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Name: Leah Mae T.

Rosal Class Schedule : (10:00 AM-12-Pm)

Course & Year: BSCE 2 Instructor: Dr. Virgilio H. Onganiza
Subject: Philosophy Date submitted: September 17, 2021

“Evaluative Essay about assessing value and disvalue of post-truth phenomena such as fake

news or alternative facts following Aquinas’s assertion for truth”

Fake news is not a new issue, but it poses a greater challenge now. Fake news has been

around as long as human civilization, but it has been turbo-charged by digital technology and the

transformation of the global media landscape. Nevertheless, defenders of fact and truth still have

weapons to help uphold integrity in the social, political and economic environments. Fake news

is not new, it has been around for centuries, but the technical tools that exist today, coupled with

increasing distrust of the mainstream media, have proved to be logarithmic multipliers of the

potential of false information.

Why do people use FB and what they do when they are there? Facebook is a medium of

communication that is well embraced by today's generation. It is an endless virtual bubble of

social interactions packed with viral articles, videos, events, groups, and pages. But why are

people really using it? Facebook meets two predominant human needs, the need for belonging as

well as the need for showing their best selves. The demographic and cultural factors relate to the

need of belonging within the vast variety of Facebook users. Social networking sites are merely

just internet-based service or platform that gives individuals the capabilities to build a public,

private or semi-private profile, individualize several other users with whom a link or connection

is shared, and track or observe associations made by these individuals. Just as me a lot of users

Leah Mae
Name: Leah Mae T. Rosal Class Schedule : (10:00 AM-12-Pm)
Course & Year: BSCE 2 Instructor: Dr. Virgilio H. Onganiza
Subject: Philosophy Date submitted: September 17, 2021
still continue to use Facebook for a few possible reasons, the main one being that Facebook

allows users to interact with friends and family in a single spot. It allows users to connect and

engage in their life, wherever they may be. And because it is used by everyone else, generating

as the case mentions the "economic impact of network effects” that should not come as a surprise

to anyone, because it is in fact that with 1.3 billion users, Facebook is just where all your family

and friends are most likely to be. However, Facebook might be concerned that the largest hold it

has on its users is the size of its user base, which the case explains really well grew and still

grows as a permutation. But what happens if a better alternative came along and people switch?

just as with the other competitors that were run out like Myspace or Friendster? This helps to

understand why Facebook was quick to acquire potential competitors such as Instagram and

WhatsApp so readily. And with other lists of companies, it acquired it was quick to adapt their

software or expertise into their own algorithm making it more complex, engaging and effective.

Is fake news old news? Are “fake news” and “alternative facts” really any different from

timeless phenomena like public hysteria and politicians being “economical with the truth”? A

closer look shows much that is the same, but also that recent trends are reason for alarm and for

taking action. Ultimately, educated viewers are the only ones who can save themselves from

deception. Not every news story has honest intentions. Knowing what to look for in a news story

will help viewers avoid the spread of fake news. Fake news has been a relevant topic of public

debate since at least 2016, together with the cultural and epistemological context in which it

flourishes: post-truth. To fully understand this phenomenon, we have to avoid any technological

determinism, which would relate the rise of fake news and post-truth to innovations such as

digital media. While digital media has certainly fostered both post-truth and fake news, we

Leah Mae
Name: Leah Mae T. Rosal Class Schedule : (10:00 AM-12-Pm)
Course & Year: BSCE 2 Instructor: Dr. Virgilio H. Onganiza
Subject: Philosophy Date submitted: September 17, 2021
should take into consideration other factors, too, such as the crisis of liberal democracies and the

distrust towards traditional social institutions.

As a student one of the simplest strategies to avoid falling into the trap of fake news may

appear self-evident at first: For news, go straight to reputable news websites. If you rely on

Facebook to see what's "trending" or being shared across your newsfeed, you'll have to double-

check every meme or news story you come across. One of the simplest strategies to avoid falling

into the trap of fake news may appear self-evident at first: For news, go straight to reputable

news websites. If you rely on Facebook to see what's "trending" or being shared across your

newsfeed, you'll have to double-check every meme or news story you come across. It is more

and more important to check information sources, especially on the internet and using social

media. Anyone online is able to publish and share information, even though it may be false.

Even photographs and videos can be doctored, mislabeled or manipulated to tell a fake story. In

general, young people are most likely to get their news through online sources, relying heavily

on mobile devices for their communications. In addition to making sure to never share personal

details on social media, it’s important to understand the impacts of sharing potential

misinformation. This can take on many different forms, and each can have a negative impact on

public discourse by misleading and manipulating readers — whether intentionally or not.


Leah Mae
Name: Leah Mae T. Rosal Class Schedule : (10:00 AM-12-Pm)
Course & Year: BSCE 2 Instructor: Dr. Virgilio H. Onganiza
Subject: Philosophy Date submitted: September 17, 2021

Leah Mae

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