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[Client/Company Name]

[Course Name] - Design Document

Topic: Description:
Business Purpose What is the problem that needs to be solved, or the goal to be
achieved for the client?

Business Problem # -

Needs Assessment/Proposed Solutions -

Learning Objectives Specific, Measurable, Clear - guides the designer and the
learner through the module.

At the end of this course, learners will be able to…

Assessment How will learners perform and demonstrate the desired actions
set out in the learning objectives.

Target Audience I. Demographic Information:

General Learner Profile:

Primary Knowledge Gaps:

Age / Gender Range:

Education Level:
Previous job experience/Background:
Cultural considerations:
Motivation levels (Intrinsic and Extrinsic):
Technology Considerations:

II. Learning Environment:

On-site, remote, or hybrid:

Available technology and tools:
Potential distractions or barriers to learning:

VI. Organizational Analysis:

Company culture and values:

Issue with current instructional practices:

Legal requirements or constraints:

Health and safety considerations:
Any other unique requirements or challenges specific to the
organization or its industry:
Training Time

Deliverables Design Document (this document)

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