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«Unit 3 Bar Graphs Néu biéu dé duéng duce sti dung dé thé hién sy bién déi cia sé ligu trong mét khong thai gian nhat dinh thi biéu 46 c6t (bar graphs) chi ySu dugc dung dé so sdnh cc myc. Khi mé ta biéu d6 c6t, ban phai xdc dinh xem nén phan tich s6 ligu nao trude. Sau khi so s4nh céc sé ligu, ban phai chi ra nhiing dac diém quan trong, ndi bat cla théng tin. i j : : : | I com = z = e g Focus Task Biéu dd cét co uu diém Ia gidp ngudi xem thay 1 sy khdc nhau gitla cdc muc. Biéu dé cot trong Exercise 1 thé hién s6 gid trung binh ma giang vién phy trdch cdc mén hoc danh ra dé tu vn cho sinh vién va lugng thdi gian nay c6 sy khdc nhau 6 hai nhém ging vién: nhém day toan théi gian va nhém day ban thdi gian. Bai viét mé ta biéu dd cot cling c6 ba phan chinh: gidi thiéu, than bai, tang két. Ban c6 thé viét khong hai cau cho phan gidi thiéu. Exercise 1 Decide which of the following two-sentence introductions is better written. k= #$;.i © 4 ‘You should spend twenty minutes on this task. ae a ce Hours: History English Politics Sociology Computer Literature ‘Science You should write at least 150 words. Part 1 Writing Task 1 ~ Graphs Introduction 1 The given bar chart shows the differences in the average hours spent by professors counseling their students in 2009. The bar graph not only compares average hours across five different ma- jors, but also distinguishes between full-time and part-time lecturers. Introduction 2 The bar graph indicates the average numbers of hours professors spend counseling students. The graph considers both field and employment status, and compares the two. Scene Doan gidi thiéu 1 duoc viét tot hon. Cau dau tién da trinh bay day di thong tin dude U ng, cu tric ngtt phap dé dién dat lai ¥ tia néu trong dé bai va ngudi viét da thay | 8 bai mét céch phii hgp. Cau thé hai dé cap dén hai yéu t6 dugc so sénh qua bigu dé: thdi gian trung binh danh dé tu vn cho n&m mén hos, thdi gian tu van trung binh cia gidng vién day toan thai gian va giéng vién day ban thdi gian. G doan gidi thiéu 2, cau dau tién duge viét gan gidng vdi cau cia dé bai, cau thit hai néu thdng tin sai (biéu 43 khong so sdénh chuyén nganh va loai hgp déng cila gidng vién). Ngoai ra, trong doan nay, ngudi viét 48 dung sai thi (d6ng tir spend phai duge chia 6 thi qué kh don). Exercise 2 Find the two best written body paragraphs for Exercise 1 among the four below, and consider what mistakes are contained in the other two. Body Paragraph 1 According to the graph, the subject where students were counseled least was history, with full- time staff talking to students 3 hours a week on average, as compared to 2 hours for part-timers. There is a similar level of counseling between the two majors, English literature and politics, with full-timers for both faculties spending an average of 4 hours respectively, as compared to the 2.5 and 3 hours part-timers spent counseling in their respective departments. Body Paragraph 2 Let us look at full-timers first of all. According to the graph, computer science students were counseled the most, while politics and English literature students occupy second and third places. They are then closely followed in average hours by the other two majors, sociology and history. Body Paragraph 3 Part-timers worked hardest in the computer science department. There they spent 3 hours coun- seling students, much more than in the sociology department. Body Paragraph 4 In sociology, full-time instructors spent an average of 3 hours counseling, while the sociology department's part-timers were only slightly behind at 2.5 hours a week. There was a notice- able difference in computer science, where students were counseled the most by full-time staff at 4.5 hours, compared to only 3 hours by part-time professors. | | Doan gidi thigu 1 va 4 duge viét tot hen hai doan cén Iai. Doan gidi thigu 2 c6 noi dung qué bao quat va khong néu duge sé ligu cu thé. oan gidi thigu 3 qua ngén nén khong | trinh bay day dil sé liéu va thong tin quan trong. Exercise 3 Look at the two overviews for Exercise 1. Which one is the most accurate and uses the proper style expected in Task 1? Overview 1 To put it another way, full-time teachers spent more hours corresponding with students than part-timers, while computer science students got the most attention at this university. Overview 2 Overall, there are two clear trends evident, first being that the combined staff in the computer science department spent the most time counseling their students, and second, that full-time staff generally spent much more time with their students than did part-timers. — | joan téng két 1 khong dat yéu cdu vi ngudi viét néu thong tin cht quan: sinh vin | nganh khoa hoe méy tinh nhan duge nhiéu sy quan tém nhét. Ngoai ra, dé mé dau phan téng két, ngudi viet nén ding in summary hay in brief (nghia la ndi t6m Iai) — hai cum tit | nay phi hop hon cum ti! to put it another way. Doan tong két 2 dugc viét tét vi sit dung | ti phil hop [a overall ¢2 mé dau doan va chi ra hai xu huéng chil yéu duge thé hién qua biéu dd. Exercise 4 Study the following graph and then read the task response that follows. Using the information | provided, complete the task response by adding an overview. MU You should spend twenty minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words. ‘Average spending on pocket money in the UK 1 Average femies pocket money Bi Average eh recnved Pounds Income groups Task Response The given chart compares the amount families spent on pocket money in the UK in 2007 ac- cording to income, and then compares this with how much an individual child from each income g bracket received on average. 8 7 Remarkably, families in the lowest income bracket gave the most pocket money at £15, while = those in the middle bracket gave the least at just £9. Families from the highest income level allo- = cated £12 for their children’s pocket money. = s 5 Unit BerGraphs 67 68 Meanwhile, the children who received the most money, which was £10, were from the wealthiest income group, while children received an average of only £6 if they belonged to a middle-class family, Perhaps surprisingly, children in the lowest income group fared slightly better, with each receiving an average of £7 per week. Overview Focus Coherence Comparing Data Khi viét bai cho Task 4, diéu quan trong ma ban can nhé la hay so sénh cdc sé ligu va trinh bay ngan gon, logic, chinh xéc. Néu dé bai cho qué nhigu sé ligu (nhiéu muc) thi ban nén gop cdc 86 ligu 66 dic diém va thé hién xu hudng gidng nhau. Nhd dé, ban vila tiét kiém duge thai gian vila 6 thé dé dang thay r6 mdi lién hé gida cdc sé liéu. Exercise 5 How would you organize and categorize the main features of the Task 1 graph below? k= &8#8# ~~ | ‘You should spend twenty minutes on this task. ‘You should write at least 150 words. Access to clean water, 2004 0 — n— Percentage oo 0 Latin The Middle South Asia Sub-Saharan America East rica ‘Source: UN Human Development Report 2006 Outline of Data There are 4 sets of data provided: 1, 90% of people had access to clean water in Latin America. 2. 86% of people had access to clean water in the Middle East 3. 85% of people had access to clean water in South Asia. 4, 56% of people had access to clean water in Sub-Saharan Africa. 6 doan than bai, dé chi ra mdi lién hé gia bOn sd ligu dugc cho trén biéu dé thi ban nén gop cae $6 ligu c6 d&c diém gidng nhau va trinh bay trong khong ti hai dén ba cu. Vi biéu dd ma dé bai yéu cdu mé ta [a biéu 43 cdt (bigu dd thé hién thi hang) nén ban cé | thé chia cdc sé lieu theo vi tri cao-thdp olla cdc c6t. Thuong thi bén s6 liéu trén biéu 4d cOt duge gop thanh hai c&p, méi cp gdm hai $6 ligu c6 dic diém gidng nhau, sau 46 ngudi viét so sdnh hai c&p s6 liu nay. Tuy nhién, véi biéu dé cla dé bai vila néu thi ba s6 liéu cia ba cét Gau tién (Latin America, the Middle East, South Asia) c6 dac diém gidng nhau nén ban hay tinh bay théng tin lién quan dén ba sé liéu ay trong mét cau, sau do ban so sénh sé ligu con lai véi ba sé ligu nay va chi ra su khae nhau gitfa chting trong cau tip theo. Exercise 6 Now write a body paragraph that contains all the above data, but make sure that it accurately compares and contrasts the data in the graph above without being repetitive. Body Paragraph Focus Lexis | Using Appropriate Adjectives and Adverbs Vide sit dung tir ngi thich hop, d&c biét [a tinh tit hay trang tl, sé gitip ban trinh bay sé liéu khndng nhinng ré rang, sinh dong ma con chinh xc. Hay xem hai cau sau: There was a sudden drop in profits. There was a gradual drop in profits. Hai cau nay rét khac nhau vi hai tinh td sudden va gradual hoan toan khde nhau vé nghia. Ngoai ra, cdc trang tu néu duge si dung ph hgp sé lam giém mic d6 chde chan hoae su khang dinh mang tinh chii quan. Vi du, trong hai cdu duéi day, cau thi nhat nghe khdch quan hon cau thi hai French women generally used fewer hotel towels than Italian women. Women from France did not use as many towels in the hotel as women from Italy. Exercise 7 Look at the two following sentences and consider how adjectives and other modifying words affect the accuracy of the data being described. 1. Despite a drop in the rate of teenagers having access to sports centers in 2004, from then on there was a rise in sports classes being offered to the point that in 2010, there was an increase in students involved in a sport. 2. Despite a slight drop in the rate of teenagers having access to sports centers in 2004, from then on there was a significant rise in sports classes being offered to the point that in 2010, there was a fourfold increase in students involved in at least one sport. Mienes So vdi cau 4 thi céu 2 c6 thém cdc tinh ti slight, significant nén néi dung cia cau duge dién dat 6 rang va chinh xc hon. Bén canh dé, ty chi sO lugng fourfold, one va |S thnh ng@ at least gitip ngubi viét trinh bay thong tin cy thé hon. Exercise 8 The following response is actually missing a number of adjectives and adverbs (see below). This time there are no blanks and you need to use your knowledge of the writing process to figure out where exactly they belong. To make things less confusing, they appear in the text in the same order as given below. unspecified different youngest ~—respectively even relatively further middle significantly a lot kz = &=—=—=£=£=—COti

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