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Mother nature

Nature, we call it our mother. Humans, plants, animals, and every

being on this planet are the subjects of mother nature. Mother
nature has always guided us when we found ourselves lost and
astray. Nature heals us from deep within. It shows us infinite
beauty and artistry. Mother nature is kind. It does not wish misery
upon its creations. It loves all of its creations equally. Mother
nature has provided us with everything for our nourishment.

Mother nature is balanced. It is we humans who are molesting

this balance. We are willing to wreck this balance just for our
sake. We blame mother nature for natural disasters and
calamities when we have given it no choice but to do so. Mother
nature is not cruel, we are cruel to ourselves. We will be the end
of our own kind. We call nature our mother when in reality no child
ever treats their mother the way we treat mother nature. We say
we love nature and then become the reason for its destruction.
Have we ever truly pondered why hardships befall us? Is mother
nature angry with us? We destroy nature's creations and expect it
to forgive us. Mother nature has given us everything and what did
we do in return? we chopped down trees, polluted water burned
fossil fuels, contaminated fresh air, and became the reason for the
extinction of countless animals.

I think it is time, we stop blaming mother nature and start taking

responsibility for our actions. we must take care of our earth and
nourish nature so, that we can put an end to the destruction of
this extraordinary world. We must spread awareness and start
restoring our world and nature.

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