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» SINK OR FLOAT ~. POSITIVE BUOYANCY - an object will rise 2. NEUTRAL BUOYANCY - an object will remain level ina fluid ~«. NEGATIVE BUOYANCY- an object will sink PLIMSOLL LINES. ~«. These lines or numbers show a safe floating level when a ship is fully loaded HYDROMETER ~«. An instrument that measures the density of objects ~. Will float at different levels according to the density of the fluid dos BUOYANT FORCES ber _c. If the buoyant force is LARGER than the gravitational force, the object FLOATS Ex. A helium balloon in air, a boat on water _s. Tf the buoyant force is SMALLER than the gravitational force, the object SINKS Ex. An anchor in water, humans in air _«. If the buoyant force is EQUAL to the gravitational force, the object will HOVER Ex. A fish or human in water, a dust particle in air THIS ALSO APPLIES TO OBJ ECTS IN AIR! REMEMBER THAT AIR IS ALSO A FLUID!

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