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20/09/2011 19:54

Physician Assistant Schools in Washington DC

ist of Physician Assistant Schools in Washington DC together with the info such as campus location, the type of degree on offer, campus contact information. Physician assistant programs usually require 2 years of study. Typically the first half of the curriculum is dedicated to classroom and laboratory guidelines, meanwhile the second half of the curriculum will be more focusing on clinical knowledge in various medical specialties. If you planned to become a physician assistant, you will have to meet certain requirements with a purpose to be admitted to one of the accredited physician assistant programs. Most physical assistant schools and all the highest ones require that youve got some degree of expertise on healthcare experience, such as experience as a registered nurse. Go to the websites or call the university / college from every the colleges in your list. Find out what the prerequisites and checklist of the accredited physicians assistant training applications which might be alocated in your geographical region or in a area to which youd think about relocating. Prospect physician assistants need to complete an accredited physician assistant program and pass the national certifying examination to get their license to have the ability to practice in the medical field.

George Washington University

PA/MPH Dual Degree Program 900 23rd Street NW, Suite 6148 Washington, DC 20037 (202) 994-6661 Email: Website: Credentials Awarded: Certificate, Masters Degree CASPA Participating Program

George Washington University Physician Assistant Program

900 23rd Street NW, Suite 6148 Washington, DC 20037 (202) 994-6661 Email: Website: Credentials Awarded: Certificate, Masters Degree CASPA Participating Program

Howard University Physician Assistant Program

College of Pharmacy, Nursing, and Allied Health Sciences 516 Bryant NW, Annex 2, #119 Washington, DC 20059 (202) 806-7536 Email: Website:

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Physician Assistant Schools in Washington DC

20/09/2011 19:54

Introduction.htm Credentials Awarded: Bachelors Degree CASPA Participating Program Please re-visit this page to get the updated list of Physician Assistant Schools in Washington DC.

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