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Mineralogical and geochemical study of element mobility at the sulfide-rich

Excelsior waste rock dump from the polymetallic Zn-Pb-(Ag-Bi-Cu) deposit,
Cerro de Pasco, Peru

Article  in  Journal of Geochemical Exploration · February 2007

DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2006.08.001


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5 authors, including:

Jochen Smuda Bernhard Dold

FloSolutions Peru H2 SPHERE


Kurt Friese
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung


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Journal of Geochemical Exploration 92 (2007) 97 – 110

Mineralogical and geochemical study of element mobility at the

sulfide-rich Excelsior waste rock dump from the polymetallic
Zn–Pb–(Ag–Bi–Cu) deposit, Cerro de Pasco, Peru
Jochen Smuda a,d,⁎, Bernhard Dold a,1 , Kurt Friese b,2 ,
Peter Morgenstern c,3 , Walter Glaesser d,4
Centre d'Analyse Minérale, Anthropole, University of Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
UFZ-Umweltforschungszentrum, Department Lake Research, Brueckstr. 3a, D-39114 Magdeburg, Germany
UFZ-Umweltforschungszentrum, Department Chemical Analytic, Permoserstraβe 15, D-04303 Leipzig, Germany
University of Leipzig, Institute of Geophysics and Geology, Talstr. 35, D-04211 Leipzig, Germany
Accepted 8 August 2006
Available online 2 October 2006


We present a mineralogical and geochemical study of the sulfide-rich waste rock dump Excelsior (size: 94 ha) originating from the
Cerro de Pasco mine (altitude: 4300 m a.s.l.), Central Andes, Peru. The aims of this study were: to characterise (1) the secondary
mineral assemblage and (2) the acid mine drainage (AMD) from this waste rock dump. (3) This information was used to create a model
of the element transport in and out of the waste rock dump under the highly variable mountain climate with high precipitation during
the wet season and high evaporation during the dry season. The main ore minerals found in the polymetallic Pb–Zn–(Ag–Bi–Cu)
deposit are pyrite, sphalerite, galena and enargite with minor finds of tennantite, covellite and cerrusite. Gangue was dominantly
quartz ± hematite ± siderite ± muscovite. The waste rocks had a high potential of acid generation with low neutralization potential
(estimated N 60 wt.% pyrite, b 5 wt.% calcite/dolomite) with an already acidic environment (average paste – pH 2.8). Gypsum,
different types of jarosite and a variety of Fe-sulfates (e.g. melanterite (Fe(SO4)·7H2O) and rozenite (Fe(SO4)·4H2O)) were the
dominant secondary minerals. Less frequent secondary minerals were: Fe(III)-hydroxides (schwertmannite (Fe16O16(OH)12(SO4)2),
fibroferrite (Fe(SO4)(OH)·5H2O)), and Mg-, Mn- and Zn-sulfates (e.g. starkeyite (Mg(SO4)·4H2O), mallardite (Mn(SO4)·7H2O),
goslarite (Zn(SO4)·7H2O), respectively).
For the primary mineral assemblage, X-ray fluorescence analyses displayed average concentrations of the heavy metals: Cu 0.1
wt.%, Zn 1.1 wt.%, Pb 1.2 wt.% and Cd 40 mg/kg and of the metalloid As 0.15 wt.%. In secondary minerals an average enrichment
of Cu: 0.8 wt.%, Zn: 2.9 wt.%, As: 0.27 wt.% and Cd: 71 mg/kg was observed. Effects of rain events on the waste rocks were simulated
by water-leach tests of (1) solid samples from the top, representing waste rocks leached by infiltrating rainwater and (2) solid samples
around the base, representing waste rocks affected by outcropping AMD generated in the waste rock dump. The leachates showed
stored acidity (pH 1.2–5.6 of the leachates) and high solubility of secondary minerals (average electrical conductivity: 9.7 mS/cm and
average concentrations for Fe: 928 mg/L, Zn: 315 mg/L, Cu: 7.5 mg/L, As: 4.1 mg/L, Cd: 1.59 mg/L, and Pb: 0.31 mg/L). The AMD

⁎ Corresponding author. Centre d'Analyse Minérale, Anthropole, University of Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland. Fax: +41 21 692 4315.
E-mail addresses: (J. Smuda), (B. Dold), (K. Friese), (P. Morgenstern), (W. Glaesser).
Tel./fax: +41 21 692 4324.
Tel./fax: +49 391 8109 150.
Tel./fax: +49 341 235 2625.
Tel./fax: +49 341 973 2809.

0375-6742/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
98 J. Smuda et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 92 (2007) 97–110

output at springs at the base of the waste rock dump is chemically similar to the leachates (acidic pH (2.78–5.10), oxidizing Eh (319–
684 mV)), but higher charged with maximum concentrations for Fe: 5640 mg/L, Zn: 3000 mg/L, Cu: 161 mg/L, As: 8.0 mg/L, Cd:
6.6 mg/L, and with higher electrical conductivity (19–26 mS/cm).
The data suggest that AMD formation is strongly controlled by the local climate. During the dry winter season, high evaporation of
outcropping pore solutions and subsequently precipitation of efflorescent salts resulted in a heavy metal-enrichment at the base of the
Excelsior waste rock dump. During the wet summer season, rain events caused the dissolution of most efflorescent salts, removed the
enrichment at the base and resulted in a washout of acid solutions rich in Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd, As and S.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Acid mine drainage; Waste rock dump; Climate; Efflorescent salts; Heavy metal-sulfates; Leach test

1. Introduction loaded solutions. In this study, we focused on differ-

ences between solid samples and leachates from sam-
Sulfidic mine waste dumps are an important source of ples from the upper terraces of the waste rock dump and
metal contamination in the mining environment. While from samples from its base. The geochemical and min-
acid mine drainage (AMD) in mine tailings has been eralogical differences between these samples were used
studied extensively (e.g. Jambor, 1994; Dold and to evaluate water pathways and effects of the climate on
Fontboté, 2001), there are still few works on the subject element transport and fixation. Geochemical data from
of AMD formation in sulphidic waste rock dumps. the outcropping AMD displayed the subsequent transport
Sracek et al., 2004, studied AMD and secondary min- of elements out of the waste rock dump system.
erals from a waste rock dump with a low pyrite content.
They pointed out that physical and geochemical pro- 2. Description of the studied waste rock dump
cesses within a waste rock dump are interconnected and
depend strongly on climate, waste rock texture and sta- The open pit and underground mine of Cerro de
bility. Recently, the importance of climate for the AMD Pasco (Volcan Corporation S.A.A.) is located in the
generation due to formation and dissolution of water- Sierra Central of Peru at an altitude of 4300 m above sea
soluble secondary minerals at mining sites has been terrace (Fig. 1A). Since the 16th century, Cu and Ag
recognised. Gierè et al. (2003) studied the role of have been exploited from the Cerro de Pasco ore body. In
secondary mineralogy in the control of the migration of 1963, the exploitation moved to Pb–Zn–Ag. The studied
heavy metals and As at a relatively small sulfide-rich Excelsior waste rock dump operated from 1943 until
waste rock dump in Russia. Beside a characterisation of 2000 initially as a dump for rocks with non-economic
the secondary mineral assemblage of sulfidic waste Cu – and later for non-economic Zn and Pb concentra-
dumps, their analyses of climatic influences on the sec- tions. The waste rock dump is located in the SW of the
ondary minerals suggested that AMD output is strongly mine in the bottom of a valley and occupies an area of
controlled by rain events. Frau (2000) reported that 94 ha, containing 26,400,000 m3 of broken rocks. It
highly water-soluble secondary melanterite from pyrite partly overlies the downstream Quiulacocha tailings
alteration can store acidity and heavy metals during dry impoundment (ca. 60 ha covered, 114 ha not covered).
seasons which are then released due to the dissolution of The bedrock of the deposition zone consists of Devonian
this mineral during wet seasons. We studied a sulfide-rich phyllites and shales with low hydraulic conductivity.
waste rock dump at the elevated plain of the Central
Andes of Peru to characterise these secondary minerals, 2.1. Ore and regional geology
their water-solubility and the element outflow from this
waste rock dump under the high precipitation–high evap- The polymetallic Zn–Pb–(Ag–Bi–Cu) Cerro de
oration mountain climate. Pasco deposit represents an economically vital poly-
Water-leach tests are useful to simulate rain events metallic source with an estimated total amount of
and evaluate the solubility of secondary minerals and 100 Mt at about 7 wt.% Zn, 2 wt.% Pb and 3 oz/t Ag
the element/acid liberation. Hammarstrom et al. (2005) (Baumgartner et al., 2003). Hydrothermal solutions
showed with this type of leach tests that efflorescent associated with volcanic activity formed as the first
salts from different mining waste locations in the eastern stage of sulfide deposition an extensive replacement
US dissolve easily in water, producing acidic, metal- body of quartz–pyrite in Triassic–Jurassic limestone/
J. Smuda et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 92 (2007) 97–110 99

Fig. 1. (A) Location and geological setting of the Cerro de Pasco mine area, Peru. (B) Topographical map of the Excelsior waste rock dump with the
sampling points.

dolomite which represents 90 vol.% of the entire ore 2.2. Mining and deposition processes
body (Einaudi, 1977). At the contact zone between the
host rock and the quartz–pyrite body, carbonates of the The waste rocks deposited at the Excelsior waste
host rock formation were altered to ankerite and siderite. rock dump had an average size of 10 cm and are up to
Tertiary volcanic rocks (quartz monzonite/tuff) which 2.5 m in diameter; the fraction of grains smaller than
partially overlaid the host rock formation were altered in 2 mm were estimated as about 10 vol.%. The waste rock
contact with this quartz–pyrite body to muscovite– impoundment consisted of three terraces constructed by
quartz–pyrite. The second stage of sulfide deposition the downpour of fractured rocks at the slopes of the
formed the main Zn–Pb ore in the form of pipes with different terraces with an uncontrolled mixing of
dominantly sphalerite–galena and minor tennantite, different rock types. As result, cross-bedding of the
marmantite and chalcopyrite. Veins rich in enargite, waste rocks and a gradation of rocks with big boulders at
luzonite, galena and minor tennantite represent a third the base and fine grain material at the top were observed
stage of sulfide deposition. The final hydrothermal (Fig. 2A). The deposition commenced in the northern
activity resulted in local leaching and formation of a part with waste rocks from the Cu-ore and advanced
mineral assemblage of pyrite–hematite–realgar associ- with the later deposition of waste rocks from the Zn–Pb
ated with a high Ag-mineralization. The oxidation of the ore successively to the south and from the 1st terrace to
top of the sulfide body formed a gossan which contains the 3rd terrace, respectively. The northern part and lower
quartz and hematite/goetite as major phases (Petersen, terraces were therefore exposed to alteration for a longer
1965). period than the southern parts and the top terrace. The
100 J. Smuda et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 92 (2007) 97–110

Fig. 2. Schematic cross-section of the Excelsior waste rock dump: (A) structure; (B) main water pathways.

surfaces of the terraces were mainly floored with a 10 to The hydrological system of the Excelsior waste rock
30 cm thick cover of rugged pyrite-rich waste rocks to dump received water mainly from rain. Two water path-
prevent heavy mine equipment from getting stuck. The ways were observed in the waste dump (Fig. 2B): (1)
maximum height of the dump is 55 m; the slope Surface run-off at the waste dump slopes after rain
inclination is mainly between 33° and 36°. events; and (2) water infiltration into the dump. In the
waste rock dump, the main direction of water infiltration
2.3. Climate and hydrology was suggested to be vertical. At different positions of the
waste rock dump, base material was removed which
Based on data from the local meteorological stations formed overhangs. It was observed that the precipitation
(Cerro de Pasco and Upamayo), the climate at Excelsior of efflorescent salts at these outcrops was favoured at
waste rock dump is characterised by an average precip- discrete cross-bedding layers (Fig. 3). This observation
itation of 1025 mm/year (mainly in the summer period), suggested a certain influence on the water infiltration by
an average evaporation of 988 mm/year and an average the cross-bedding. A broad spring zone existed at the
annual temperature of 4.2 °C. south-western limit of the Excelsior waste rock dump

Fig. 3. Outcrop at the south-western base of the Excelsior waste rock dump (sampling point CPE-30, Fig. 1B) with efflorescent salts (melanterite; ES
sample) and oxidizing primary rocks (pyrite, volcanic rocks; AR sample). The preferential formation of ES stalactites at grain-size boundaries
suggested the control of solution flow by the cross-bedding in the waste rock dump.
J. Smuda et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 92 (2007) 97–110 101

(water sampling points CPE-W1-3, Fig. 1B). These sample was taken according to MEND (1991) with a
water outcrops were explained by the difference of WTW® pH meter. Samples were air-dried (b 35 °C) and
hydraulic permeability between the coarse waste rock homogenised by crushing/grounding with an agate mill.
dump material (high water permeability, not water Humid ES samples were sealed in PET-sampling bottles
saturated) and the underlying sandy/silty tailings mate- directly on-site to prevent the alteration of minerals.
rial (low water permeability, water saturated). Similar to
an aquitard, the underlying tailings impoundment 3.2. Geochemical methods
seemed to retard infiltration through its fine material.
This led to a horizontal water transport with spring-like 3.2.1. X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
outcrops at the southern base of the dump. The AMD For trace element analysis of solids, aliquots (4 g) of
from the springs was channelled and conducted to a 78 samples were dried at 105 °C, ground with an agate
lagoon on the southern part of the Quiulacocha tailings ball mill (Retsch®), mixed with Hoechst® wax, pressed
impoundment. to pellets and analysed using energy-dispersive X-ray
fluorescence (EDXRF). The measurements were per-
3. Methods formed with the XRF-spectrometer XLAB 2000®
(SPECTRO® Instruments) running the software pack-
3.1. Sampling and field methods age X-LAB Pro 2.2. The calibration of the spectrometer
was based on certified and measured data of about
The field campaign was carried out during the dry 50 reference materials including iron-rich soils, river
season 2003 (May to July). Water and solid sampling and lake sediments and geological materials. In cases in
was undertaken focussing on the element output of the which the analysed samples were strongly enriched with
waste rock dump. A total of 68 mineral and rock heavy metals (e.g. Fe, Cu, Zn and Pb), the sample
samples at 53 sampling points and 4 water samples at material was diluted with SiO2 powder (Riedel-de-
4 sampling points were taken from the surface of the Haen®) to adjust the metal concentration to within the
Excelsior waste rock dump (Fig. 1B). The mainly ver- working ranges of the available calibration.
tical water pathway suggested an element transport from For major element analysis, a further part of the
the top to the base. Therefore, solid samples were clas- sample powder was diluted with (Li2B4O7) (1 g sample +
sified as: (1) altered rock samples from the surface of the 7 g (Li2B4O7)) to prepare glass discs produced by fusion.
top terraces (altered primary minerals with a lower The measurements were performed using the wave-
amount of mainly in situ-formed secondary mineral), length dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) spec-
termed “AR top” samples in this study; (2) altered rock trometer S4 Pioneer® (Bruker-axs®), equipped with a
samples from the base of the Excelsior waste rock 4 kW Rhodium X-ray tube. The spectrometer was
dump, termed “AR base” samples (Fig. 3); (3) precip- operated in vacuum conditions and the 34 mm collimator
itated secondary mineral samples (efflorescent salts) mask was utilised in conjunction with the analysing
from the surface of the top terraces, termed “ES top” crystals OVO55, Ge, LIF100 and LIF110. The calibra-
samples and (4) precipitated secondary mineral samples tions of the WDXRF spectrometer for the major
(efflorescent salts) from the base, termed “ES base” elements were adjusted by certified reference materials,
samples (Fig. 3, centre). CANMET-LKSD1-LKSD4 (lake sediments), CAN-
MET-STSD1-STSD4 and GBW07309-11 (stream sedi-
3.1.1. Water sampling ments), NIST-SRM2689 and NIST-SRM2691 (coal fly
At water sampling points, temperature, pH (WTW® ashes) using the software package SPECTRAplus®.
pH meter), Eh (WTW® Eh meter) and electrical conduc-
tivity were measured immediately on-site. The samples 3.2.2. Leach tests and water analysis
were filtered through a 0.2 μm cellulose membrane filter The German standard method DIN38414 (1984) was
and split into two sub-samples. One was acidified to used to analyse the solubility of waste rock minerals in
pH b 2 with HNO3 for cation analysis. The second un- water. The chemical properties of the leachates and the
treated sample was stored b 4 °C for anion analysis. water-soluble fraction from solid samples from the
upper terraces and the base of the Excelsior waste rock
3.1.2. Solid sampling dump were compared to analyse enrichment and fixa-
Solid sampling points were described in the field by tion of elements.
rock type, alteration degree and, if possible, a description From the base of Excelsior waste rock dump, 9 AR
and identification of mineral content. The paste pH of the samples with similar distances between the sampling
102 J. Smuda et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 92 (2007) 97–110

points were chosen. From the top of the Excelsior waste The milled samples were treated in the first step with
rock dump, 10 AR samples were chosen. From each distilled water for 1 h and in the second step in darkness
sample, pre-dried (b 35 °C) and milled aliquots of 10 g with 0.2 M ammonium oxalate at pH 3, for 15 min (after
were mixed with 100 ml of deionised water (pH 7, Eh of Dold, 2003). Scans were done before and after each
0.45 V, not buffered) and shaken for 24 h at 100 rpm. treatment step. Scans from the ammonium oxalate-
The leachates were filtered through 0.2 μm cellulose– treated samples were intensity-corrected and then sub-
nitrate filters. The conductivity and pH of the leachates tracted from the scans of the water-treated samples. The
were measured immediately. The leached solid samples leachates from the sequential extraction were filtered
were dried (b35 °C) and weighed to calculate the per- (0.2 μm) and analysed for element concentrations as
centage of soluble phases. described in Leach tests and water analysis (3.2.2).
Major elements of leachates and water samples from
the Excelsior waste rock dump were analysed using ion 4. Results
chromatography (Dionex® DX-120). Trace elements
were analysed using ICP–MS (Hewlett-Packard® 4500, 4.1. Mineralogy
Institute F.-A. Forel, University of Geneva, Switzerland)
and ICP–AES (Spectro® Spectroflame® P/M, UFZ At the Excelsior waste rock dump, three different
Umweltforschungszentrum, Leipzig, Germany). Leach types of waste rocks were found (Table 1): (1) sulfide-
tests for 9 ES samples (5 samples from the upper terrace, rich rocks from the quartz–pyrite ore body and its Fe
4 samples from the base of the Excelsior waste rock (III)-oxide-rich oxidation products near the surface, (2)
dump) were performed to confirm the high water-solu- sericitised monzonites/tuff and (3) dolomitic rocks from
bility of pure efflorescent salt samples (water soluble the host rock formation. These rocks were characterised
fraction between 89.2 and 94.4 wt.%). Due to their high by their different contents of acid-producing/acid-con-
water-solubility, XRF data of ES samples were used suming minerals and their different degree of alteration.
instead of leach test data for the above mentioned anal-
ysis of element enrichment and fixation. 4.1.1. Quartz–pyrite rocks
The main waste rock at the Excelsior waste rock
3.3. Mineralogical methods dump belonged to the quartz–pyrite body. Quartz and
pyrite as major phases dominated the mineral
3.3.1. Optical microscopy
Polished sections and polished thin sections of selec-
ted bulk samples were prepared using epoxy resin to Table 1
embed the loose-packed samples and analysed using AMD-relevant characteristics of rock types at the Excelsior waste rock
transmitted light and reflected light microscopy.
Rock type Quartz–pyrite Volcanic Carbonatic
rocks rocks rocks
3.3.2. X-ray diffraction analysis
All samples were analysed as bulk samples with the Volume share 70–80% 15–20% ca. 5%
AMD-neutral Quartz, Quartz, Quartz
aid of X-ray diffraction (XRD), using a Siemens
primary minerals hematite muscovite
D5000® diffractometer equipped with monochromated Acid-producing Pyrite Pyrite Not present
CuKα (λ = 1.54056 Å) X-radiation. Conserved humid primary minerals
ES samples were grounded with an agate mortar and Alteration degree Low (b10%) Very high High
analysed immediately to prevent the alteration of min- (estimated in field) (N90%) (N50%)
Acid-consuming Not present Albite Dolomite
erals, e.g. by the loss of crystal water. Scan settings were
primary minerals
0.05° 2θ step size and 2 s counting time per step. Peak Liberated elements Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, S Fe, S Ca, Mg
interpretation was performed using the program suite (major fraction)
DIFFRAC AT®. Liberated elements Pb, As, Cd K, Ca
(minor fraction)
Secondary minerals Gypsum, Hydronium Gypsum, Mg
3.3.3. Differential X-ray diffraction analyses
jarosite, jarosite, sulfates
The poorly crystalline Fe(III) hydroxide schwertman- plumbojarosite, jarosite,
nite was detected in a two-step sequential extraction hydronium kaolinite,
procedure and differential X-ray diffraction (DXRD) as jarosite, metal Fe sulfates,
described by Dold (2003). The diffractometer settings sulfates, Fe(III) Fe(III)
hydroxides hydroxides
were 0.05° 2θ step size and 20 s counting time per step.
J. Smuda et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 92 (2007) 97–110 103

assemblage in AR samples. The ore minerals sphalerite, 4.1.3. Carbonatic host rocks
tennantite, cerussite, galena and coronadite were iden- Less than 5 wt.% of the waste rocks belonged to the
tified as minor and trace phases and anglesite as a host rock formation and contained quartz, dolomite and
primary and possibly secondary trace mineral in the siderite as major mineral phases. While dolomite can
Excelsior waste rock dump. A different alteration neutralize protons, siderite may additionally produce
intensity of small pyrite grains (up to 2 mm) was protons through the hydrolysis of liberated Fe(III),
observed in thin sections. Intact, idiomorphic pyrite which can oxidize pyrite. This fact reduces the neutral-
crystals were found in close proximity to strongly altered ization capacity of this type of carbonatic waste rocks.
pyrite. Pyrite grains greater than 2 mm showed alteration At the surface of the Excelsior waste rock dump,
rims of varying thickness (up to 1.5 mm) consisting of dolomite was still present at some sites. This suggested
microcrystalline Fe(III) hydroxides. Massive pyrite that rain infiltrated rapidly into the Excelsior waste rock
rocks in the field showed superficial alteration with dump and that acid solution could not migrate
alteration rims of less than 1 mm. Due to the observed horizontally on the surface. Inside the Excelsior waste
oxidation grades, a long-term AMD potential by the rock dump, carbonates were assumed to be mostly
pyrite content must be assumed. A minor fraction of dissolved due to acid pore water. The generally low
waste rocks from the quartz–pyrite body belonged to proportion of carbonatic rocks on the waste rock as-
the oxidized top of the quartz–pyrite body in situ at semblage and the mix of acid-consuming and acid-
the deposit. Rocks from this gossan contain quartz and producing carbonates in this rock type indicated that the
hematite/goetite as major phases. Excelsior waste rock dump has an extremely low acid
neutralization capacity. This led to an acidic environ-
4.1.2. Volcanic rocks ment with an average paste pH of 2.8. The pH depended
Volcanic rocks (quartz monzonite/tuff) in contact strongly on the presence of dolomite; values varied
with the ore body could originally contain up to 15 vol.% between pH 0.8 and 4.7 for waste rock areas without
pyrite in disseminated distribution due to the sericitic dolomite (48 sampling points) and between pH 5.1 and
alteration during the sulfide deposition (personal com- 7.3 for areas with dolomite (6 sampling points).
munication, Volcan geologists). This contributed a fur-
ther important quantity of pyrite to the system in 4.1.4. Low soluble secondary minerals
addition to the pyrite from the ore body. Pyrite crystals Solid solutions of secondary hydronium jarosite
in volcanic rocks are small in size (b 1 mm), the rock ((H3O)Fe3(SO4)2(OH)6) and K-jarosite (KFe3(SO4)2
matrix has a high porosity. At the Excelsior waste (OH)6) were observed in most AR samples. The X-ray
rock dump volcanic rocks were observed to be already patterns of solid solutions of alkali jarosites as pointed
strongly altered. Boulders of volcanic rocks of up to out by Dutrizac and Jambor (2000) are very similar to
1 m in diameter had already completely decomposed the X-ray pattern of hydronium jarosite ((H3O)Fe(SO4)2
into white, loose material with grain sizes of several (OH)6). However, the small amounts of feldspars and
mm and a strongly acidic paste pH (1.31–2.58, n = 6). other alkali-bearing minerals in the Excelsior waste rock
Microscopic and XRD studies showed that the main dump resulted in a low availability, especially of Na, and
primary mineral fractions of these rocks were quartz were likely to favour the formation of hydronium
(∼20 vol.%) and altered relicts of albite (NaAlSi3O8) jarosite instead of the thermodynamically more
(∼ 5 vol.%). Agglomerates of secondary minerals (mi- favoured solid solution of alkali jarosites. The XRD
crocrystalline Fe(III) hydroxides, muscovite, kaolinite identification of hydronium jarosite also in samples with
and gypsum) made up the major fraction (N 70 vol.%). Na concentrations below detection limit supported this
From the original pyrite content, only relicts remained, interpretation. In samples rich in Pb, the XRD inter-
contributing less than 1 vol.% of the total volcanic pretations suggested the presence of solid solutions
rock mineral assemblage. These observations pointed to between jarosite, hydronium jarosite and plumbojarosite
the interpretation that due to the small crystal size and (PbFe6(SO4)4(OH)12), possibly associated with beudan-
the high rock porosity, pyrite in the volcanic rocks tite (PbFe3(AsO4)(SO4)(OH)6).
oxidized much faster than massive pyrite from the Goethite as a minor phase was found in samples with
quartz–pyrite body. This resulted locally in strongly the typical altered rock–mineral association pyrite–
acidic environment where volcanic rocks were depos- (hydronium/plumbo–) jarosite–gypsum.
ited. AMD from these areas was suggested to accelerate Some AR samples were collected at superficial water
the further alteration of other waste rocks in the waste pathways. These samples were characterised by small
rock dump. grain sizes (b 1 mm), quartz as the major primary
104 J. Smuda et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 92 (2007) 97–110

Table 2 marginal intergrowth with microcrystalline Fe(III)

Major secondary Fe-, Mg-, Zn- and Pb-sulfates of the Excelsior waste hydroxides, and (2) very small idiomorphic crystals at
rock dump
the boundary to submicroscopical size, possibly result-
Fe-sulfates Mg-sulfates Zn-sulfates Pb- ing from fresh precipitation from pore water and/or as
result of precipitation during the drying process after
Melanterite Epsomite Goslarite Anglesite sampling.
(FeSO4·7H2O) (MgSO4·7H2O) (ZnSO4·7H2O) (PbSO4)
Siderolite Starkeyite Gunningite
(FeSO4·5H2O) (MgSO4·4H2O) (ZnSO4·2H2O) 4.2. Geochemical results
Fibroferrit (Fe(SO4) Kieserite Changoite
(OH)·5H2O) (MgSO4·H2O) (Na2Zn 4.2.1. Solid sample analyses
Rozenite Major elements. Si, Fe and S from the quartz–
Szomolnokite pyrite body dominated the element composition of
(FeSO4·H2O) the AR samples average concentrations (Table 3) with
Romerite (Fe3 average concentrations of 28.2 ± 10.5 wt.% SiO2 in AR
(SO4)4·14H2O) top samples/32.5 ± 15.0 wt.% SiO2 in AR base sam-
Copiapite (FeFe4
ples, 27.0 ± 9.5 wt.% Fe2O3 in AR top samples/22.4 ±
12.1 wt.% Fe2O3 in AR base samples, 7.44 ± 2.81 wt.% S
in AR top samples/6.83 ± 4.48 wt.% S in AR base sam-
mineral fraction and a high content of secondary Fe(III) ples. The volcanic rocks also contribute to these elements.
hydroxides (up to 60 vol.%). Fe(III) hydroxides Fe and S are the major elements in the ES samples
appeared as light yellow to dark brownish agglomerates. (average concentrations: 21.5 ± 5.9 wt.% Fe2O3 in top
A clear identification for these samples by XRD was not samples/18.8 ± 12.4 wt.% Fe2O3 in base samples, 12.0 ±
possible. One sample from the top of the waste rock 1.3 wt.% S in top samples/11.4 ± 2.6 wt.% S in base
dump (CPE-61(AR), Fig. 1B) and one from the base of samples). Fe and S concentrations were slightly higher
the waste rock dump (CPE-32(AR)), both with a high in top samples than in base samples, while Si concentra-
content of ‘poorly crystalline Fe(III) hydroxides’, were tions showed an opposite trend. These trends resulted
selected for DXRD analyses. In both samples, schwert- probably from the flooring of the top terraces with pyrite-
mannite (Fe16O16(OH)12(SO4)2) was identified as main rich rocks. Aluminium in AR samples had its origin
secondary Fe-mineral. mainly in muscovite from altered volcanic rocks. A sig-
nificant Al concentration in ES samples is only found in
4.1.5. Water-soluble secondary minerals impure samples with high primary mineral content. This
Gypsum, Mg-sulfates and heavy metal sulfates were
the major phases in ES samples. This mineral group Table 3
represented the water-soluble efflorescent salts precipi- XRF data from AR and ES samples from the upper terraces (top) and
tated from oversaturated pore solutions. The most from the base (base) of the Excelsior waste rock dump: average
frequent metal sulfates (Table 2) were Fe-sulfates concentrations ± standard deviation of selected major and trace
(melanterite, rozenite, less frequently romerite, sidero-
lite, copiapite, szomolnokite and fibroferrite) followed Element AR (top) AR (base) ES (top) ES (base)
(n = 17) (n = 32) (n = 5) (n = 12)
by Mg-sulfates (epsomite, starkeyite and kieserite). In
addition to these minerals, Zn-sulfates (goslarite, Na2O (wt.%) 0.15 ± 0.15 0.30 ± 0.32 0.49 ± 0.28 0.62 ± 0.46
K2O (wt.%) 1.41 ± 0.78 1.40 ± 1.92 0.18 ± 0.40 0.27 ± 0.38
gunningite, changoite) and Mn-sulfates (mallardite,
CaO (wt.%) 1.94 ± 4.23 4.86 ± 4.62 0.35 ± 0.41 3.69 ± 5.98
MnSO4·7H2O) could be found at some sites. Al2O3 (wt.%) 6.23 ± 2.60 5.93 ± 4.44 1.09 ± 1.53 0.92 ± 0.84
Cu concentrations reached up to 10 wt.% in ES SiO2 (wt.%) 28.16 ± 10.45 32.51 ± 15.00 2.81 ± 4.53 3.77 ± 4.23
samples. An identification of Cu-minerals by means of MgO (wt.%) 0.67 ± 0.34 1.53 ± 1.96 2.02 ± 1.33 2.57 ± 1.98
XRD or optical microscopy was not possible. This Mn (wt.%) 0.23 ± 0.23 0.65 ± 0.74 1.14 ± 0.59 2.73 ± 3.05
Fe2O3 (wt.%) 26.95 ± 9.47 22.38 ± 12.09 21.48 ± 5.92 18.79 ± 12.44
suggested that Cu was not precipitated as a Cu-mineral
S (wt.%) 7.44 ± 2.81 6.83 ± 4.48 11.99 ± 1.25 11.38 ± 2.45
but substituted metals in other sulfates (mainly melan- Cu (wt.%) 0.11 ± 0.21 0.08 ± 0.20 1.27 ± 2.36 0.81 ± 2.79
terite) as also described from other sites (Jambor et al., Zn (wt.%) 0.87 ± 0.57 1.19 ± 1.13 2.94 ± 1.31 3.40 ± 2.90
2000). Pb (wt.%) 1.10 ± 0.82 1.14 ± 2.28 0.10 ± 0.22 0.13 ± 0.18
Two different types of gypsum appeared: (1) crystals Cd (mg/kg) 23 ± 15 48 ± 83 77 ± 62 80 ± 88
As (mg/kg) 2030 ± 1433 1205 ± 1052 896 ± 561 2043 ± 3694
of between 0.05 and 0.4 mm with irregular shapes and
J. Smuda et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 92 (2007) 97–110 105

suggested that high Al contents were mainly related to with ∼10 wt.% tennantite ((Cu,Fe)12As4S13), 381 mg/kg
primary silicates. The concentrations for Na and K in Cd). The average Cd concentrations in the ES samples
AR samples were low due to the low content of primary showed enrichment (77 ± 62 mg/kg Cd for top samples/
Na and K-minerals in the primary mineral assemblage 80 ± 88 mg/kg Cd for base samples) in comparison to
(average concentrations: 0.15 ± 0.15 wt.% Na2O for AR the AR samples (averages: 48 ± 83 mg/kg Cd in top
top samples/0.30 ± 0.32 wt.% Na2O for AR base samples/23 ± 15 mg/kg Cd in base samples). Cadmium
samples; 1.41 ± 0.78 wt.% K2O for AR top samples/ was suggested to be incorporated into or coprecipitated
1.40 ± 1.42 wt.% K2O for AR base samples). While Na with metal sulfates (e.g. in the sample CPE-30b(ES)
was enriched in ES samples (0.49 ± 0.28 wt.% Na2O for with rozenite, starkeyite and 300 mg/kg Cd; sample
ES top samples/0.62 ± 0.46 wt.% Na2O for ES base CPE-52(ES) with szomolnokite and 192 mg/kg Cd), as
samples), K showed a contrary trend (0.18 ± 0.40 wt.% described from other sites (Alpers et al., 1994).
K2O for ES top samples/0.27 ± 0.38 wt.% K2O for
ES base samples). This suggested that K was stronger Lead. The sulfide ore mineral galena PbS and
fixed in the system, probably due to the formation of its alteration product anglesite (PbSO4) (as primary
K-jarosite. mineral and also as freshly formed secondary mineral)
Ca and Mg from the dolomitic ore host rock had represented the lead content in the Excelsior waste rock
lower average concentrations in AR samples from the dump (average of 1.10 ± 0.82 wt.% Pb for AR top
upper terraces (1.94 ± 4.23 wt.% CaO in top samples/ samples/1.14 ± 2.28 wt.% Pb for AR base samples). In
4.86 ± 4.62 wt.% CaO in base samples, 0.67 ± 0.34 wt.% the zones where secondary efflorescent salts particularly
MgO in top samples/1.53 ± 1.96 wt.% in base samples). precipitated (mainly at the base of the waste rock dump),
The reason for this observation was also the flooring of the average Pb concentration was nearly one tenth of
the top terraces with pyrite-rich, Ca-/Mg-mineral-poor that in the AR samples (average of 0.10 ± 0.22 wt.% Pb
rocks. Ca is not enriched in ES samples while Mg for ES top samples/0.13 ± 0.18 wt.% Pb for ES base
showed enrichment (average concentrations: 0.35 ± samples). The low concentration of Pb in the ES
0.41 wt.% CaO in top samples/3.69 ± 5.98 wt.% CaO samples pointed to the low solubility of the mineral
in base samples, 2.02 ± 1.33 wt.% MgO in top samples/ anglesite and the low mobility of Pb in the sulfate-rich
2.57 ± 1.98 wt.% MgO in base samples). Excelsior waste rock dump environment.

4.2.2. Heavy metals and arsenic 4.2.3. Arsenic

Sources for arsenic at the Excelsior waste rock dump Copper, zinc and cadmium. AR samples were mainly the arsenic-rich pyrite, arsenopyrite
contained a higher average Cu concentration in top sam- (FeAsS) and enargite (Cu3AsS4)/luzonite (Cu3AsS4)
ples (0.11 ± 0.21 wt.% Cu) than in base samples (0.08 ± from the ore body, but also realgar (As4S4) and orpiment
0.20 wt.% Cu) due to enargite–tennantite veins in the (As2S3), which were part of the supergene mineral
quartz–pyrite body (Einaudi, 1977) and the flooring of the assemblage of the Cerro de Pasco mine (Einaudi, 1977).
terraces with pyrite-rich rocks. Cu is enriched in ES
samples (average concentrations of 1.27 ± 2.36 wt.% in
Table 4
top samples/0.81 ± 2.79 wt.% in base samples). Heavy metal and arsenic concentrations (ICP–MS) of sequential
The primary mineral assemblage of the waste dump extractions for the Fe(III) hydroxides
displayed a high average concentration of Zn (0.87 ±
Type As Cd Cu Fe Mn Pb Zn
0.57 wt.% for AR top samples/1.19 ± 1.13 wt.% for AR sample (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
base samples), due to the main Zn minerals sphalerite
Water leach
(ZnS) and marmatite ((Zn,Fe)S) from the ore body. In ES CPE-32 0.26 0.02 0.31 84.5 45.72 0.003 32.52
samples, Zn was enriched in the form of efflorescent salts (AR)
(averages: 2.94 ± 1.31 wt.% Zn in top samples/3.40 ± CPE-61 b0.06 0.02 0.02 2.6 11.21 0.009 8.20
2.90 wt.% Zn in base samples). Especially at overhangs (AR)
which formed a protection against rain at the base of
NH4-ox. AC leach
Excelsior waste rock dump, maximum Zn concentrations CPE-32 73.74 b0.01 0.12 803 0.26 0.044 0.73
(up to 8.5 wt.% Zn, sample CPE-31(ES)) were found. (AR)
Cadmium occurred as a substitute in sulfide miner- CPE-61 b0.06 b0.01 0.02 922 0.22 0.005 0.45
als of the ore body (e.g. in sample CPE-2(AR) with (AR)
∼ 15 wt.% sphalerite, 295 mg/kg Cd; and CPE-12(AR) Sampling locations: see in Fig. 1B.
106 J. Smuda et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 92 (2007) 97–110

AR samples displayed higher average concentrations in (b0.06 mg/L). The low As concentration most probably
top samples (2030 ± 1433 mg/kg As) than in base sam- resulted from As-poor sulfides in this sampled area.
ples (1205 ± 1052 mg/kg As) due to the flooring of top ES samples displayed a high average concentration of
terraces with pyrite-rich rocks. Sequential extraction of arsenic and enrichment at the base of the Excelsior waste
an Fe(III) hydroxide-rich AR sample from the base of the rock dump (averages: 896 ± 561 mg/kg As for ES top
Excelsior waste rock dump (CPE-32(AR)) showed a samples/2043 ± 3694 mg/kg As for ES base samples),
high concentration for As (up to 73.7 mg/L) in the Fe(III) suggesting that mobile arsenic can be fixed when metal
hydroxide leach step (Table 4). This confirmed the sulfates precipitate, as observed at other waste rock dumps
known sorption capacity of Fe(III) hydroxides for As (Gierè et al., 2003).
(Dold and Fontboté, 2001; Fukushi et al., 2003; Lebrun
et al., 2004). In a second AR sample (CPE-61(AR)) from 4.2.4. Water leach tests
the top terrace of the Excelsior waste rock dump, After 24 h of stirring, all leachates possessed acidic pH
schwertmannite was also identified. In contrast to the values varying between 1.2 and 5.6 for the AR samples
first mentioned sample, this sample contained a low (Table 5). The water-soluble fraction of the leached AR
concentration of As in the Fe(III) hydroxide leach step samples represented between 2.6 and 39.6 wt.% and led in

Table 5
Water analyses of leachates from AR sample and AMD water samples: pH, Eh, electrical conductivity (EC), pH, ICP–MS data and soluble fraction
(SF)/total dissolved solids (TDS) of selected elements; average and standard deviation of the different sample categories
Type/ pH Eh EC As Ca Cd Cu Fe K Mg Mn Na Pb S Zn SF
Sample (mV) (mS/cm) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (wt.%)
AR (top)
CPE-44 2.43 n.m. 4.0 0.92 105 0.47 0.50 452 2.64 70 75.6 7.24 0.06 917 167 6.3
CPE-48 1.20 n.m. 5.4 3.30 60 0.26 0.00 677 4.86 69 91.1 6.90 1.85 1110 103 9.8
CPE-49 2.56 n.m. 4.6 0.74 539 0.57 4.80 541 4.49 91 90.4 8.15 0.03 1620 152 5.9
CPE-50 2.32 n.m. 5.2 14.81 66 0.38 10.92 1225 4.14 88 145.2 6.98 0.02 1650 127 21.3
CPE-54 2.33 n.m. 3.5 0.02 83 0.25 0.00 157 6.60 74 71.8 8.61 0.05 540 86 5.9
CPE-55 2.17 n.m. 5.0 4.63 259 0.47 22.45 872 7.57 6 69.1 6.28 0.16 1250 130 8.4
CPE-56 2.74 n.m. 4.0 0.08 501 0.50 0.00 49 7.64 104 186.9 7.80 0.11 720 146 7.4
CPE-57 2.32 n.m. 6.3 11.99 219 0.31 0.00 1968 7.32 7 29.3 11.58 0.28 1890 116 14.1
CPE-59 2.33 n.m. 14.5 33.27 360 4.49 35.76 7400 7.38 145 85.3 5.43 0.08 10660 1389 39.6
CPE-62 2.32 n.m. 7.0 7.07 164 0.89 13.86 1720 6.76 116 226.1 8.36 0.03 2468 290 13.2
Average 2.27 6.0 7.68 236 0.86 8.83 1506 5.94 77 107.1 7.73 0.27 2283 271 13.2
S.D. 0.41 3.2 10.35 178 1.29 12.19 2164 1.76 44 60.3 1.67 0.56 3000 397 10.5
AR (base)
CPE-2 4.02 n.m. 3.6 0.08 567 14.81 15.55 76 0.4 95 n.m. 1.2 2.27 1024 447 27.4
CPE-7 5.60 n.m. 2.4 bdl 635 0.46 bdl 0.8 2.1 29 n.m. 0.8 0.35 535 107 2.6
CPE-11 3.79 n.m. 8.7 bdl 517 1.76 1.51 251 bdl 657 n.m. 0.9 0.07 2110 708 12.7
CPE-15 2.82 n.m. 5.2 0.10 566 0.92 4.67 263 bdl 52 n.m. bdl 0.14 1085 322 5.4
CPE-18 5.47 n.m. 3.2 bdl 564 0.34 bdl 0.1 3.6 263 n.m. 3.1 bdl 820 68 4.6
CPE-24 2.88 n.m. 9.7 bdl 504 0.58 3.53 141 bdl 987 n.m. 0.5 0.06 2074 491 13
CPE-28 2.91 n.m. 3.0 0.14 523 1.26 16.67 1452 bdl 178 n.m. bdl 0.22 1928 611 3.3
CPE-30 2.77 n.m. 8.3 0.12 608 0.04 0.71 44.9 13.0 31 n.m. 0.8 0.06 634 18 11.8
CPE-35 3.20 n.m. 5.1 0.26 382 1.40 11.78 350 bdl 194 n.m. bdl bdl 1139 521 6.4
Average 3.72 5.5 0.08 541 2.40 6.05 286 2.1 276 0.8 0.35 1261 366 9.7
S.D. 1.12 2.8 0.09 73 4.69 6.77 454 4.3 330 1.0 0.73 616 250 7.8
All leachates
Average 2.96 5.7 4.08 541 1.59 7.51 928 2.1 276 107 0.8 0.31 1261 315 11.5
S.D. 1.09 8.3 8.29 73 3.35 9.84 1681 4.3 330 70 1.0 0.63 617 330 9.2
AMD water TDS
CPE-W1 4.86 359 21.2 2.81 411 0.92 1.08 3685 19.2 3158 2258 73.8 1.17 8100 1845 4.7
CPE-W2 4.94 336 19.0 2.09 559 0.57 1.13 3152 25.0 3549 1752 121 0.55 6820 1218 5.6
CPE-W3 5.10 319 23.3 1.98 694 3.58 1.28 5640 27.7 4716 2467 8.2 1.28 9730 2302 5.2
CPE-W4 2.78 684 26.0 7.99 614 6.60 161.1 1632 3.1 7792 2625 bdl 0.14 9800 3000 7.5
Abbreviations: top: samples from the surface of the upper terraces of the Excelsior waste rock dump; base: samples from the base of the Excelsior
waste rock dump; S.D.: standard deviation; n.m.: not measured; bdl: below detection limit. Sampling locations: see Fig. 1B.
J. Smuda et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 92 (2007) 97–110 107

high electrical conductivity in the leachates (between 2.4 Element concentrations varied widely, demonstrating
and 14.5 mS/cm). All leachates showed high concentra- the different content and composition of water-soluble
tions of heavy metals and also of Ca (average: 236 ± secondary minerals in the samples.
178 mg/L for AR top samples/541 ± 73 mg/L for AR base
samples), Mg (average: 77 ± 44 mg/L for AR top samples/ AMD from the Excelsior waste rock dump.
276 ± 330 mg/L for AR base samples), As (average: 7.7± AMD samples originated from the broad spring zone at the
10.4 mg/L for AR top samples/0.08 ± 0.09 mg/L for AR south-western base of the Excelsior waste rock dump
base samples) and S (average: 2283 ± 3000 mg/L for AR (CPE-W1 to 3, Fig. 1B) and from a small water outcrop at
top samples/1261 ± 616 mg/L for AR base samples). The the north-western base (CPE-W4). CPE-W1 to 3 were
high concentrations of Ca and Mg represented the content linked together as a broad spring zone at the most recent,
of water-soluble secondary gypsum and Mg-sulfates (e.g. southern part of the Excelsior waste rock dump base. AMD
starkeyite, MgSO4·4H2O). from this zone was characterized by an acid pH (range:
The dissolution of Fe sulfates generated high Fe 4.86–5.10), high electrical conductivity (range: 19.0–
concentrations (average: 1506 ± 2164 mg/L for AR top 23.3 mS/cm), a slightly oxidizing environment (range Eh:
samples/286 ± 454 mg/L for AR base samples) in the 319–359 mV) and a high charge of metals (Table 5). The
leachates. The liberated Fe(II) can be oxidized to form total flow rate of this spring zone is estimated to be around
Fe(III) which is an effective sulfide oxidizer (Singer and 10 L/s.
Stumm, 1970). This process is supposed to enhance the CPE-W4 is an isolated, small water outcrop at the
sulfide oxidation at the Excelsior waste rock dump. north-western, oldest area of the Excelsior waste rock
The average concentrations of Cu and Zn in leachates dump. The more acid pH (2.78), higher Eh (684 mV)
were 8.8 ± 12.2 mg/L for AR top samples/6.1 ± 6.8 mg/L and higher electrical conductivity (26.0 mS/cm) in
for AR base samples and 271 ± 397 mg/L for AR top comparison with the broad spring zone in the SW
samples/366 ± 250 mg/L for AR base samples, respec- seemed to result from the longer exposition of the waste
tively. The high concentrations displayed clearly that rocks in this area and the therefore more advanced
Zn- and Cu-containing secondary sulfates dissolve oxidation of sulfides. The high concentration of Cu in
rapidly in contact with water and liberate these metals. the water sample CPE-W4 (161.1 mg/L) possibly
Pb showed low concentrations in the leachates resulted from the source rocks in this area: the oldest
(average 0.27 ± 0.56 mg/L for AR top samples/0.35 ± waste rocks from the historically first mined Cu-rich and
0.73 mg/L for AR base samples) due to the already surface-near ore of the Cerro de Pasco deposit.
discussed low solubility of anglesite. The trends of mineral solubility and element mobility
The concentrations of arsenic in the leachates varied from the leach tests were confirmed by the heavy metal
greatly between samples from different locations and concentrations in the AMD waters: Cu 1.1–1.3 mg/L at
showed lower concentration in base sample leachates CPE-W1 to 3, 161.1 mg/L at W4, Zn 1218–2302 mg/L
(average: 7.7 ± 10.4 mg/L for AR top samples/0.08 ± at W1 to 3, 3000 mg/L at W4, Fe 3685–5640 mg/L at
0.09 mg/L for AR base samples). Fixation of As on Fe(III) W1 to 3, 1623 mg/L at W4, Cd 0.9–3.6 mg/L at W1 to
hydroxides lowered possibly the concentration of As in 3, 6.6 mg/L at W4. The metal concentrations were
pore solutions at the base of the waste dump. At the top higher in comparison with the average concentration of
local low As concentrations seemed to result from low the AR leaching tests. This observation was explained
concentrations of As in the surrounding primary minerals, by the high interaction of pore water with altered waste
as shown by the Fe(III) hydroxide leach test. Samples with rocks during the slow infiltration.
high arsenic concentrations in the leachates (up to 33.3 mg/ The AMD effluents also contained high concentra-
L, sample CPE-59(AR)) had a very low paste pH (1.1–1.7) tions of As (CPE-W1 to 3: 2.0–2.1 mg/L As, CPE-W4:
in the field, suggesting a high pyrite oxidation in these 8.0 mg/L As). Arsenic appeared to be not completely
zones. This oxidation process liberated As which was fixed retained by Fe(III) hydroxides during the flow path in
in the sulfides and resulted in the observed high the Excelsior waste rock dump, probably due to its high
concentration of As in the leachates. concentration.
The leachates had an average Cd concentration of 0.9 ± Manganese showed high concentrations in leachates
1.3 mg/L for AR top samples/2.4 ± 4.7 mg/L for AR base (data only available for AR top sample leachates: aver-
samples. This observation confirmed the suggestion that age 107 ± 60 mg/L Mn). The sequential extraction data
Cd was enriched at the base of the Excelsior waste rock of the water extraction step (Table 4, 11.2–45.7 mg/L
dump in water-soluble secondary minerals, as discussed Mn) and the water data (Table 5, 1752–2625 mg/L Mn)
with the XRF data from solid samples. also displayed high concentrations of Mn. Source of
108 J. Smuda et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 92 (2007) 97–110

Mn seemed to be the dissolution of Mn-sulfates (e.g. concentrations, most probably due to the low solubility
mallardite, Mn(SO4)·7H2O). of primary and secondary anglesite.
Potassium concentrations in AR samples from top and
5. Discussion base samples were nearly the same, while AR samples
from the base had higher sodium concentrations than AR
The comparison of the XRF, XRD, leach test and samples from the top. The higher content of albite-rich
AMD data was used to identify source rocks of AMD volcanic rocks at the base was suggested to be the source
and trace back the transport of acids and heavy metals of the higher concentrations of Na. Altering volcanic
and their retention at the Excelsior waste rock dump in rocks were most probably also the reason of Na
form of freshly precipitated secondary minerals at the enrichment in ES samples at the base of the Excelsior
Excelsior waste rock dump. waste rock dump. High concentrations in AMD samples
The heavy metals Zn, Cd, Mn as well as the alkaline displayed that both alkali metals were mobile after the
earth metals Ca and Mg showed higher concentrations alteration of its source rocks. Na and K concentrations in
in AR samples from the base of the Excelsior waste leachates from AR base samples were much lower than in
rock dump than from its top terraces. The leach tests leachates from AR top samples. This observation
and XRF data from ES samples confirmed that these suggested that at the base of the waste rock dump K and
metals were enriched in ES samples, especially at the Na were at least partially fixed in freshly precipitated,
base of the waste rock dump. This enrichment was water-insoluble secondary minerals, e.g. jarosites.
explained by the transport of AMD from the top to the The high arsenic concentration in AR samples from
base of the waste rock dump, leaching of heavy metals the top resulted from the flooring of top terraces with
inside of the waste rock dump by the acidic solutions pyrite-rich, arsenic-containing waste rocks. The arsenic
and the subsequent precipitation of metal sulfides due enrichment in ES samples from the base suggested
to evaporation of outcropping AMD during the dry transport of dissolved arsenic, while the lower concen-
season. trations in leachates from base samples contradicted the
Cu concentrations were lower in AR samples and mobility of As. These observations and the high As
their leachates from the base of the Excelsior waste rock concentrations in AMD waters at the base suggested that
dump than from the top. In ES samples, Cu is enriched As was mobile and transported to the base after
in comparison to AR samples. This suggested that in the liberation by the oxidation of As-containing sulfides.
dry season, secondary Cu-bearing sulfates precipitated During the evaporation of pore water at the base of the
close to sites with high Cu concentration in altering waste rock dump arsenic appeared to be fixed in
pyrite-rich primary rocks. minerals with low water-solubility, e.g. due to adsorp-
Water-soluble Fe-sulfates were the most abundant tion on freshly precipitated Fe(III) hydroxides.
heavy metal sulfates at the waste rock dump. AMD and
all leachates had high Fe and S concentrations indicating 6. Conclusion
high water-solubility of Fe-sulfates and mobility for iron
and sulfate, when water as solvent and transport medium At the Excelsior waste rock dump, pyrite from two
was available, e.g. during the rainy season. AR samples different sources (ore body/volcanic rocks) was present
from the top had higher concentrations of Fe and S due as an acid producer in a high concentration (estimated
to flooring with pyrite-rich waste rocks. Leachates from N60 wt.% of the total mineral assemblage). Ore sulfides
AR samples and ES samples from the top terraces also (Zn, Pb) were found in local concentrations up to 10 wt.%.
had higher concentrations of leachable Fe and S in Minerals with a capacity of neutralising AMD were
comparison with base samples and their leachates. This only minor or trace fractions (b5 wt.% carbonates).
suggested that water-soluble Fe-sulfates precipitated in Sulfide oxidation took place producing a strongly acidic
the dry season near to the oxidizing Fe-sulfides and environment (average paste pH 2.8). Pyrite from the
depended in their concentration on the local concentra- Cerro de Pasco quartz–pyrite body (N 60 wt.% of the
tion of Fe-sulfides. A possible explication for the lower total mineral assemblage) oxidized slowly, producing a
Fe concentrations in leachates from samples from the long-term risk of AMD. Pyrite from volcanic waste
base of the waste rock dump was the precipitation of not rocks represented ca. 1 wt.% of the total mineral as-
water-soluble secondary minerals like schwertmannite semblage of the Excelsior waste rock dump. This pyrite
and jarosite in this zone. has due to small crystal size and high rock porosity a
The heavy metal Pb showed no trends of enrichment. high oxidation rate and liberated acids and Fe(III)
Pb had in samples from the top and from the base similar which could accelerate further pyrite oxidation. The
J. Smuda et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 92 (2007) 97–110 109

Fig. 4. Model of climatic effects on the formation and dissolution of efflorescent salts and the transport and mobility of acid, metal-rich solutions at the
Excelsior waste rock dump: (A) dry season; (B) rainy season.

current study allowed the development of a schematic spring zone at the base of the waste rock dump where the
model of the seasonal variation in secondary mineral AMD was channelled and conducted to a lagoon on the
formation and dissolution and subsequent element Quiulacocha tailings impoundment, and (2) infiltration
outflow from the Excelsior waste rock dump (Fig. 4). from the waste rock dump into the underlying parts of the
(A) High evaporation during dry seasons concentrated Quiulacocha tailings impoundment.
the acidic, metal-rich pore solutions near to the surface Due to the high quantity of sulfides (N 60 wt.%) in
of the Excelsior waste rock dump up to supersaturation and the low neutralization potential of the waste rocks
and caused the successive precipitation of efflorescent (b5 wt.% carbonates) as well as the slow oxidation of
metal salts. The formation of secondary gypsum, Fe the pyrite content, a long-term AMD potential for the
(III)-hydroxides, Fe-sulfates (partly Cu-bearing) and Excelsior waste rock dump must be assumed.
minor quantities of Mg-, Zn- and Mn-sulfates was
observed. At the base of the Excelsior waste rock dump Acknowledgements
a major precipitation zone of efflorescent salts was
found during the dry season as result of outcropping, We thank A. Cornejo and J. Rosa del Castillo (Cen-
evaporating pore solutions. (B) Rainwater dissolved tromin Peru) for their permission, access to their
during the wet season water-soluble secondary minerals properties and also their interest and support. Special
precipitated during the dry period, infiltrated and trans- thanks are due to the management and geologists and all
ported acids and mobile elements into the waste rock staff involved in this project from VOLCAN S.A.A. for
dump where they react with primary minerals and leach their interest, the access to the properties, their logistic
heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Cd) out of primary sulfides. The support and their collaboration, especially V. Gobitz,
heavy metals Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd (as cations), Ca F. Grimaldo, L. Osorio and W. Hevedia. We thank
and Mg (as cations) and the anion SO42− were mobile P. Schreiter, P. Schreck, W. Schmitz and G. Kommichau,
in the Excelsior waste rock dump system. Arsenic was University of Leipzig, Germany, as well as H.-R. Pfeifer
only partly retarded in the system by adsorption on Fe and L. Dufresne, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, for
(III) hydroxides, AMD waters still contained up to analytical support and helpful discussions. For the ICP–
7.99 mg/L As. The mobility of Pb was limited by the MS analyses, we give many thanks to P.-Y. Favarger from
low solubility of the Pb mineral anglesite. Most of the the Institute F.-A. Forel, Geneva, Switzerland. We thank
heavy metal sulfides precipitated during the dry season R. Wennrich (UFZ Leipzig-Halle, Germany) for his
seemed to be dissolved during the wet season and left analytical support. For their support in Peru in the field
the Excelsior waste rock dump as AMD. As result, the work, sample preparation and analytical approaches,
formation of an enrichment of heavy metal as efflo- we also would like to thank R. Mucho and R. Paredes
rescent salts at the base of the Excelsior waste rock (INGEMMET Peru) and J. Torrejón (GEPASAC Peru).
dump was limited to the dry season. The project was supported by the German National
Two main pathways were assumed for the outcropping Academic Foundation and the Swiss National Science
highly mineralized acid solutions: (1) outcrop at a broad Foundation.
110 J. Smuda et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 92 (2007) 97–110

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