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s6 GIAO DYC VADAO TAO KY THI CHON HQC SINH GIOI THPT CAP TIN! VINH LONG NAM HQC 2022 - 2023 Khéa thi ngay 08 thang 01 nam 2023 pe CHOU TU ‘M6n thi: THENG ANH Gidm thj s6 1: Gidm thj s6 2: fame (Kj va ghi r0 ho va ten) Sd phic ‘SBthien Ho va tén thi sinh: . 6 bao danh: ‘Nam / nit: Naay sinh: Noi sinh Hoe sinh trong: ..... “= Thi sinh lam bai true tiép trén dé thi. rhi sinh khong duoc ky tén hay ding bat ctt ky hiéu gi dé dénh dau bai thi, ~ Bai thi dueoc viét ra rang bang mt loai biit, mot thit myc; khéng duge viét bang myc dé , biit chi hogic hai thie myc. = Phan viét hing phai dimng thueée gach bo, khong duege tdy x6a, ké ct ding biit x6a. a SO GIAO DYC VA pAO TAO KY THI CHQN HQC SINH GIOI THPT cAp TINH VINH LONG NAM HQC 2022 ~ 2023 ——= Khéa thi ngay 08 thang 01 nim 2023 DE CHINH THUC Mon thi: TIENG ANH 7 ‘Thai gian: 180 phiit (kh6ng ké thoi gian giao dé) (Dé thi gdm cé 11 trang) cancer eeneanel {Chi ky Chit ky Tong diém Tong diém (7 sépndce Giam khio 1 Gio khao 2 (Bing s6) (Bing cht) | LJ aaa i 5 Diém timg phan: Hicéng dn thi Nghe hiéu: 1 gee Ml. Vv. Céng: © Thi sinh cé 3 phit dé nghién citu cdc cdu héi. © Bai nghe gém 3 phan, phan I dugc nghe MOT. Ian, phan 2 va 3 nghe HAI lén. © Bat ddu méi phan déu cé thong bdo (bang tiéng Anh) © Bat dau va két thiic phan thi nghe la doan nhac. I. LISTENING (5 points) Part 1: Questions 1-10 You are going to hear two separate recordings about the use of plastics. You will listen to the recordings ONCE. Questions 1 to 5. Listen and complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. 1. According to the speaker, the three factors contributing to the success of plastics today are safety, and 2 and other food products are wrapped in plastics to protect them from contamination. 3. The use of plastics in major appliances ensures that they will corrosion. 4, Experts have calculated that a kilo of plastic packaging can lead to a reduction of in wasted food. 5. Plastic parts have made air conditioners as much as more efficient since the 1970s. Chon HSG THPT cép tinh (2022-2023) - Trang 1/11 Questions 6-10, Listen and complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. ‘A history of the plastic bag i 1957; Introduction of (6) | 1966: Around one third of packaging in (7) consists of plastic bags 1969; ‘New York City Experiment’: 8) collected in plastic bags 0 7 Plastic grocery bags first manufactured commercially 2002; New Irish tax of (10) per carrier bag Part 2: Questions 11-19. You will hear part of a lecture by a neurologist on headaches. For questions 11-19, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. You will listen to the recording TWICE. Headaches can be so severe that they are often (11) for the sufferers. ‘© Tension headaches, particularly in women, are often the result of (12) or + Cluster headaches are characterized by a severe (13) pain behind the eye. ‘* Itis believed that cluster headaches result from (14) _ of choline. © Research has shown that (15) make up the greater number of migraine sufferers. + The speaker says that a majority of her patients are (16) painkillers. It has been proven that (17) of headaches result from the medication that is supposed to cure them. © Some types of headaches could be avoided depending on their (18) © The speaker advises sufferers to consider (19) forms of treatment before taking painkillers. Part 3: Questions 20-25 ‘You will hear an interview with Mike Byatt, a portrait painter, and his subject, actress Emily Curran For questions 20-25, listen to the interview and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear.You will listen fo the recording TWICE. 20. Mike painted the portrait in Emily’s home because ‘A. he wanted to include her things in the portrait. B. he wanted her to pose as naturally as possible. Che believed it would help him understand her personality. D. he prefers his subjects to choose the background. 21. How did Emily feel at the beginning of the process? ‘A. unsure how she would pose C. excited to be achieving a dream B. uncomfortable with so much attention D. impatient about the time it would take 22. According to Mike, the main reason why people have their portrait painted is that ‘A. portraits are more revealing than photos. C. portraits indicate a person’s importance. B. portraits are more decorative than photos. _D.. portraits stay with the family for many years. Chon HSG THPT cép tinh (2022-2023) - Trang 2/11 23. Why does Mike prefer painting portraits with the sitter in front of him? ‘A. He can discuss the portrait with the sitter. B. He can observe the sitter’s moods and personality. C. He can achieve a more exact image. D. He enjoys the sitter’s company. 24, What surprised Emily about the experience? ‘A. She had to concentrate. C. She found it easy to stay still. B. She sometimes annoyed the artist. D. She was unhappy when it ended. 25. Mike says the personality of the person he paints ‘A. is revealed in a successful portrait. C. is exaggerated in the final result. B. is mixed with the artist’s own ina portrait. _D. is interpreted by the portrait’s viewers. Write your answers here: 20. 21. 2. 123. 24. 25. IL LEXICO AND GRAMMAR (4 points) Part 1: Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each of the following questions and write your answers (A, B, C, D) in the corresponding numbered boxes. Question 1. Until I read the article, it had never my mind that I could start my own business, A. crossed B. followed C. bom D. perceived Question 2. Cellphones have changed the way we communicate with others. ‘A. dreadfully B. genuinely C. fundamentally colloquially Question 3. Energy from the wind and the waves can be used to electricity. A. filter B. generate C. tamper D. compile Question 4. Books for young children are often beautifully in bright colors. A. indicated B. captured C. illustrated D. focused ‘Question 5. Janine is taking an advanced course to her prospects of promotion. ‘A. motivate B. simmer C-ingest D. enhance Question 6. “There is no further treatment we can give,” said Dr Jekyll. “We must let the disease take its a A. course B. end C. term D. way Question 7. The soldiers walked cautiously through the _ deserted streets. A. obvious B. apparently C. probably D. hopefully Question 8. I don’t think that this fashion will . (A. catch on B. catch up catch out D. catch over Question 9. Goods can not be dispatched payment details have been confirmed. ‘A. while B. by the time C. until D. no sooner Question 10. I'd love to have lived in the old days, when people to market by horse and carriage. ‘A. would travel B. have been travelling C. got used to travelling D. bad been travelling Question 11, a scholarship, I entered the frightening and unknown territory of private education, A. To award B. Having awarded C. To be awarded D. Having been awarded Question 12. The campaign was a huge success — the response better. ‘A. wouldn’t be C. didn’t have to be B. couldn’t have been D, mustn't have been Question 13. thousands of undiscovered planets in space. ‘A. There is said that there are C. It is said there to be B, There are said to be D. Itis said to be Question 14. Of the 600 questioned in the survey, were in favor of the new law. ‘A. over half B. the half ©. just half of D. this half Chon HSG THPT cap tinh (2022-2023) - Trang 3/11 Question 15, Beneath the streets of a modem city of walls, columns, cables, pipes, and tunnels required to satisfy the needs of its inhabitants. A. the existing network C. where exists B. exists the network D. the network’s existence Write your answers here 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. aI 8. 9. 10. 1. 12. 13. | 14, | 15. | Part 2: For questions 16-20, write the correct form of each bracketed word in the given space. 16. A new product needs to be tested before it can go on sale. (EXTEND) 17. My father’s attitude to women and work is totally __. (MODE) 18. The documentary gave us a fascinating into the life of a professional dancer. (SEE) 19. A fruit salad is much more ____ than chocolate mousse, (NUTRIENT) 20. The road is far too narrow at points, but there are plans to it. (WIDTH) IIL. READING (4 points) Part 1: For questions I- 8, read the text below and decide which answer best fits each gap. Stunt woman for a day Lara Croft, the heroine in Tomb Raider, flies through the air and performs a range of impressive movements. Somehow, Hollywood star Angelina Jolie, who plays Lara Croft, (1) it look easy. She did most of the stunts herself, quite a rare (2) nowadays. I wanted to try something like that too, so was thrilled to hear about a new stunt school where anyone could (3) a go. Full of excitement, I made my (4) to the Real Action Stunt Academy. Inside it looked like a (8) between a children’s playground and a work of modem art. Training began with a trampoline session designed to help me (6) how to fall safely, Then I had to jump off a high platform and grab a trapeze bar in mid-air. I felt (7) stiff. The sight of a safety net helped me (8) the worst of my fears, however, and by the end of the day I had even leamed how to fall downstairs safely. I know I'll never be Lara Croft, though. Question 1. A. gets B. finds C. causes D. makes ‘Question 2, A. matter B. phenomenon _C. incident D. appearance Question 3. A. try B. give C.have D. take Question 4. A. track B. path C. route D. way Question 5. A. blend B. stew C. cross D. combination Question 6, A. figure out B. run down C. shape up D. follow through Question 7. A. frightened B. scared C. terrified D. afraid Question 8. A. overstep B. overrule C. overcome D. overload Write your answers here 1 2 3 4 5 6 | 7 8 Chon HSG THPT cép tinh (2022-2023) - Trang 4/11 a ee ESS SSE EEE Part 2: For questions 9-16, Read the passage below and answer the questions. WRITE the correct answers (A, B, C or D) in the numbered boxes. ‘There is a strange paradox to the success of the Asian education model. On the one hand, class sizes are huge by Western standards with between 30 and 40 students per class, in countries like Japan and Korea. On the other hand, school children in developed Asian economies rank among the highest in the world for academic achievement in the areas of science and mathematics, especially on standardized tests. Meanwhile, British secondary school students fail to shine in conditions most educational researchers would say are far more likely to help them succeed. Why do Asian students seem to perform so well then? Is it their legendary discipline? Certainly, classroom management seems to be easier in places like Korea, and perhaps lessons are more effective as a direct consequence. After all, we are only too aware of the decline in discipline standards in our own schools: belligerent and disrespectful students appear to be the norm these days. Teachers in Britain seem powerless to control what happens anymore. Surely this situation cannot create a very effective learning environment, so perhaps the number of students is far less relevant than is the manner in which they conduct themselves. But there are other factors to consider, too. Korean students spend a lot more time with their teachers. It seems logical to suggest, therefore, that they might form stronger bonds and greater trust, and that Korean teachers, in understanding their pupils better, might be able to offer them a more effective learning programme. Of course, trust and understanding leads to greater respect as well, so Korean students are probably ess likely to ignore their teachers’ advice. Then there is the home environment. The traditional family unit still remains relatively intact in Korea, Few children come from broken homes, so there is a sense of security, safety and trust both at home and at school. In Britain meanwhile, one in every two marriages fails and divorce rates are sky-high. Pethaps children struggle to cope with unstable family conditions and their only way to express their frustration is by misbehaving at school. Maybe all this delinquent behaviour we are complaining about is just a cry for help and a plea for attention. But while the Japanese, Korean and Asian models generally do seem to produce excellent results, the statistics don’t tell the whole truth, Asian students tend to put their education before literally everything else. They do very few extracurricular activities and devote far more time to their studies than their British peers. And this begs the question: is all that extra effort justified for a few extra percentage points in some meaningless international student performance survey? So Asian students are on average 3-5% better at maths than Britons ~ a big deal! What is their quality of life like? Remember, school days are supposed to be the best, are they not? ‘There has been a lot of attention and praise given to these Asian models and their “impressive” statistics of late, And without question, some of this praise is justified, but it seems to be a case of two ‘extremes in operation here. At one end, there is the discipline and unbelievably hard work ethic of the ‘Asian students success in education before all else. At the other end, British students at times appear careless and extremely undisciplined by comparison, but at least they do have the free time to enjoy their youth and explore their interests. Is either system better outright? Or is it perhaps about time we stopped comparing and started trying to combine the best bits of both, so that we can finally offer our students a balanced, worthwhile education? We are not just dealing with statistics; never forget that very statistic is a little human being somewhere who desperately needs our help and guidance — who deserves it. Question 9, The word “They” in paragraph 5 refers to ‘A. British students C. Asian students B. Japanese students D. Korean students Question 10. British secondary school students ‘A. have larger class sizes CC. enjoy better classroom conditions B. fail at school more than they succeed D. do better on standardized tests Chon HSG THPT cép tinh (2022-2023) - Trang 5/11 Question 11. What are the ‘“fwo extremes” mentioned in the last paragraph? ‘A. good discipline and a hard work ethic C. success and failure B. carelessness and indiscipline D. neglecting school and neglecting free time Question 12. What can be implied from the writer’s opinion of the two educational systems discussed? ‘A. The British system is too strict. C. The Asian system is obviously better. B. Both systems are quite satisfactory D. Neither system is perfect. Question 13. What does the writer mean when he says there is a “paradox” in the Asian education model? A. Asian students outperform their peers in other countries. B. There are too many students in each class. C. Class sizes in Asia are much smaller in other parts of the world. D. Larger classes are expected to lead to poorer results but they do not. Question 14, The traditional family unit . ‘A. is bad for children that come from broken hom« B. is more common in Korean than in Britain C. is unstable in Korean due to conditions in the home D. is disappearing in Korean due to high divorce rates Question 15, What does the writer suggest might make lessons in Korean schools more successful than in Britain? A. stricter classroom discipline C. better school Boards of Management B, more effective lesson planning D. better teachers Question 16. According to the writer, Asian students ‘A. don’t have as good a work ethic as British ones B. make a big deal of their good results C. don’t allow themselves much time to relax and have fun D. focus too much on recreational activities Write your answers here 9 [a0 il 2 i 3 [44 15 16 _] Part 3: Questions 17-32 are based on the reading passage below. Environmental enemy No.1 The cost of coal IS ECONOMIC GROWTH bad for the environment? It is certainly fashionable in some quarters to argue that trade and capitalism are choking the planet to death. Yet there is little evidence to back up such alarmism. On the contrary, there is reason to believe not only that growth can be compatible with environmentalism, but that it often bolsters it. This is not, however, to say that there are not any environmental problems to worry about. In particular, the unhealthy and inefficient way in which we use energy is the biggest source of environmental fouling. That is why it makes sense to start a slow shift away from today’s filthy use of fossil fuels towards a cleaner, low-carbon future. There are three reasons for calling for such an energy revolution. First, a switch to cleaner energy would make tackling other green concerns a lot easier. That is because dealing with many of these energy concerns, e.g. treating chemical waste, recycling aluminium or burning rubbish is an energy-intensive task. ‘The second reason is that burning fossil fuels is having a massive effect on climate change. The most sensible way for governments to tackle this problem is to send a powerful signal that the world must move towards a low-carbon future, That would spur all sorts of innovations in clean energy. ‘Chon HSG THPT cép tinh (2022-2023) - Trang 6/11 The third reason is the most pressing of all: human health. In poor countries, where inefficient power stations, sooty coal boilers and bad ventilation are the norm, air pollution is one of the leading but preventable causes of death. It affects some of the rich world too: from Athens to Beijing, multitudes are affected by the inhalation of fine carbon particles released by the combustion of fossil fuels Dethroning King Coal ‘The dream of cleaner energy will never be realized as long as the balance tips toward dirty technology. For a start, governments must stop subsidies and exemptions that actually encourage the consumption of fossil fuels. Some of these subsidies, such as cash given to the coal industry, are blatantly foolhardy. Others are less obvious, but no less damaging. There are currently coal plants using technology over 30 years old, yet they are exempt from the legislation which aims to reduce the harmful emissions they produce. Far from trying to close these plants down, in some cases certain measures have been announced giving these production facilities a new lease of life, This blame can be laid at the door of rich and poor countries alike; many developing countries subsidize electricity heavily in the name of helping poor people, but rich farmers and urban elites guzzle the largest share of cheap, fossil power. ‘A second recommendation is for the rich world to help poorer countries switch to cleaner energy. The Intemational Energy Agency has estimated that there are 1.6 billion people in the world who are unable to use modern energy. They often walk many miles to fetch wood, of collect cow dung to use as fuel. As the poor world grows richer in coming decades, and builds thousands of power plants, many of these people will get electricity. However, many of these plants will burn coal in a dirty way. The rich world must be ready to pay for the poor to change to low-carbon energy. This should not be regarded as charity, but rather as a form of insurance against global warming. The final and most crucial step is to start pricing energy properly. At the moment, the harm done to human health and the environment from buming fossil fuels is not reflected in the price of non- renewable fuels in most countries. There is no perfect way to do this, but one good idea is for governments to impose a tax based on carbon emissions. Such a tax could be introduced gradually, with the revenues raised retumed as reductions in, say, labor tax. That would make absolutely cleat that the time has come to stop burning dirty fuels such as coal. The dawning of the age of hydrogen None of these changes kill off coal altogether. Rather, they would provide a much-needed boost to the development of low-carbon technologies. Naturally, renewable energy such as solar and wind power will get a boost. But so too would “sequestration”, an innovative way of using fossil fuels without releasing carbon into the air. This is important for two reasons. For a start, there is so much cheap coal, distributed all over the world, that poor countries are bound to burn it. The second reason is that sequestration offers a fine stepping-stone to squeaky clean hydrogen energy. Once the energy trapped in coal is unleashed and its carbon sequestered, energy-laden hydrogen can be used directly in fuel cells. These nifty inventions can power a laptop, car or home without any harmful emissions at all. It will take time to get to this hydrogen age, but there are promising signs. Within a few years, nearly every big car manufacturer plans to have fuel-cell cars on the road. Power plants using this technology are already trickling on to the market. Most big oil companies have active hydrogen and carbon- sequestration efforts under way. Even some green groups opposed to all fossil fuel burning say they are willing to accept sequestration as a bridge to a renewable-based hydrogen future. But best of all, this approach offers even staunchest defenders of coal a realistic long-term plan for tackling climate change. Question 17-23: Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in the passage? Write ‘your answers in the numbered boxes. Answer YES if the statement agrees with the views of the writer NO ifthe statement contradicts the views of the writer NOT GIVEN fit is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this Chon HSG THPT cap tinh (2022-2023) - Trang 7/11 17, Deaths resulting from carbon-based air pollution occur mainly in the developing world. 18, Developed countries are mainly to blame for promoting the coal industry. 19, The world’s energy requirements are set to increase dramatically in the future. 20. Switching to non-carbon fuels will have the added benefits of stimulating economic growth in poorer countries. 21. Developed countries have a moral responsibility to help developing countries change to low- carbon energy. 22. A tax on carbon emissions could be used to fund the building of cleaner power plants. 23. The technology behind sequestration was first developed by major oil production companies. Write your answers here i7 i as) 20 21 2 23 | i Questions 24-28 Complete the sentences below with words taken from the reading passage. Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS to each answer. 24, The burning of carbon-based releases carbon into the air. 25. Polluted air is one of the world’s major 26. Governments should on carbon emissions in order to price energy sensibly. 27. Rather than halting the burning of coal altogether, __ would be given a new impetus such as renewables and sequestration. 28, Vehicles manufacturers intend to produce in the near future. Questions 29-32 Complete each sentence with the correct ending A-H from the box below. Write your answers (A-H) in the given spaces after the questions. 29. Government cash subsidies given to the coal industry 30. The poor world continuing to get richer 31. A sensible government energy pricing policy 32. The process of sequestration ‘A produces clean power from buming fossil fuels. encourages an improvement in environmental conditions. causes health problems in the developing world. is essential for the reprocessing of waste materials. promote the buming of carbon fuels means more and more dirty energy will be generated in the future mOsm oa ew has led to an increase in the use of renewable energy ‘would send out a message that dirty energy production must be stopped. Chon HSG THPT cdp tinh (2022-2023) - Trang 8/11 Part 4: Read the text and think of the word which best fits each space (33-40),Use only ONE word in each space. Although many people who have sleeping (33) either chronic or occasional, automatically reach for the sleeping tablets when they see a difficult night ahead of them, there are a number of so-called “folk” remedies which are not only cheaper but also much safer in the long (34) . Most people have tried (35) a hot drink such as milk or one of a number of herbal infusions before going to bed, but there are other, less well-known (36) which can help you on your way to a restful night’s sleep. One unusual but (37) __ technique involves, not warmth as you might expect, but cold. Before going to bed, run very cold water for several minutes over your forearms and legs from the knee (38) then dry yourself quickly and hop into bed. You will find yourself feeling totally relaxed and drowsy. Another unusual method has to do with cating or, to be more precise, chewing. Take a large apple, wash it and eat it slowly, taking particular care to chew the peel thoroughly, Chewing is not only relaxing in itself, but the peel of the apple (39) a natural substance which promotes relaxation. Mediation, stretching, walking and even (40) sheep are also effective methods for many people. Write your answers here 33 34 35 _ 36 _ 37 38 39 40 IV. WRITING (5 points) Part 1: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given. 1. When people tell my sister that she looks like me, she doesn’t like it. My sister that she looks like me. (told) 2, Judging from her notes, Sharon wasn’t concentrating very hard on the lesson. Sharon on the lesson as her notes are incomplete. (can’t) 3. “Do I have to book a place in advance?” Jane asked me. Jane wanted to book a place in advance. (necessary) 4. The yacht race was cancelled due to strong winds. It the yacht race was cancelled. (because) 5. The car door accidentally shut on Lucy’s fingers. Lucy in the car door. (got) Chon HSG THPT cép tinh (2022-2023) - Trang 9/11 Seeteeeeees ee SESUCURS ESE ST OURO SS OUSUOS OSS S CIES ESO ST eee OSS e eee eee Part 2. The graph below shows female unemployment rates in each country of the United Kingdom in 2013 and 2014, Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 5 | —~reiate unemployment rates ih the & countries of the UK 7 England Write at least 150 words. ‘Chon HSG THPT cp tinh (2022-2023) - Trang 10/11 Part 3: Write an essay about 250 words on the following topic. In the past, knowledge was contained in books. Nowadays, knowledge is uploaded to the internet. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Give reasons for your answer and include any examples from your own knowledge or experience. (You may continue your writing on the back page if you need more space) --HET— ‘Chon HSG THPT cép tinh (2022-2023) - Trang 11/11 $0 GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO KY THI CHON HQC SINH GIOI THPT CAP Ti VINH LONG NAM HOC 2022 - 2023 Khéa thi nghy 08 thang 01 nim 2023 HUONG DAN CHAM MON TIENG ANH TONG DIEM: 18 agg I. LISTENING : (0.2 x 25 =5 points) Part I: 1. performance and value 6. the sandwich bag 2. Meat 7. the bread industry 3. resist 8. garbage/trash 4.3.74 ke 9.1973 5.50% 10. 15 cents Part 2: 11. (extremely) debilitating 16. overusing 12. stress, bad posture 17. 70% 13. one-sided 18. causes 14, a shortage 19. alternative 15. professionals Part 3: _ (0.8 2. A [22.€ 23.C [24.4 25.D II, LEXICO AND GRAMMAR . ++ (0.2.x 20 = 4 points) Part 1: T TT | Aj2|c{[3|Bi4)cls|pji6),A}17/B [sla 9.\ c |10| a |u| p12] B [13] B |i] A | 15.1 B Part 2: 16. EXTENSIVELY 17, OUTMODED 18, INSIGHT 19. NUTRITIOUS 20. WIDEN HDC_HSG THPT_Trang 1 of 3 (0.1.x 40 = 4 points) Part 1: 1/D[2z2[B/]3[cl4[D{[s[c{[é6[AlT7][Bi]8ic Part 2: ic) Cc 10 B iL D 12 D [ei33| eee De (04) BLAS B wl C Part 3: 17. Yes 18, No 19. Yes 20, Not given 21.No 22. No 23. Not given 24. fuels 25. causes of death 26. impose a tax 27, low-carbon technologies 28, fuel-cell cars 29.E 30.F 31.H 32.4 Part 4: 33. problems 37. effective/helpful 34, run 38. down 35, having/taking 39. contains 36. methods 40. counting IV. WRITING (5 points) Part 1: (0.2.x 5=1 point) 1. My sister DOESN'T LIKE BEING TOLD. that she looks like me. 2. Sharon__CAN’T HAVE BEEN CONCENTRATING___ on the lesson as her notes are incomplete. 3, Jane wanted__ TO KNOW IF IT WAS NECESSARY. to book a place in advance. 4.1t WAS BECAUSE OF STRONG WINDS THAT. the yacht race was cancelled. 5. Lucy GOT HER FINGERS SHUT/CAUGHT____ in the car door. HDC_HSG THPT Trang 2 of 3 Part 2: sssesesen(2 points) ik achievement .. E (0.5) (e.g. requirement of the task, overview of main trends, differences or stages, purpose, highlights key features/bullet points) - Coherence and cohesion... (0.5) (e.g, logically organizes information and ideas, progression, cohesive devices) - Lexical resource (0.5) (c.g. range of vocabulary, word choice, spelling, lexical items) = Grammatical range and accuracy... (0.5) (eg. range of structures, simple and complex structures, error free sentences) Part 3: sssessesess sse(2 points) (0.5) (eg. addresses parts of the task, position, main ideas, supporting ideas, conclusion drawn) - Task response... Coherence and cohesion. (0.5) (€.g. logically organizes information and ideas, progression, cohesive devices, central topic within each paragraph, referencing, paragraphing) - Lexical resource . (0.5) (e.g, range of vocabulary, word choice, spelling, uncommon lexical items, awareness of style and collocation) - Grammatical range and accuracy... (0.5) (e.g. range of structures, simple and complex structures, error free sentences) —-HET-~ HDC_HSG THPT Trang 3 of 3

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