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PERIOPERATIVE NURSING PERIOPERATIVE NURSING — used to describe the nursing care provided in the total surgical experience of the patient: a. preoperative b. intraoperative c. postoperative. Preoperative Phase = sesxtends rom th from the time the client is admitted in the surgical unit, to the time he/she is prepared for the surgical procedure, until he is transported into the operating room. Intraoperative Phase extends from the time the client is admitted to the OR, to the time of administration of anesthesia, surgical procedure is done, until he/she is transported to the RR/PACU. Postoperative Phase ——_= extends from the time the client is admitted to the recovery room, to the time he is transported back into the surgical unit, discharged from the hospital, until the follow-up care. 4 Major Types of Pathologic Process Requiring Surgical Intervention (OPET) ©Qbstruction — impairment to the flow of vital fluids (blood,urine,CSF, bile) Perforation — rupture of an organ. ©Exosion — wearing off of a surface or membrane. Tumors — abnormal new growths. Identify the type of pathologic process requiring surgery Hydrocephalus Obstruction Burn Erosion Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia tunor Cholelithiasis Obstucton Intussusception Obstruction Ruptured Aneurysm Perforation Classification of Surgical Procedure According to PURPOS! Diagnostic — to establish the presence of a disease condition. (eg biopsy) Exploratory ~ to determine the extent of disease condition (e.g Ex-Lap ) Curative — to treat the disease condition. * Ablative ~ removal of an organ “ectomy” * Constructive — repair of congenitally defective organ “plasty,oorhaphy.pexy” * Reconstructive — repair of damage organ © Palliative —to relieve distressing sign and symptoms, not necessarily to cure the disease. Identify the type of surgery according to purpose: Pap Smear Diagnostic Tonsilectomy Curative - Abatve Nephrocapsulectomy —“urative -Ablative Osteoplasty Curative - Constuctve Perineorthaphy Curative - Reconstructive Trachelorthaphy Curative - Constructive ‘Skin Grafting Curative - Reconstructive mmc tena cx eet cig sam eer [tant = pat [Wake ous] eater se re ‘nie obar ia ep ‘According to DEGREE OF RISK @ Major Surgery - High risk / Greater Risk for Infection - Extensive ~ Prolonged = Large amount of blood loss Vital organ may be handled or removed Minor Surgery = Generally not prolonged + Leads to few serious complication Involves less risk ‘Ambulatory Surgery! Same-day Surgery / Outpatient ‘Surgery Advantages: = Reduces length of hospital stay and cuts costs = Reduces stress for the patient = Less incidence of hospital aequired infeetion Less time lost from work by the patient; minimal

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