer protocols are: a. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): TCP is a connection-oriented protocol that provides le, ordered, and error-checked delivery of data packets over a network. It establishes a connection between sender and receiver before data transmission and ensures that all rel packets arrive at their destination in the correct order. b. User Datagram Protocol (UDP): UDP is a connectionless protocol that offers a simpler, faster, and less reliable data transmission compared to TCP. It does not establish a ions where speed is more critical than reliability, such as real-time streaming and online gaming. connection before transmitting data, making it suitable for applic: jon layer interacts directly with end-user applications and provides a platform for applications to communicate with each other over a network. There are numerous application layer protocols for various purposes, but here are a few notable examples: a. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): HTTP is the foundation of data communication on the World Wide Web. it enables the transfer of web pages, images, videos, and other resources between web servers and web browsers. b. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP): SMTP is used for sending and relaying email messages between mail servers, making it possible for users to send emails across different domains. ¢. File Transfer Protocol (FTP): FTP allows the transfer of files between a client and a server ‘on anetwork, facilitating the exchange of data between computers. Network Layer: The network layer is responsible for routing data packets between different networks and handling logical addressing. The main protocol associated with the network layer is: a. Internet Protocol (IP): IP is the fundamental protocol of the internet and enables the routing of data packets from the source to the destination. It uses IP addresses to identity devices and networks and is responsible for packet forwarding and fragmentation. These are just a few examples of protocols belonging to each layer. The networking landscape is vast, and there are many more protocols that serve various purposes at different layers of the OSI or TCP/IP model. 2. Explain the Attribute to be used to change the background color of the text in simple format °e To change the background color of text in a simple format, you can use the "style" attribute in HTML or inline CSS. The style attribute allows you to apply styling directly to an HTML, element. To change the background color of text, you should use the "background-color" property within the “style” attribute. Here's how you can do it: HTML Example: eae cores Pest ret ne Seer CRC RUcuea ic Um rca) ens Tae Inthe above example, we have two paragraphs, and we've applied the background color directly to each paragraph using the "style" attribute. The "background-color" property is set to "yellow’ for the first paragraph and ‘lightblue" for the second paragraph. You can use any valid CSS color value like named colors (eg, "red," "blue,” "green"), hexadecimal values (e.g "#110000" for red), RGB values (eg,, “rab(255, 0, 0)" for red), or HSL values (e.g., "hsl(0, 100%, 50%)" for red). You can apply the same concept to other HTML elements like headings, spans, or even the entire body of the document. Just use the “style” attribute and set the "background-color" property to the desired color value. 3. How to set the appearance of the table border using htm! To set the appearance of the table border in HTML, you can use the "border" attribute for the *" element or apply CSS styles using inline CSS or an external CSS file. The "border" attribute is a simple way to add borders to the table, while CSS provides more control and flexibility over the table's appearance. Let's go through both approaches: Using the "border" attribute (HTML): The "border" attribute is a non-standard attribute in HTML, but it is widely supported by web browsers. You can add it directly to the “
* element to specify the border width The value of the "border" attribute represents the thickness of the table border in pixels. tae See Cages ead Secs Pred Plans rood Pores HMBEdE--Ey Poche HMPLdE Ey ised coo Pos nmE STE Ey Pose ey EE ised
Sees aes Inthe above example, we've set the "border" attribute to "1," which means the table will have a border with a thickness of 1 pixel. You can adjust the value to make the border thicker or thinne! 4. Html code to open the target web page To open a target web page using HTML, you can use the “” (anchor) element with the “href” attribute set to the URL of the target page. When a user clicks on the link, it will navigate them to the specified web page. Here's the HTML code for creating a link to open the target web page: html In the above code, replace ""https: //" with the actual URL of the target web page you want to link to. When the user clicks on the link, their web browser will open the target web page in a new tab or the same tab, depending on the browser's settings and set breterences: 'S, Regenerate response Borg ecu RCCL Inthe above code, replace ""https wi example.con"* with the actual URLof the target web page you want to link to. When the user clicks on the link, their web browser will open the target web page in a new tab or the same tab, depending on the browser's settings and user preferences, Please note that the target web page must be accessible and publicly available for the link to work correctly. Ifthe target page is on a different domain or website, make sure there are no cross-origin restrictions that would prevent the link from working. 5. Howwill you define a variable in Javascript? In JavaScript, you can define a variable using the ‘var’, "let", or “const keywords. Each keyword has different scoping rules and use cases. Here's how you can define a variable using each keyword Using ‘vax’ (Legacy): The ‘vax’ keyword was traditionally used to declare variables in JavaScript. Variables declared with “vax” are function-scoped, meaning they are accessible within the function in which they are declared. If a variable is declared outside any function, it becomes a global variable. Using “let * (Block-scoped): The “let* keyword was introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) and is preferred for variable declaration in modern JavaScript. Variables declared with *let* are block-scoped, meaning they are accessible only within the block (enclosed by curly braces *{}") in which they are defined. Pernt Using “const (Block-scoped constant): The “const * keyword is also introduced in ES6 and is used to declare constants. A constant is a variable that cannot be reassigned atter its initial assignment. It is block-scoped, just like variables declared with “let ’. Peers cra It's generally recommended to use “let” for variables that can be reassigned and “const™ for variables that should remain constant throughout their lifecycle. This helps in writing safer and more maintainable code by preventing unintentional variable reassignments. 6. Howwill you access the jQuery Show the answer in simple format To access the jQuery library and use its "show()* method, follow these steps: 1. Include jQuery Library: First, you need to include the jQuery library in your HTML file. You can either download the {Query library and host it locally or use a content delivery network (CDN) to include it directly in your code. Using a CDN is a common and recommended approach, as it reduces the load on your server and benefits from potential caching advantages. Add this script tag in the ‘’ section or just before the closing "" tag of your HTML file: Pereira 1. Use the *show()* Method: ‘Once you have included the jQuery library, you can use the “show()* method to display elements that were previously hidden using the "hide()* method or by setting their CSS display property to "none.” ‘Suppose you have an HTML element with the id "myElement” that you want to show. You can use jQuery to do this as follows: Pts tee tom mSc usecase sccd Peet ce cory een Sc ee eee Cee oe cores eo See sca Tc one Pts Sea prest cd Explain REPL and its usage e the command is used to install the Node/s express module REPL stands for Read-Evaluate-Print Loop. It is an interactive programming environment that allows developers to execute code and see the results instantly. The REPL provides a simple way to experiment with programming constructs, test code snippets, and perform {quick calculations. t's commonly used for learning and prototyping code before integrating it into larger applications. In a REPL environment, the following actions occur in a continuous loop: 1. Read: The REPL reads the input from the user, which can be JavaScript code or expressions. 2. Evaluate: The input is then evaluated and executed as JavaScript code. 3. Print: The result of the evaluation is printed or displayed to the user. 4, Loop: The REPL goes back to the read stage, waiting for the next input. Here's an example of using the Nodes REPL: 1. Openaterminal or command prompt on your computer. 2. Type “node” and press Enter. This will start the Node,js REPL. 3, Now you can start entering JavaScript code or expressions: peers To exit the Node,je REPL, you can press Ctrl+C (or Cmd+C on Mac) twice, or type * .exit™ and press Enter. Now, regarding the command to install the Node js Express module: To install the Express module for Node,js, you can use the Nede Package Manager (npm) in, your terminal or command prompt. Make sure you have Node js installed on your computer before proceeding, Open aterminal or command prompt. Use the following command to install the Express module: cc rearrreres This will download and install the Express module from the npm registry and make it available for use in your Node js applications. After installation, you can start using Express in your Node js code by requiring it with “requize( 'express')”. For example: With Express installed, you can create powerful web applications and APIs using the Express framework in Nodejs. ‘1O.explain about file servi eo File service typically refers to a service or functionality that allows users or applications to interact with files on a computer or a network. It enables various file-related operations, such ‘as reading, writing, deleting, moving, and managing files and directories. File services play a crucial role in modern computing environments, enabling users and applications to store and retrieve data effi tly. There are several types of file services, each catering to different use cases and scenarios: Local File Service: Alocal file service is provided by the operating system and allows applications to interact with files stored on the local file system. It provides a set of system calls and APIS for file ‘operations. Common file operations in a local file service include reading and writing files, creating directories, renaming files, and deleting files. Network File Service: Network file services allow files to be accessed and shared over a network. These services facilitate file sharing and collaboration among multiple users and devices. Examples of network file services include Network File System (NFS) and Server Message Block (SMB) protocols used in systems like Windows file sharing. Cloud Storage Services: Cloud storage services offer file storage and management on the cloud. Users can upload, download, and manage files through web interfaces or APIS. Examples of cloud storage services include Amazon $3, Google Cloud Storage, Microsoft Azure Blob Storage, and Dropbox. 4, File Transfer Service: File transfer services enable users to transfer files between systems or devices securely. Protocols like FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) are commonly used for transferring files over networks. 5. Distributed File Systems: Distributed file systems provide a unified view of files stored across multiple servers or nodes. They offer fault tolerance, scalability, and load balancing to manage large-scale data across a distributed network. Examples include Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and GlusterFS. 6. File Sync and Backup Services: File sync and backup services automatically synchronize files across multiple devices and create backups to prevent data loss. Popular examples include Dropbox, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive. File services are essential components of modern computing environments, enabling data storage, retrieval, sharing, and collaboration. They form the backbone of various applications, ranging from simple file management utilities to large-scale cloud-based storage systems. The availability and efficiency of file services significantly impact user experience and data management in both personal and enterprise settings. write short notes on (i) Web browser (ii) web server (iii) Protocol 4) client/server () Web Browser: Aweb browsers a software application that allows users to access and view content on the World Wide Web (internet). It acts as an interface between users and web pages, interpreting HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web technologies to display websites in a user-friendly format. Some popular web browsers include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, and Opera. Web browsers provide features like bookmarking, tabbed browsing, extensions, and private browsing modes. They also support multimedia elements such as images, videos, and interactive content. (i) Web Server: Aweb serveris a software application or a computer system that stores, processes, and ‘serves web pages and other resources to clients over the internet. When a user requests a ‘web page through their web browser, the browser sends a request to the web server. The web server processes the request, retrieves the requested content (e.g., HTML, images, CSS, JavaScript), and sends it back to the user's web browser. Web servers use HTTP (Hypertext ‘Transfer Protocol) to communicate with web clients. Popular web server software includes Apache HTTP Server, Nginx, Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), and LiteSpeed. A protocol refers to a set of rules and conventions that govern how data is transmitted, received, and processed between devices on a network. Protocols enable smooth and. standardized communication between different systems, ensuring that data is exchanged accurately and efficiently. In the context of the internet, the most commonly used protocol is HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), which allows web browsers to request and receive web Pages from web servers. Other important internet protocols include TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) for reliable data transmission, IP (Internet Protocol) for routing data packets across networks, and DNS (Domain Name System) for translating domain names into IP addresses. Client/Server: Client/server is a computing model in which applications or systems are divided into two main components: the client and the server. The client is the user-facing part of the application that runs on the user's device, such as a web browser, mobile app, or desktop, application. it sends requests to the server and processes the responses received from the server. The server, on the other hand, is responsible for processing client requests, performing business logic, and managing data. Servers host the core functionality of the application and store and manage databases and resources. They respond to client requests with the annennriate data ar artiane 12, Explain the Network topology with their types. Network topology refers to the physical or logical arrangement of devices and connections ina computer network. It defines how devices, such as computers, servers, switches, and routers, are interconnected and communicate with each other. There are several types of network topologies, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The common types of network topologies are: |. Bus Topology: Ina bus topology, all devices are connected toa single central cable called the bus.” The bus serves as a shared communication medium, and data is transmitted in both directions along the cable. However, only one device can transmit data at a time, which can cause colli well for small networks but become less efficient as the network grows larger. ns and affect network performance. Bus topologies are simple to set up and work Star Topology: Ina star topology, all devices are connected to a central network device, typically a switch or hub. Each device has its dedicated connection to the central device, creating a point-to- point link. Data is transmitted through the central device, ensuring that there are no collisions between devices. Star topologies provide better performance and fault tolerance \¢e the failure of one device does not affect the entire network. However, the reliance on the central deviee makes the network vulnerable to its failure 3. Ring Topology: Ina ring topology, devices are connected in a closed loop, where each device is connected to exactly two other devices, forming a continuous ring. Data is transmitted in one direction along the ring until it reaches the intended recipient. Ring topologies offer simple implementation and equal access to the network, but the failure of a single device or connection can disrupt the entire network. 4. Mesh Topology: Ina mesh topology, each device is connected to every other device in the network through point-to-point links. This creates multiple paths for data transmi ion, providing redundancy and fault tolerance. Mesh topologies can be either full mesh (every device connected to all others) or partial mesh (only some devices have direct connections to others). While mesh topologies offer robustness, they require a large number of connections and are more complex to set up and maintain. 5. Tree (Hierarchical) Topology: Atree topology combines multiple star topologies into a hierarchical structure. It has a central root node that connects to several other nodes, each forming a separate star network. Tree topologies are commonly used in large networks where hierarchical organization is essential. The hierarchical structure simplifies network management and allows for efficient expansion, but the dependence on the root node makes the network vulnerable to its failure. 6. Hybrid Topology: A hybrid topology is a combination of two or more different network topologies. For ‘example, a network might use a combination of star and bus topologies or a mix of star and mesh topologies. Hybrid topologies are useful for addressing specific network requirements and combining the benefits of different topologies. ‘18.rite the code to design table in HTML with your own example Alfreds Futterkiste Eo CY eee ey Deraee sty Pe ustcR a cr A basic HTML table ‘Company Contact Country lAliieds Furterkiste Vatia Anders jemmany (Centro comeroial Mostezuma IFraneiseo Chang [Mexico 14. explain the different types of list used in html In HTML, there are three main types of lists that you can use to organize and display information: ordered lists ("
    "), unordered lists ("

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