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Fabricio: Hi guys, How are they?

Bruno: Im angry

Ubaldo: why? Whats wrong?

Bruno: Leonardo always arrive late to the school

Cardenas : Yes, Leonardo always late and interrupts the classt

Fabricio : Well, Leonardo live far from the school

Ubaldo: that not is excuse, Leonardo should put his alarm more early

Leonardo: hi Friends, what happening?

Cardenas : Bruno is angry because you always arrive late at the school

Leonardo : Seriously? Bruno sorry, you know i live far from home to the school

Bruno: I use to arrive late to the school, but now im putting my alarm more early

Ubaldo : In my case, i use to play video games all night, but now i play the weekends

Cardenas : In the past, i use to watch tv in the nights and i woke up late, but, now i dont
watch tv

Fabricio : l always arrive early to the school, because i put my alarm at the six O

Cardenas: In my opinión nobody is perfect

Ubaldo: better, we search a solution to these problema

Bruno: Leonardo; better you put your alarm more early

Leonardo: Well, i go to put my alarm at the six o clock for tomorrow

Fabricio : That is perfect, well, see we tomorrow

Ubaldo: see we tomorrow guys


Ubaldo : Hello guys, where is Leonardo? Its eight o clock is very late

Bruno : Leonardo is coming late to the school of sure, Leonard is a irresponsible

Fabricio: Hi guys, Leonardo? Where is he?

Cardenas: secure there is traffic on the road

Leonardo: Hi guys, sorry for arrived late, there was trafic near my house

Bruno: mmm…seriously? For you house don’t there is much trafic

Leonardo: oh, ok, my alarm did not sound

Ubaldo: Serious? Your alarm have good sound

Leonardo: ok ok, I was in the park, I was playing with my friends

Cardenas: Leonardo, please, the puntuality not is a game

Fabricio: Leonardo, listen, if you don’t arrived early to the school, you have bad
grades. The puntuality is important for everyone, for a work, for the school, for all,
please Leonardo, tomorrow come early, ok?

Leonardo: ok, tomorrow I arrive early, sorry for arrive late today

Ubaldo: ok, no problem, together we can be better

Fabricio: YESSS, well, we talk in the break

Cardenas: ok, bye

Bruno: Bye

Leonardo: Bye

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