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BEGINNERS’ LESSON By Lynda Sayce f h s ‘Prelude’ from Le Roy's Brief Instruction (1568) £. 85 no. 48 inthe Lute Sociery’s 70 Easy to Intermediate Pieces This innocuous-looking little piece has some surprisingly awk- comers. Because the piece is in two-part counterpoint ‘out, itis essential to project this clearly. I have put in ‘The first really awkward corner occurs at the end of bar 5, where the closeness of the two voices, together with the shift to fourth position, may cause some players to stumble. My sug: gested left-hand fingering uses the index finger as an anchor during bar 6, and the third finger as an anchor during bar 7. 1 suggest leaving the index finger down for all of bar 6, using : Escaneado con CamScanner

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