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The Library

Posted on December 16, 2019 by Teach for Life with Narayan

The Library by Romesh Gunesekera is a story. In this story, the major character is Donald. Donald
usually puts his cap and pulls on pair of red and yellow knitted gloves. His is very short, dampy
man height. He has no family at present. His father and mother died in the early years. his parents
and Donald came to Britain from Ceylon Donald has one uncle which his father used to talk about
him before his death. after the second world war onwards, Donald has no touch with any his
relatives. Thus, his parents makes Donald feel frustration, alienation and anxiety.
Donald starts reading greats book and pome. He first of all reads the novel by Leonard Woolf
named “The Village in the Jungle” after his experience of Ceylon Donald also talks about
Tambimuttu, the great poet. But he comes to know this poet only after this poet arrived in London
in 1938. Then, he realizes many writers and poets are also living in London who are from different
countries. Tambimuutu is famous poet to celebrate the new diversity of English poetry.

Donald himself identifies that he is not a poet. When he moves to London, he starts his job at
Welfare Organization with few false starts. It means he has not had experience of the job where
he is employed. His boss usually drinks vodka and whisky. He has two other friends in the office.
Donald proves to be a wizard in finding any scrap of paper he files. He is not promoted in job
because due to his is informed that he gets promoted only after 10 years. It makes him feel
so sad on his job. Then, Donald spends his time to seek for his ancestry. He begins to think about
Ceylon (now Srilanka- his birth country).

In the Saturday morning, Donald goes to the library which is situated in hill. The greater wind and
storm challenges him while he is walking on the road. He likes his cap 3.50 Euro from marker’s in
Holloway and does not want to loose it. After reading several books, he wants to return back. He
couldn’t find any vehicles. Fortunately, he finds a car of Janice Conaway who helps him by giving

Janice Conaway and Donald introduce, discuss about the past while they are
travelling by car. Janice is very tall woman. She is married woman who has small
child. On the way, he sees the different birds like bouncing ball, wood pecker and
pigeon. The place is beautiful with green forest, woods and peaceful environment.
He feels himself as anonymous poet in such place and remembers many people he
knows. He also feels that in the city he knows no one and nobody knows him. He
remembers what his mother said before her death. After his father’s death, mother
started felling alone. Thus, she needed a shared past i.e. ancestry. Janice and
Donald talk about Donald’s ancestry. Donald’s grandfather was a famous poet who
wrote many poems before 1950s. his name was G.F. parker. Donald also
remembers that hos uncle that his father talked was a great poet. Thus, Donald
comes to know his ancestry and feels happy.

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