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Food Chemistry 130 (2012) 986–993

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Analytical Methods

Extraction conditions can greatly influence antioxidant capacity assays

in plant food matrices
Jean Albert Michiels a,b, Claire Kevers b,⇑, Joel Pincemail c, Jean Olivier Defraigne c, Jacques Dommes b
CECOTEPE, 101, rue de Cockerill, B-4100 SERAING, Belgium
Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Unit, B22, University of Liège, Sart Tilman, B-4000 LIEGE, Belgium
CREDEC, Pathology Tower B23, University of Liège, Sart Tilman, B-4000 LIEGE, Belgium

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The estimated antioxidant capacity of different matrices can vary considerably between research reports.
Received 24 August 2010 Besides intrinsic factors (not studied here), our work showed that may have various causes. Firstly, dif-
Received in revised form 24 May 2011 ferent methods are used to measure antioxidant capacity. Secondly, the results obtained for a single
Accepted 31 July 2011
matrix by one method (such as ORAC) can vary with the extraction conditions. Parameters having a great
Available online 5 August 2011
impact on the amount and composition of antioxidants in extracts, and thus on the measured antioxidant
capacity, notably include the extraction solvent composition, temperature, extraction time (duration),
solvent-to-solid ratio, and storage conditions. Standardisation of the extraction procedure is thus neces-
sary for accurate and reproducible determination of the antioxidant capacity and phenolics in different
Phenolic compounds food matrices by different laboratories. In this study we optimised such a procedure for four fresh plant
Solvent matrices (orange, apple, leek, and broccoli). The optimised procedure requires extraction in a mixture of
Storage acetone/water/acetic acid (70/28/2, v/v/v) for 1 h at 4 °C, with a solvent-to-solid ratio of 20 mL per 1 g.
Temperature Fresh material should be used, but if this is not possible, one may lyophilise the plant matrices or store
the extracts for a few days at 20 °C before analysis.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction The antioxidant properties of food matrices, however, are due to

the presence of a complex mixture of compounds of varying polarity,
Plant foods are now regarded as important sources of dietary such as vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, and polyphenols. Due to
antioxidants. A diet rich in antioxidants appears to correlate with the potential synergistic action of all these bioactive compounds
a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease (Genkinger, Platz, present in food (Serafini, Bellocco, Wolk, & Ekstrom, 2002), the total
Hoffman, Comstock, & Helzlsouer, 2004). With the development antioxidant capacity of some foods has increasingly become a sales
of functional foods having specific health effects, interest in plant argument for professionals in the food industry. Among a wide diver-
antioxidants is increasing among scientists, food manufacturers, sity of tests used to estimate this capacity, the Oxygen Radical Anti-
and consumers. Consumers, furthermore, require more nutritional oxidant Capacity (ORAC) assay has emerged for different reasons.
information about what they eat. Although it is unclear whether Initially developed with the support of the US Agricultural Research
active compounds remain active against free radicals after being Service, this assay is based largely on work reported by Glazer’s lab-
absorbed and metabolised by cells in the body, radical-scavenging oratory, describing the oxidation of phycoerythrins by 2,20 -azobis(2-
assays have gained acceptance for their capacity to rapidly screen amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH) used as a peroxyl radical
materials of interest (Ferreira, Baptista, Vilas-Boas, & Barros, 2007). generator (Glazer, 1990). This assay was presented as a simple but
Natural antioxidants may act as free-radical scavengers and chain sensitive and reliable method of quantifying the global antioxidant
breakers, chelators of pro-oxidant metal ions, and quenchers of capacity in serum (Cao, Alessio, & Culter, 1993) and was further ap-
singlet oxygen present in the environment (Amarowicz, Pegg, plied to evaluating the total antioxidant capacity of fruits (Wang,
Rahimi-Moghaddam, Barl, & Weil, 2004), thereby reducing oxida- Cao, & Prior, 1996) and vegetables (Cao, Sofic, & Prior, 1996). In
tive damage to lipids, DNA, and proteins. 2001, scientists at Brunswick Inc., Wareham, USA decided to replace
the fluorescent probe b-phycoerythrin with fluorescein, which has
many advantages: no interaction with antioxidants, excellent stabil-
⇑ Corresponding author. Fax: +32 43 66 38 72.
ity, and reduced cost (Ou, Hampsch-Woodill, & Prior, 2001).
E-mail addresses: (J.A. Michiels),
In 2004 was published a first public ORAC database providing
(C. Kevers), (J. Pincemail), JO.Defraigne@chu.ulg. (J.O. Defraigne), (J. Dommes). antioxidant capacity estimates for 171 foods (Wu et al., 2004). This

0308-8146/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.A. Michiels et al. / Food Chemistry 130 (2012) 986–993 987

was followed by a second, more detailed one in 2007 (http:// (Kevers et al., 2007; Wu et al., 2004) for their antioxidant capacity, Currently the ORAC value is were: apple (Serra et al., 2010), orange (Duzzioni, Franco, & De
widely used as a sales argument. Food supplement products (e.g. Sylos, 2009), leek (Tsouvaltzis, Gerasopoulos, & Siomos, 2007),
extracts of fruits with a high antioxidant capacity) have been com- and broccoli (Akhlaghi & Bandy, 2010).
peting for the title of ‘‘Highest ORAC value’’. Yet what is largely ig-
nored by professionals in the food industry is that mastering the 2. Material and methods
ORAC assay is much more complex than expected. A solvent
extraction step (with acetone/water, methanol. . .) is needed, and 2.1. Materials
different extraction conditions can lead to major variations in the
obtained ORAC value. Comparing ORAC values from different Apples (var. Kingjonagold), oranges (Mountain orange AIDAs),
sources is therefore not as straightforward as it seems. broccoli (var. Italica), and leeks (cultivar Blue Liege) were purchased
The antioxidant capacity has often been correlated with the phe- between March and June from Belgian local supermarkets. The fresh
nolic content (Cantin, Moreno, & Gogorcena, 2009). More than 8000 material was stored for no more than 3 days at 4 °C prior to analysis.
different phenolics have been reported in the literature, showing
large variations in polarity and in their possible biochemical modi- 2.2. Sample preparation
fications (glycosylation, acetylation, manolynation, esterification to
organic acids. . .). Hence, optimisation of sample preparation is Sampling and sample preparation were standardised. For each
essential to accurate analysis of different classes of phenolic metab- experiment (comprising the whole set of extraction conditions
olites present in various food matrices (Luthria, Mukhopadhyay, & shown in Fig. 1 or 2 or 3 or 4), we used slices of one apple with
Kwansa, 2006; Pellegrini et al., 2007). Comparing the antioxidant the peel but without the stalk, segments of one orange without
capacities of different food matrices will be impossible without a the peel, same-sized external heads from one broccoli, and quar-
standardised procedure for sample preparation. ters of the white base of one leek (5 cm long, 2–7 cm from the
The aim of the present work was to establish a standard antiox- base). Each extraction was done in triplicate or more (independent
idant extraction method applicable to various matrices. To opti- extractions on different days) and analyses were performed on the
mise the extraction procedure, we focused mainly on solvent day of extraction (or after storage when the stability was studied).
composition, temperature, the extraction time (duration), the sol- Within each experiment, all the tests on a given matrix (except the
vent-to-solid ratio, and the storage conditions. These parameters stability tests) were done on the same day, but different matrices
greatly influence the extract amount and composition, and thus were extracted and tested on different days.
the measured antioxidant capacity. It is necessary to ensure that Fresh material (2 g), or exceptionally frozen or lyophilised mate-
the majority of phenolics are extracted. The chosen fresh matrices, rial if required for the experiment, was immediately ground with a
which have already been tested and compared by various authors blender before addition of solvent mixture (20 mL) as previously

Fig. 1. Effect of extraction solvent composition on the total phenolics yield (A) and on the antioxidant capacity assayed by the DPPH (B) or ORAC (C) method. M acet
1 = acetone/water/acetic acid (70/28/2, v/v/v), M acet 2 = acetone/water/acetic acid (70/29.5/0.5, v/v/v), M acet 3 = acetone/water/acetic acid (70/29.8/0.2, v/v/v), M MeOH
1 = methanol/water (50/50, v/v), M MeOH 2 = methanol/water/acetic acid (50/49.5/0.5, v/v/v), M MeOH 3 = methanol/acetic acid (99.5/0.5, v/v) at 4 °C. For the same matrix
and assay, significant differences as determined by ANOVA (p < 0.05) are indicated by different letters. The percentages above the bars are percentages of variation of the
mean value for all four matrices with respect to the mean for the first condition.
988 J.A. Michiels et al. / Food Chemistry 130 (2012) 986–993

Fig. 2. Effect of temperature and extraction solvent composition on the total phenolics yield (A) and the antioxidant capacity assayed by the DPPH (B) or ORAC (C)
method. All four plant matrices were extracted in two solvent mixtures (M acet = acetone/water/acetic acid (70/28/2, v/v/v) and M MeOH = methanol/acetic acid (99.5/0.5,
v/v)) at four temperatures (4, 25, 50, and 70 °C). For the same matrix, significant differences as determined by ANOVA (p < 0.05) are indicated by the letter a if the value
obtained for a given temperature with M MeOH is different from that obtained with M Acet. They are indicated by the letter and b if the value obtained for the indicated
temperature was different from that obtained for 4 °C with the same solvent. Percentages of variation (of the mean for all four matrices) with respect to the first condition
are also reported.

described by Tabart et al. (2007). The mixture was shaken for 1 h at as standard, and results were expressed in mg chlorogenic acid
4 °C and centrifuged at 15,000g for 15 min. If more than one step equivalents (CAE) per g fresh weight. Analyses were performed
was required, the supernatant was removed and the pellet washed in duplicate on each extract.
with 5 mL of the same solvent, shaken for 15 min, and centrifuged
by the same procedure (15,000g, 15 min). The supernatants were 2.4. Antioxidant capacity
The supernatant was used directly to determine total phenolics The antioxidant capacity was determined by reduction of the
and to measure the antioxidant capacity by the DPPH and ORAC radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryhydrazyl (DPPH) (Tadolini, Juliano,
assays. Piu, Franconi, & Cabrini, 2000). A stock solution was prepared by
Various extraction parameters were tested as specified in the stirring 75 mg of DPPH in 1 L methanol overnight. In the assay,
results section: solvent mixture (see Fig. 1), solvent volume (2– 0.75 mL extract, standard (0–0.1 mM Trolox), or blank (methanol)
100 mL per g fresh weight), extraction temperature (4, 25, 50, and 1.5 mL DPPH solution were mixed. Sample, standard, and
70 °C), extraction time (20, 40, 60 min), and number of extractions blank absorbances at 517 nm were determined after 6 min. For
(1–3). To test the stability, extracts were stored at various temper- each extract, a blank with 1.5 mL methanol instead of DPPH re-
atures (4, 20, and 80 °C). They were kept in liquid or lyophilised agent was included to correct for any sample absorbance at
form or as material having undergone evaporation at 50 °C for 2 h 517 nm. The percentage of remaining DPPH was inversely propor-
under nitrogen. tional to the antioxidant concentration.
ORAC assays were carried out on a Victor3 (Perkin Elmer) 96-
2.3. Total phenolics well plate reader. The temperature of the incubator was set at
37 °C. Procedures were based on the method of Wu et al. (2004).
The total phenolics content was determined according to the Briefly, AAPH was used as a peroxyl radical generator, Trolox as a
Folin–Ciocalteu method (Caboni et al., 1997). Although not com- standard, and fluorescein as a fluorescent probe. Filters were used
pletely specific for phenolics, this protocol gives a good idea of to select an excitation wavelength of 485 nm and an emission
the total phenolics content. Appropriately diluted extracts wavelength of 535 nm. Twenty-five microlitres of diluted sample,
(3.6 mL) were mixed with 0.2 mL Folin–Ciocalteu reagent (Merck). blank, or Trolox calibration solution (0–100 lmol) was mixed with
After 3 min, 0.8 mL sodium carbonate (20% w/v) was added. The 150 ll of 4 lM fluorescein and incubated for 15 min at 37 °C before
mixture was heated at 100 °C for 1 min. After cooling, the absor- injection of 25 ll AAPH solution (173 mM). The fluorescence was
bance at 750 nm was measured. Chlorogenic acid (Sigma) was used measured every 2 min for 4 h. All samples were analysed in dupli-
J.A. Michiels et al. / Food Chemistry 130 (2012) 986–993 989

Fig. 3. Effect of extraction time and of the number of extraction steps on the total phenolics yield (A) and on the antioxidant capacity assayed by the DPPH (B) or ORAC (C)
method. The four plant matrices were extracted in acetone/water/acetic acid (70/28/2, v/v/v) at 4 °C for 20, 40, or 60 min (20, 40, 60) and this was followed or not by one or
two 20-min steps (respectively 20 + 20, 40 + 20, and 60 + 20 + 20). Letters (a–c) indicate significant differences for the same matrix as determined by ANOVA (p < 0.05). Also
indicated is the percentage of variation (of the mean for all four matrices) with respect to the first condition.

cate at three different dilutions. The final ORAC values were calcu- tion/reduction reaction and, as such, can be viewed as another
lated from the net area under the fluorescence decay curves. method of antioxidant capacity determination (Prior, Wu, & Scha-
Trolox [(±)6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchromane-2-carbox- ich, 2005).
ylic acid; Fluka Chemie GmbH, Switzerland] was used as a standard. The principal factors contributing to the efficiency of extraction
The antioxidant capacity was expressed in mg Trolox equivalents are: type of solvent, pH, temperature, number of steps, volume of
(TE) per gram fresh weight. Each analysis was performed in solvent, and material state (Escribano-Bailon & Santos-Buelga,
duplicate. 2002). Many other phenomena may also influence extraction, such
All results presented are means (±SE) of at least three indepen- as solvent saturation, solvent selectivity due to composition and
dent experiments (extractions). Statistical analysis (ANOVA with a temperature, degradation of components (Hinneburg & Neubert,
statistical significance level set at P < 0.05) was carried out with 2005). In many published studies, only one matrix was tested.
Microsoft Excel (Microsoft, Roselle, IL). Here, in order to establish a general protocol for the extraction of
In the figures, to facilitate comparisons among different test antioxidant compounds from plant material, various parameters
conditions, we also report for each condition the percentage of var- were tested on four different plant matrices: two fruits (orange
iation of the mean result for the four matrices with respect to the and apple) and two vegetables (leek and broccoli).
mean obtained for the first condition, taken as 100%.

3.1. Solvent mixture

3. Results and discussion
The first step was to select the most appropriate solvent (Pinelo,
Numerous methods can be used to evaluate the antioxidant Rubilar, Jerez, Sineiro, & Nunez, 2005). In the literature, many
capacities of natural compounds in foods or biological systems. Here solvent types are used to extract antioxidant compounds from var-
we have selected three methods for their different characteristics. ious plant materials. The most widely used solvents for extracting
One free radical (DPPH) is commonly used to assess antioxidant phenolic substances are methanol, acetone, and their water mix-
activity in vitro. Reduction of this radical by hydrogen-donating tures, acidified or not (Pinelo, Rubilar, Sineiro, & Nunez, 2004; Rub-
antioxidant(s) is monitored as a decrease in optical density. In the ilar, Pinelo, Franco, Sineiro, & Nunez, 2003). Here, six different
ORAC assay, free radicals from the thermal decomposition of AAPH mixtures (Fig. 1) were tested. The properties of the extracting sol-
are generated at a constant rate throughout the test. These radicals vents significantly affected the measured total phenolics content
are responsible for the destruction of fluorescein, and antioxidants (±25% variation) and antioxidant capacity (up to 30% variation).
delay the decay of this probe. These two methods show good repeat- All the acetone-based mixtures extracted more phenolic com-
ability (Tabart, Kevers, Pincemail, Defraigne, & Dommes, 2009). The pounds than the methanol-based mixtures, especially from apples.
Folin–Ciocalteu assay has been used for many years to measure total Furthermore, the acetic acid level decrease in the acetone mixtures
phenolics in natural products, but the basic mechanism is an oxida- reduced the extraction yield, as observed for both phenolic com-
990 J.A. Michiels et al. / Food Chemistry 130 (2012) 986–993

Fig. 4. Effect of the volume of extraction solvent on the total phenolics yield (A) and antioxidant capacity assayed by the DPPH (B) or ORAC (C) method. One gramme of each
of matrix was extracted in acetone/water/acetic acid (70/28/2, v/v/v) at 4 °C for 60 min. The solvent volume varied from 2 to 100 mL. Letters (a–f) indicate significant
differences for the same matrix as determined by ANOVA (p < 0.05). Also reported on the figure are the percentages of variation of the means for the four matrices with
respect to the mean for the first condition.

pounds (from 100% to 83%) and the antioxidant capacity (ORAC, changes in phenol extractability because of disruption of the plant
from 100% to 71%). Among the methanol-based mixtures, the third cell wall, as suggested by Choi, Lee, Chun, Lee, and Lee (2006). In
(MeOH 3, without water) was the most efficient, with higher val- the case of leek, a higher temperature may be responsible for par-
ues obtained in all three assays. The acetone/water/acetic acid tial destruction of its phenolic compounds, as previously reported
(70/28/2, v/v/v) and methanol/acetic acid (99.5/0.5, v/v) mixtures for various plant materials (Barreira et al., 2009).
appeared generally to be best for extracting phenolics and antiox- The antioxidant capacities measured by the DPPH and ORAC as-
idant compounds from the four tested matrices. says were higher for most acetone-based extracts than for metha-
In keeping with these results, Gonzalez-Montelongo, Lobo, and nol-based extracts. One exception was leek, for which methanol
Gonzalez (2010) have shown that a mixture of acetone and water extracts obtained at 50 °C and 70 °C yielded higher ORAC values.
both extracts total phenolics very efficiently from banana peel and An increase in temperature led to a decreased antioxidant capacity
produces extracts with a high antioxidant capacity. The observed (DPPH and ORAC) in apple acetone extracts. For broccoli, the DPPH
non-correlation between total extracted phenolic compounds and assay gave the highest values at 70 °C in both the acetone and the
the antioxidant capacity of apple extracts may be due to the pres- methanol mixtures. Baumgertel, Grimm, Eisenbeiss, and Kreis
ence of other, non-phenolic antioxidant compounds. (2003) have shown that a higher temperature and a higher meth-
anol concentration can decrease the hydrolytic activity, this lead-
3.2. Temperature ing to better stability of some flavonoids in solution. This may be
the case for broccoli.
Different extraction temperatures have been used in the past, Since there was no indication that one extraction condition was
varying from 4 °C (Tabart et al., 2007) to room temperature (Kuri- really better than the others for all the matrices and all the assays,
lich, Jeffery, Juvik, Wallig, & Klein, 2002) or higher temperature we decided to continue testing with the acetone mixture at 4 °C, as
(Hinneburg & Neubert, 2005; Hu & Skibsted, 2002). Four different this condition nearly always yielded the highest values.
temperatures were tested: 4, 25, 50, and 70 °C (Fig. 2) with the
two solvent mixtures previously selected: acetone/water/acetic 3.3. Incubation duration and successive extractions
acid (70/28/2, v/v/v) and methanol/acetic acid (99.5/0.5, v/v).
As previously observed, both solvent mixtures extracted the The time during which the extraction solvent and matrix are in
same quantity of phenolic compounds from orange, broccoli, and contact can influence the progressive release of solute from matrix
leek, but for apple, the acetone-based mixture was better than to solvent, thus the extraction efficiency. We tried three incubation
the methanol mixture (between 20% at 25 °C and 34% at times: 20, 40, and 60 min, followed or not by one or two additional
50 °C, Fig. 2). A higher temperature (70 °C) led to an increased 20-min extractions. The aim was to determine the adequate
extraction yield from orange (+21%) and to a decreased extraction extraction time for obtaining a maximum of antioxidants without
yield from leek (10%). In orange, heat treatment might produce making the procedure too long for routine use.
J.A. Michiels et al. / Food Chemistry 130 (2012) 986–993 991

Whatever the duration and number of extraction steps, the solid and the bulk of the liquid, which is greater when a higher
quantity of phenolic compounds extracted from apple or broccoli solvent-to-solid ratio is used (Cacace & Mazza, 2003).
remained the same (Fig. 3A). In the case of leek, two successive As a compromise between maximising the extraction yield and
extraction steps led to a better yield than a single extraction minimising the cost of extraction (which increases with the solvent
(+40% with 40 + 20 min), and the same was true for orange (+12% volume used), we chose to use 20 mL extraction solvent per 1 g
with 20 + 20 min). When the means of the four matrices were con- (fresh weight) plant material. Using a greater solvent volume gen-
sidered, the two-step extraction (40 + 20 min) showed the best re- erally had only a small positive effect on the extraction yield, while
sults. In the case of apple, the DPPH antioxidant capacity increased increasing the assay cost and introducing the need of a concentra-
with the extraction time (as compared to a 20-min extraction, the tion step for some matrices (because the detection limit was
increase observed after 40 or 60 min, respectively was 41% or 51%). reached).
The antioxidant capacity was higher after a three-step extraction
from apple (+77%), broccoli (+57%), or orange (+16%) (Fig. 3B). 3.4.1. Stability of the antioxidant capacity during storage of plant
Increasing the extraction time or the number of extraction steps material
had no effect or a small negative effect on the ORAC values for A sample of each plant material was frozen in liquid nitrogen
apple and leek (12% and 21% after 60 and 40 + 20 min respec- before being stored at 20 °C for up to 25 days. Another fresh sam-
tively, as compared to 20 min), and a small positive effect on those ple was directly lyophilised before storage at 20 °C for up to
for orange and broccoli (+12% and +13% after 20 and 60 min, 25 days. Samples were regularly assayed for total phenolics and
respectively as compared to 20 min). Thus for the ORAC assay, a antioxidant capacity (DPPH and ORAC assays) (Table 1). The frozen
60-min incubation appeared adequate for optimal extraction of material was used directly in the extraction solvent as indicated
antioxidants from all these plant matrices. Additional extraction above for fresh material. The antioxidant capacity evaluated by
steps did not improve the extraction yield. A 60-min extraction the DPPH assay generally appeared more stable in lyophilised
time was also optimal for assaying total phenolics (except in the material than in material that was simply frozen. Lyophilisation
case of orange, where successive extractions led to a 20% higher did not appear as a better means of ensuring the stability of phen-
yield). For evaluation of the antioxidant capacity by the DPPH olics or of the ORAC value. In all three assays used, orange emerged
assay, a single 60-min extraction was almost optimal, except for as the most stable material and leeks as the least stable. Likewise,
broccoli, in which case successive extractions led to higher yields Murcia, Jimenez, and Martinez-Tome (2009) observed a rapid de-
(+57%). From the comparison of all these results, a single 1-h crease in antioxidant capacity in leek during frozen storage.
extraction thus emerged as a good compromise between extraction The ORAC value did not change during the first 25 days except for
efficacy and assay duration for routine use. With other non-acidi- apple under both storage conditions. In contrast, the antioxidant
fied solvents, Luthria et al. (2006) have shown that 88% of the phe- capacity measured by the DPPH assay began to decrease after
nolic compounds can be extracted in a single extraction step. 12 days (Table 1). The phenolic compound content was generally
Extraction times of 1 h or less have been used by various authors stable, as previously observed in various materials (Poiana, Moigra-
(Barreira et al., 2009). According to some authors (Liyana-Pathirana dean, Raba, Alda, & Popa, 2010), except in leek, where freezing led to
& Shahidi, 2005), the extraction time has less effect than the a major decrease. The observed differences between matrices may
extraction solvent and temperature. In the following experiments, be due to modification of the concentration and/or oxidation state
a single 60-min extraction step was used. of the different types of phenolic compounds (Wojdylo, Figiel, &
Oszmianski, 2009).
3.4. Solvent-to-solid ratio
3.4.2. Stability of the antioxidant capacity during storage of plant
Various ratios of plant tissue weight to extraction solvent vol- extracts
ume were tested (from 1 g:2 mL to 1 g:100 mL). The mean extrac- In parallel, the antioxidant capacity and total phenolics were
tion efficiency for phenolic compounds was highest when the determined in extracts of fresh material, both before and after
volume used was equal to (+141%) or higher than (+132%) either a few days of storage in the extraction solvent at different
40 mL (Fig. 4). The highest antioxidant capacities were recorded temperatures (4, 20, and 80 °C) or lyophilisation or evaporation.
with 40 mL solvent, except in the case of leek (highest DPPH va- The results obtained differed according to the material and stor-
lue with 100 mL extraction solvent) and orange (highest ORAC va- age form (Table 2). Liquid extracts were generally more stable than
lue with 100 mL extraction solvent). Similar results regarding the lyophilised and evaporated extracts. Considering all three assays
effect of the solvent-to-solid ratio on the extraction of phenolic used (total phenolics, DPPH, and ORAC), apple and broccoli extracts
compounds have been reported by Pinelo et al. (2005). Generally emerged as the most stable and leek as the least stable. These dif-
speaking, the higher the solvent-to-solid ratio, the higher the to- ferences are likely due to the nature of the antioxidant compounds
tal phenolics content and antioxidant capacity obtained. This is extracted from the various matrices. For example, some flavonols
consistent with the principles of mass transfer; the driving force (e.g. quercetin) appear to delay degradation of other phenolic com-
during mass transfer is the concentration gradient between the pounds such as anthocyanins (Shrikhande & Francis, 1974).

Table 1
Time (in days) that the total phenolics content and antioxidant capacity (DPPH and ORAC) remain stable in plant materials stored at 20 °C after rapid freezing or lyophilisation.
The plant material was considered stable if the measured loss was less than 20% of the initial value.

Apple Orange Broccoli Leek

Freezing Lyop. Freezing Lyop. Freezing Lyop. Freezing Lyop.
ORAC 8 8 >25 >25 >25 >25 >25 >25
DPPH 21 19 15 >25 15 >25 12 18
Phenolics >25 >25 >25 >25 20 5 0 0
992 J.A. Michiels et al. / Food Chemistry 130 (2012) 986–993

Table 2
Duration of stability in extracts stored at 20 °C in extraction solvent (Solv.), after evaporation (Evap.), or after lyophilisation (Lyop.). An extract was considered stable if the
recorded loss was less than 20% of the initial value.

Apple Orange Broccoli Leek

Solv. Evap. Lyop. Solv. Evap. Lyop. Solv. Evap. Lyop. Solv. Evap. Lyop.
ORAC 4 °C 4 0 3 4 0 3 3 0 4 0 0 0
20 °C >7 0 3 0 0 3 4 0 4 0 0 0
80 °C >7 0 3 >7 0 3 >7 0 4 0 0 0
DPPH 4 °C 8 >7 3 2 0 3 8 0 >9 1 4 4
20 °C >7 >7 3 >7 0 3 >7 >7 >9 >7 0 0
80 °C >7 >7 3 >7 0 3 >7 >7 >9 >7 >7 0
Phenolics 4 °C >9 >7 3 >9 >7 3 7 >7 4 0 0 0
20 °C >7 >7 3 >7 >7 3 >7 >7 4 0 0 0
80 °C >7 >7 3 >7 >7 3 >7 >7 4 0 0 0

Variations in storage temperature had little effect. Generally, oratories. On the basis of the present results, we propose the
the results obtained at 20 and 80 °C were similar, while at following conditions: an acetone/water/acetic acid mixture (70/
4 °C, the stability was slightly reduced or increased depending on 28/2, v/v/v) as extraction solvent; extraction for 1 h at 4 °C; a sol-
the method and material. In blueberry extracts, Srivastava, Akoh, vent-to-solid ratio of 20 mL per 1 g; use fresh material unless this
Yi, Fischer, and Krewer (2007) likewise observed a loss of phenolics is not possible, in which case one may resort to lyophilisation, or
and antioxidant capacity after 15 days at 6° and no variation at the extracts can possibly be stored for a few days at 20 °C before
20 °C after up to 30 days. It is well known that some antioxidant analysis. This should make it possible to attribute differences in
compounds, such as anthocyanins and ascorbic acid, are mutually antioxidant capacity for a specific matrix to real (e.g. genetic, envi-
destructive in the presence of oxygen (Sondheimer & Kertesz, ronmental) factors.
1953). Considering the oxygen-radical-absorbing capacity of
anthocyanins, which makes them good antioxidants (Wang, Cao, Acknowledgements
& Prior, 1997), this supports the notion that oxidation reactions
involving ascorbic acid as an activator of molecular oxygen pro- We thank G. Tabourga (student at the University of Dijon) for
duce free radicals (Garcia-Viguera & Bridle, 1999). technical assistance. J.A.M. gratefully acknowledges the support
An obstacle to comparing the antioxidant capacities of different of the ‘‘Ministère des Technologies nouvelles’’ (First Grant). The
products is the fact that the antioxidant capacity reported for a gi- skilful assistance of the APE staff (provided to CEDEVIT by the re-
ven matrix can differ according to the study considered. One rea- gional government of Wallonia) was greatly appreciated.
son for this is the use of different methods to measure
antioxidant capacity. In the present experiments, the ORAC assay
always yielded higher antioxidant levels than the DPPH assay. Sec- Akhlaghi, M., & Bandy, B. (2010). Dietary broccoli sprouts protect against
ondly, the results obtained for a given matrix by a single method myocardial oxidative damage and cell death during ischemia-reperfusion.
such as ORAC can vary with the extraction method. Parameters Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 65, 193–199.
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