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To: star@gmail.



Subject: New Holiday

Dear The Star News,

We would like to suggest a new national holiday for Malaysia, the holiday is called ‘Flight 653 Day’,
this day is to commemorate the first plane crash in Malaysia’s history. Flight 653 happened on the
evening of December 4th, 1977, the plane was supposed to fly from Penang to Kuala Lumpur but it
was hijacked by Japanese Red army members and crashed into Johor. It was the first fatal hijacking
for Malaysia airlines, with all the people on the flight killed (100 people killed).

The event will be to honor and remember those who died, during the day people will attend
memorials for those who died, make paper airplanes and release paper lanterns into the sky to
honor the plane crash. The event will be on the 4 th of December which was the day the plane

This idea should be made into a national holiday because it will be used to honor those who died,
the plane crash was very tragic and multiple innocent people lost their lives during that day. This
holiday will also be for the family members of those who died in other plane crashes the grieve for
their lost ones. We hope you will consider this holiday.

Warm regards,

Natalie and Manyee

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