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Comparative politics

The defined territory.

Types of government.
Composition of the institutions formal institutions legislature , executive and judicial. They are
mandated by the constitution of the state to improve the welfare of the people. In the olden days
it only focused on the formal institutions. Informal institutions ;They help the formal institutions in
running the state(political parties, churches , civil society organizations, media)
Cultures in the countries.
The economics of the country.

We can use some term in comparative analysis

(State sovereignty nation presidential system of government legitimacy)

Political phenomenon
Political institutions( legislatives, political parties etc)
Political behavior (indicators)
Attitude towards voting ,political discussion demonstrations


Democracy autocracy aristocracy etc
Some scholars made some contributions to comparative politics.
These scholars saw some form of injustice
Machiavelli sought to compare and evaluate the merits of different forms of rule
Thomas hobbies developed the idea of social contract
Karl Marx developed the theory of economic and political development and revolutionary change

However in the 1950 comparative politics was mostly normative and descriptive or dominated by
traditional approach. It was focusing on the formal institutions

Other scholars attacked the traditional approach Roy Macridis

Reason are
It only centered on the formal institutions
It should shift from descriptive to proper analysis
It was Eurocentric (it was only based on Britain France German and the Soviet Union )

The early 1970 the realize that the way the do the comparative analysis was too scientific (to
Then they introduced behaviorism where the system of doing comparative analysis becomes
Add country from developing world as case study

Modern approach of doing comparative analysis

Focus on the proper subjects matter

It focuses on the formal institutions
They can add the informal institutions.

The need for scientific approach to theory and methods

They see the traditional approach as too unclear. So there is the need for scholars doing the
Should focus on complex theory (evolutionary of state empirical test)
They should blend the two to help in comparative analysis.

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