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Gene therapy is the way that modifies a person’s genes to treat or cure disease.

It works by

manipulating the gene's expression or altering the living cells' biological properties for

therapeutic use. Gene therapy can cure diseases in many ways, like replacing the healthy copy of

the gene with a gene-causing disease, inactivating malfunction or disease-causing genes, and

introducing new or modified genes into the body to prevent or treat a disease. Gene therapy

products are biological products studied to treat or cure diseases such as cancer, infectious and

genetic diseases.

Designer Babies are made up of an embryo that is genetically modified to bring healthy and

specific traits child by removing unfavorable or harmful traits like genetic disease or adding

favorable traits like physical appearance, strength, and intelligence. However, there have been

many ethical questions and debate over designer babies about the process and whether it is okay

to actively edit a baby’s genetic traits. If so, how to do it responsibly?

Agricultural GMOs (Genetically Modified Organism) is the plant, animals, or microorganism

that has been genetically modified or genetic material (DNA) changed using a process called

genetic engineering which is the transfer of specific DNA from one organism to another to

increase yield, enhance the nutritional content, improve resistance or drought tolerance, less crop

loss, and longer storage life. The FDA approves it, and GMO foods are as healthy and safe as


MRNA vaccine is a new type of vaccine that use molecules called mRNA. Rather than using

dead or weakened bacteria or viruses, they use mRNA necessary for protein production. mRNA

does not enter the nucleus or alter DNA. This vaccine introduces a piece of mRNA

corresponding to a viral protein found on the virus’s outer membrane. When using the mRNA

vaccine, our cells produce viral protein, which our immune system recognizes as foreign. It
produces a specialized protein called antibodies which help protect our bodies by attaching it to

them and destroying infections, pathogens, and viruses. Once viruses are destroyed, antibodies

remain in the body to quickly recognize and destroy pathogens when they reappear and prevent

them from getting serious illnesses.



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