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A Research Paper Presented to the

Faculty of the College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Candelaria, Inc.

Quezon, Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Nursing




The technologies that surround us drastically change in order to keep up with

society as time passes by. Smoking is one example of innovation in the present times.

The use of tobacco is widely spread out around the globe, but times have changed in

which the emergence of e-cigarettes came into being. E-cigarettes go by a variety of

names. The other names for electronic cigarettes include electronic hookahs, mods, vape

pens, vapes, tank electronic nicotine administration devices (ENDS). (CDC, 2021). These

products simply work by converting nicotine-containing liquid (E-Liquid) into a vapor

that may be inhaled. The gadget, merely requires an inhalation or, pressing the button.

The e-liquid used in the e-cigarette is primarily composed of propylene glycol and

vegetable glycerin, which flavorings and nicotine are subsequently added, but some e-

liquids come without nicotine. (Rubery, 2022).

The e-cigarettes are more popular in individuals, particularly teenagers and young

adults, become addicted to them, resulting in a new global approach. Adolescents and

young adults are mainly among the vulnerable population groups for e e-cigarettes use

(Hammond et al., 2020; Wamamili et al., 2020). based on projections made by the Global

State of Tobacco Harm Reduction (GSTHR), there will be approximately 82 million vape

users around the world in 2021. This represents a 17% increase over the number

of users in 2020. As more public spaces in the Philippines have smoking bans, E-cigarette

use is growing in popular among Filipinos, especially among the younger generation.

In the Philippines or 2.7 million people or around 3% of the worlds vape users, as

of 2021. (MakatiMed, 2022). Users of the trend ecigarettes are students, especially those

in college one of the top users of E-cigarette. According to a study, college students who

use e-cigarettes are well-informed about many of the associated health risks. They are,

however, mostly ignorant of the toxic ingredients found in e-cigarette. Public health

initiatives are required to teach college students about e-cigarettes to give the reliable

information. (McLeish et al., 2022). College students are continuously using e-cigarette

because of the idea that this e-cigarette is safer than tobacco cigarette and not aware about

the disadvantage of e-cigarette to their health.

Given the statements above, the researchers came up with this study because e -

cigarettes usage is prevalent in the youth, especially college students. This study aims to

identify the factors that influence the use of e-cigarettes among selected fourth-year

college students, how prevalent they are, and discuss the alternative strategies to address

these issues while also supporting the respondents in reducing their consumption in a

sensible manner.


This study aims to determine “Factors Affecting the Use of E-Cigarette as Perceived by

Selected Fourth Year College Student of in MSEUF-CI”:

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Course and Year

2. What are the factors related to e-cigarette smoking?

2.1 Environmental factor

2.2 Family factor

2.3 Peer factor

3. What is the perceived awareness of Selected fourth year College Students of

MSEUF-CI in E-cigarette smoking?


4. Is there a significant difference between Respondent’s Profile and the factors of

E-Cigarette Smoking?


There is no significant relationship of the factors affecting the use of E-cigarette when

grouped according to the demographic profile.


As related to the foundation of this research, a theory called the Social Cognitive

Theory will be used as the theoretical framework of this study. Social Cognitive Theory

provides a best description of the concept of this research. The terminologies, principles,

and how it is related to the study will be discussed in this section.

Social Cognitive Theory

The Social Cognitive Theory has been applied to different fields, most especially

in the field of Health and Behavior (Bandura, 2001). As stated by Roberts & Fillmore

(2017), this theory significantly helped in finding the root cause of behavior-related

scenarios such as drink and driving, parenting, excessive fear, violence, anxiety, and a lot

more. This theory emphasizes that there are certain factors that influence the behavior of


person. As a person interacts with its environment, a two-way relationship is

being constructed. As a result, individual behavior is being formed from the following


environmental factors, social factors, and personal experiences (Rajabalipour et al.,

2019). This theory does not only find the root cause for a bad health behavior of a

person (e.g. smoking, drinking, addiction) but it also determines the right direction for

the treatment of these mentioned health-affecting attitudes like smoking cessation for

example (Villanti et al., 2020). The following are the key components of Social Cognitive


a) Self-Efficacy which refers to the belief that a person can execute a behavior; b)

Behavior Capability which refers to possessing the ability to do that behavior; c)

Expectations which refers to the outcome of this behavior executed; d) Expectancies

which refers to the meaning of this outcome; e) Self-Control which refers to the ability of

a person to regulate behavior, f) Observational Learning which refers to the scenarios

monitored by a person and adapt what was observed; and g) Reinforcement which refers

to the feeling or reward that a person experiences that mainly contribute to adopting a

behavior (Boston University School of Public Health, 2019).

In the context of this research study, it is being assumed that the people who use e

-cigarettes obtain a positive reward, feeling, and experience when it comes to using it,

hence, developing the habit of e-cigarette smoking. Through this research, the main

contributors in which these e-cigarette smokers learn their behavior will be determined.

According to the Person-environment fit theory by (Eccles & Midley, 1989;

Eccles and her colleagues; Eccles et at 1993) "People have a natural desire to suit their

surrounds, and they seek out environments that match those qualities" (Van Vianen,

2018; p. 77). Congruence can be researched at the individual, group,vocational, or

organization allevel

Input Process Output

Selected Identifying the Factors that
Fourth year Factors and influence the use
of MSEUFCI Perceived of E-cigarette
awareness among selected
Demographic Fourth year
- Age Through College
- Gender
implementatio students.
- Course and year n of: Through
Questionnarire implentation of:
s Program
Surveys Wellness
Health teaching

Figure 1. Research Paradigm.

The Input-process-output model will be used in the study. The theory

contributed in the analysis's finding of the perceived awareness. and consequences of

using E-cigarette. The input includes the demographic profile of respondents including

their Age, Gender, Course and year. The process will be done through questionnaires and

survey forms that will identify the factors such as environment, peers and family as well

as identifying the respondent’s perceived awareness regarding E-cigarette smoking.

Lastly The Output, where it is facilitated by implementing programs, wellness activities

and health-teaching that will support and assist health promotion, and prevention

regarding the factors that influence the use of E-cigarette among selected Fourth Year

College students.


The outcome of this research is to find the probable factors that affects the use of E-

cigarette. The beneficiaries of this research are the following:

1. Students’ e-cigarette user. This study will provide information on the factors

that affects the use of E-cigarette to College students, as well as insight preventive

or alternative factor to diminish the use of E-cigarette.


2. Health Care Provider. This study will guide as a reference to an increasing case

of lung diseases to teenage patients. They also can have some idea what to teach


the teenagers about smoking, how can they prevent or reduce the increasing rate

of associated diseases.

4. School Instructors/Facilitators. This study will provide information and idea on

what to include in the rules and regulations in schools. With the help of them they

can also provide or conduct a program about avoiding the use of E-cigarettes.

5. Nursing students. This study will give the Nursing students a sense of awareness

and knowledge on promoting wellness, and disease prevention regarding the use

of E-cigarette smoking.

6. Future Researchers. This study serves as a sample basis for conducting same

study, it can also be their guide in their study and can be their additional

information resources.


The Scope and Limitations of the study were limited to the students of Manuel S.

Enverga University Candelaria Inc. In the college department, in which the group was

composed of selected fourth year college students. The data collection will be conducted

through poll survey in which will gather the selected fourth year college students in each

department who uses E – cigarette. The study will be done with consent and utilization of

questionnaire through google forms as a survey and reference of the researchers.


The following terms used in this study are defined operationally as follows:

1. E – cigarette. A device that resembles a cigarette, cigar, or pen but doesn't

actually contain tobacco. The device runs on a battery and includes a mixture of

flavorings, nicotine, and other substances, some of which may be dangerous.

2. Smoking. Is an act of inhaling and exhaling the fumes of burning plant material

that can potentially affect the health of an individual.

3. Nicotine. It is a very potent substance found in cigarette smoke. It is extremely

addicting and stimulates the body as well as the brain.

4. Vape Juice/ E-Liquid. Product that may or may not contain nicotine. This liquid

is used or put in inside the E-cigarette to be inhaled.

5. College Students. It refers to the selected 4th year college students of MSEUFCI

chosen to be the respondent of the conducted study.


6. MSEUFCI. It is a private non-secterian university foundation, located at Brgy.

Malabanban Norte, Candelaria Quezon and established in June 1992.



This chapter tackles the presented related literature and studies on the subjects

connected to the research problem. It emphasizes the factors that influence the use of e -

cigarette smoking among the selected 4th year college students. It will serve as a basis for

other researchers as it provides supporting evidence and data that encourages readers to

continue. It gave reliable evidence and details which provided answers referred to the

problems brought up in the research study.

Related Literature and Related studies

The use of E-cigarettes can be affected by the many things. There are different

factors affecting the use of E-cigarettes which can be the following: The demographic

profile of the respondents (i.e age, gender, course and year), Environment factor (i.e type

of community living), Family factor (i.e family related problems), peer factor (i.e peer

pressure). Included also in this study are the risk and effect in health of e-cigarette

smoking as well as awareness and existing campaigns to combat nicotine consumption.

As the rise and demand of E-cigarette quickly spread across the globe, vaping

became a hit among teenagers. Vaping became popular as an alternative to tobacco since

it uses a flavored liquid that users can choose from. According to Perikleous, E. P.

(2018), E-cigarettes are battery-operated nicotine delivery systems that turn a flavored

liquid into

an aerosol mist that users inhale to simulate traditional smoking. The effects of e-


on both personal and societal health are a source of worry.

One of the highest cigarette smoking rates in Southeast Asia is in the Philippines.

E-cigarette use is one of the current and heavily advertised ways to reduce smoking.

However, using it could potentially have negative effects that are similar to smoking

cigarettes. (Fahad Khamis D Aljaberi; Johnny J Yao, 2021)

In the Philippines prevalent cases of E-cigarette users in 2015 by Global Adult

Tobacco Survey (GATS) were about 2.8% and 0.8%, newly cases may also result from

an increasing global market of E-cigarette which is becoming popular among the youth.

(DOH, 2019)

According to National Institutes of Health, the increasing cases of marijuana and

vaping in the past three years, are among college students, ages ranging from 19-22 years

old, their statistical survey also shows that 5.2% in 2017 to 14% in 2019 are the

percentage of college students that admitted using marijuana and vape. (NIH, 2020).

Kim, Arnold and Makarenko (2014), believes that e-cigarette marketing expenses

escalated significantly as a result of e-cigarettes becoming more widely accepted among

all age categories, particularly populations of susceptible teenagers and young people.

As E-cigarette became popular, companies released advertisements for e-


that targeted mainly teenagers. Teenagers became the target audience for


including the product itself, the packaging. Social media advertisements were

made publicly available. Studies have found that flavor, packing and designs is one of the

most crucial aspects young people take into account when deciding whether to try e-

cigarettes. (The Vaping Epidemic in Adolescents 2020).

Contributing factor can also be, Gender Differences in use and Expectancies of

ECigarettes, based on the Addictive Behaviors (2016), Males stated greater high quality

expectations approximately e-cigarettes, such as taste, social facilitation, and energy,


women rated e-cigarettes better for weight control. In addition, men admitted that

they started using e-cigarettes to help them stop smoking conventional cigarettes,

because they were intrigued about them, and because conventional cigarettes were

unhealthy and also men claimed that they enjoyed using e-cigarettes. While, women

typically claimed that they started using e-cigarettes upon recommendation of peers. And

reported more negative reinforcement attributions, which included things like stress relief

and mood regulation.

Most e-cigarette users are male because of e-cigarette are a new trend. Older

adults are using this because they are more into cigarettes or tobacco. Other people that

use e-

cigarette are reasoning that using e-cigarette can stop them from using tobacco

and they believe that this is less harmful than tobacco. (Baeza, I.V. M., Jaramillo, J.B.,

Firmanes, M.J. N., Mateo, D.J., (et. al. 2017.)

Females that never smoked were aware about e-cigarettes' existence but have

limited knowledge about e-cigarette. Other students had favorable opinions about using e-

cigarettes. While current smokers have a negative view on using e-cigarette. Nonsmokers

and former smokers had a good attitude against e-cigarette. (Palmes, M. Trajera, S. M.,

and Sajnani, A. K. 2021)

According to a study conducted by Soneji, et al., (2017) The risk for E-cigarette

smoking from studying a specific set of demographic, psychosocial, and behavioral risk

factors; the results show that strong risk for vaping are among adolescents and young

adults are caused by known risk factors which are from parental, siblings, peer cigarette

smoking, high levels of sensation seeking and risk taking. Study also shows that since E-

cigarette smoking requires hand movements, mimicking tobacco smoking, it could

potentially cause behavioral and physiological reasons which results in adolescents and

young adults transitioning to cigarette smoking naturally.

Other researchers on Filipino Adolescents by Esteban-Ipac and Torres-Ticzon,

(2022) Also shows that Factors affecting the use can be family/parents as well as peers.

Adolescents imitate their parents who smoke, drink alcohol, and use drugs. The risk-


behavior can be modified by increasing the parents' supervision and changing

their attitude towards drug-use. Adolescents may not begin smoking if they think their

parents do not approve of their behavior. Peer pressure also has an impact on adolescents'

behavior; the more friends they have the greater their likelihood of smoking.

Vaping rapidly emerges in different area because of its popularity, adults who live

in rural areas are more likely to use tobacco products. E-cigarette use has both benefits

and drawbacks, and the views and uptake of e-cigarettes are significantly impacted by the

ambiguous message about these benefits and drawbacks. Lewis-Thames, M.W.,

Langston, M.E, Han, Yunan (2020),

In addition, regardless of a person's usage of e-cigarettes, a favorable social

environment for e-cigarette use (friends' use of and good views about use of e-cigarettes)

was linked to a higher risk of susceptibility to cigarette use. (Barrington-Trimis, J.L et. al,


Adolescent e-cigarette uses and a social environment that supports e-cigarette use

may increase the likelihood that they will consume cigarettes in the future. E-cigarettes

may encourage cigarette use in the future by creating a nicotine addiction or by making

smoking behaviors more accepted in society. (Barrington-Trimis, J.L, et al.,2016),

As the increasing usage of e-cigarette smoking rises among adults and

adolescents, lung diseases and other illnesses may become more prevalent. –According to

the American

Lung Association, (2022), EVALI, which stands for use-associated lung injury

from vaping or e-cigarettes, VAPI was its previous name (vaping associated pulmonary

illness). The new name was chosen in response to an increasing number of cases of

serious lung disease linked to smoking e-cigarettes and vaping devices, the first of which

was discovered in 2019.


Based on American Cancer Society, (2020), The two most crucial things to be

aware of are that e-cigarettes can be harmful to a user's health, just like all tobacco

products, including traditional cigarettes. As an illustration, e-cigarettes can irritate the

lungs and harm the heart. The majority of e-cigarettes contain nicotine, which is addicting

and may persuade some people to use tobacco products when they normally wouldn't.

Additionally, there is considerable evidence to suggest that teens' developing brains are

harmed by nicotine.

The state Department of Health Services reported on Thursday that eight teens

were brought to the hospital with lungs that are seriously damaged in Wisconsin. Dr.

Michael Gutzeit, the chief medical officer of Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, stated at

the press conference that, “We suspect that these injuries were caused by vaping.”

(Scutti, Susan, 2019).

On November 15,2001 the Philippines’ first incidence of e-cigarette or vape-

associated lung injury (Evali) was confirmed by the Department of Health (DOH). The

DOH announced in a statement on Friday that the case had been confirmed in a 16-year-

old girl from the Visayas who had been using e-cigarettes for six months while

concurrently smoking traditional cigarettes. (Paris, Janella, 2019),

Shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, bronchial and pulmonary irritations, and

reduced pulmonary function are only a few of the stress and inflammatory reactions the

pulmonary system has experienced as a result of exposure to e-cigarettes. Gingival


inflammation, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea have all been observed in the

oral and gastrointestinal systems. The cardiovascular system reportedly responded with

increased tachycardia and blood pressure. (Seiler-Ramadas, Radhika, Sandner, Isabell,

Haider, Sandra, Grabovac, Igor and Dorner, T.E., 2020)

Another disease that can be associated by using E-cigarette is Lipoid pneumonia,

which differs from typical pneumonia brought on by infection, which happens when fatty

acids, which are the building blocks of fat, go into the lungs. Inhaling oily components

found in e-liquid causes an inflammatory response in the lungs, which leads to vaping-

related lipoid pneumonia. (Broderick, Stephen R., 2022),

According to Palmes, M., Trajera, S. M., & Sajnani, A. K. (2021) In

comparison to tobacco smoking, the Royal College of Physicians claims that e-cigarettes

are a “viable harm-reduction option” and that “the hazard to health coming from long-

term vapor inhalation from e-cigarettes accessible today is unlikely to surpass 5% of the

harm from smoking tobacco.”

Due to the recentness of vape smoking, there are no obvious long-term effects of

second-hand vaping (SHS). However, preliminary research indicates that people who are

exposed to vape smoking experience health issues due to the effects of the aerosol, which

contains dangerous compounds. Lead, formaldehyde, and toluene, three carcinogenic


substances that cause cancer in later life stages, are present in secondhand vape aerosol.

(National Nutrition Council, 2021),

The two most crucial things to be aware of are that e-cigarettes can be harmful to

a user's health, just like all tobacco products, including traditional cigarettes. As an

illustration, e-cigarettes can irritate the lungs and harm the heart. The majority of e-

cigarettes contain nicotine, which is addicting and may persuade some people to use

tobacco products when they normally wouldn't. Additionally, there is considerable

evidence to suggest that teens' developing brains are harmed by nicotine. (American

Cancer Society, 2020).

There is also a study that E-cigarette smoking is linked to cardiovascular health

problem and brain functioning problem, According to Truth Initiative, (2021), the

generation of carbonyl compounds in e-cigarette aerosol. When the extreme heat of an

ecigarette coil comes into contact with two common solvents found in e-liquid, propylene

glycol and glycerol, carbonyls are created. Many of these carbonyl compounds have been

previously connected to an increased risk of blood clots and atherosclerosis. Their study

also claims that e-cigarette use can impair brain function and that it has been

linked to impulsivity, low self-esteem, and a history of ADHD, PTSD, anxiety, and

gambling disorders.

Most young adults did not know that some e-cigarettes contain nicotine and did

not know the toxic chemical content of e-cigarette. While e-cigarettes constituents and

fewer young adults were knowledgeable about the regulation. The study reveals that even


students in the survey had little knowledge and were not familiar with the

components of e- cigarettes as well as the health effects, the participants still possessed

an attitude opposing e-cigarette use. This shows that the individuals were aware of

healthy behavior and had a positive outlook on wellbeing. (Palmes, M., Trajera, S. M., &

Sajnani, A. K. ,2021).

Public awareness regarding the detrimental effects of electronic cigarettes will be

kept by the Department of Health (DOH) despite the legal setback on the issue. DOH’s

Health Secretary Francisco Duque III also stated that, “Electronic cigarettes and heated

tobacco products are sold in the market as alternatives for smokers trying to wean

themselves off tobacco. (But) these products endanger the health of both users and non-

users, and are clearly not meant for children.” (Jaymalin, Mayen, 2019).

The majority of teenagers and young adults may not be aware of the negative

consequences of e-cigarettes, as discussed by studies shown above. As a suggestion,


campuses should review existing policies and implementations as well as initiate

activities to lessen the increasing number of E-cigarette users.The Department of Health


(DOH) and New Vois Association of the Philippines (NVAP), together with World Lung

Foundation (WLF) launches a campaign about national anti-tobacco, that emphasizes the

risks associated with adult smoking and the health harms caused by exposure to

secondhand smoking, in children and non-smokers (SHS). The "Cigarettes Are Eating

You Alive" advertising campaign debuts on national television channels and is intended

to promote smoke-free environments, support quitting, and the introduction of bold

health warnings on cigarette packages last 2016. (Vital Strategies ,2019).

The Department of Education (DepEd) favors stronger regulations. Education

campuses should teach learners about the harmful effect of substances in classes not only

educating them about academics but also substance abuse.  As stated by Secretary

Leonor Magtolis Briones in her declaration of support for the requirements of the

Vaporized Nicotine Products Regulation Act, stronger standards should be enforced both

within and outside of school grounds for the students' health-promoting decisions. The

Senate hearing covered a variety of regulatory topics, including age restrictions, internet

commerce, and product flavors. Republic Act 11467 (RA 11467), which was approved

by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte in January 2020, already regulates heated tobacco

products (HTPs) and vapor products. (Deped, 2021)

This study is analogous to the recent aforementioned studies earlier since, it

highlights the factors affecting the use of E-cigarette smoking in selected fourth-year


college students and elaborates on the potential negative effects on health and wellbeing.

In addition, it discusses potential strategies for reducing and raising awareness among




This chapter discusses the research design, the selection of participants, the

research instruments and their validation, the data collection process, and the statistical

treatment of data as the foundations for identifying the factors related to e-cigarette

smoking and the perceived awareness of Selected fourth year College Students of


Research Design

The data will be gathered through a quantitative study. The questions concern the

identifying the factors related to e-cigarette smoking and the perceived awareness of

Selected fourth year College Students of MSEUF-CI, the researchers will conduct the

survey via google form from the selected respondents that are using E-cigarettes, as a

method of collecting data and information in correlational research. Correlational

research will be used to determine the relationship between two variables. In the

researcher’s perspective, the research is essential in the study for both respondents and

researchers. In this study, the research will present the analysis and the outcome of the

surveys with a complete and reliable assessment.


Research Locale

The study will be conducted in Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation –

Candelaria Inc. The data will be gather through online survey. The respondents will be

assessed via Google Forms Questionnaires. The researchers will choose MSEUFCI as

place for the implementation because the researches know that the use of e –cigarettes is

used by the respondents. The study will be conducted during the 1 st semester on the

academic year 2022-2023.

Population and sampling technique

The study's participants are from the Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation

Candelaria Fourth year college students who use E-cigarette. Through asking student

presidents of (7) department, the fourth year college students will vote in poll survey

(close ended question) in messenger to identify E-cigarette users. The researchers will

also ask permission to gather the names of the respondents in each departmental

presidents. The respondents will be consented and given privacy, which data only applies

only to the study. The type of sampling used in the research is the purposive sampling

technique. Purposive sampling or judgment sampling is under non – probability

sampling, it is a type of sampling wherein the subject use on the sample is chosen based

on the judgement of the researchers.


Research Instrument

The researchers will use questionnaire which they formulated and view given to

their respondents to gather the data and information about factors affecting the use of E-

cigarette as perceive by the respondents. Researchers utilizing the descriptive research,

were develop and organize by the researchers’ instruments for surveys.

Data Gathering

The researchers will request permission to conduct a study from the Dean of the

CNAHS. Once the research study is being approved, the researchers will conduct a pilot

study to the 2nd year college students of MSEUFCI who are using E-cigarette. After the

pilot study, researchers will get a permission to distribute the questionnaire to the

Selected 4th year college students who are using E-cigarette. The researchers will send

the survey questions or Google forms thru private message in messenger in each

respected respondents.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The statistical treatment that will be use in the study is ANOVA. ANOVA

compares the means of various samples to determine the effect of one or more variables.


proves or disproves whether all data are equally effective. Using a t-test, samples can be

compared. ANOVA and t-test produce the same findings with two samples. (Singh, G.,


ANOVA analysis will be used whether there's a significant difference between the

respondent’s profile and the factors affecting the use of E-cigarette smoking.

Percentage Frequency Distribution

The researchers consider the demographic information of the respondents (three

items) in the first part of the study: Age, gender course and year level. To fulfill the

information of respondents the demographic survey will be conducted. The data was also

displayed using a frequency distribution, which specifies the percentage of observations

for each data point or grouping of data points. It was an effective way of expressing the

relative frequency of survey responses and other data. This study to determine how

distributed the respondents across different age, gender, course and year. The Frequency

and Distribution are being used.

Whereas the formula is: percentage equals frequency divided by total number of

respondents times one hundred.


F is Frequency

N is Total Number of Respondents

100 is Constant Value

Weighted Average Mean

To identify the demographical data, the statistical treatment used in the study was

the Weighted Average Mean and the 4 point likert scale will serve as the guide for

interpreting the data gathered.

Whereas the formula is: weighted mean weighted frequency divided by total

number of respondents.

Where Wm is the weighted mean

fw is the weighted frequency

N is the total number of respondents


The highest scale is ranging from 3.26 to 4.00 with a verbal interpretation of

"Strongly Agree". The second scale range was 2.51 to 3.25 with verbal interpretation of

"Agree". Followed by the range of 1.76 to 2.50 with verbal interpretation of disagree with

a particular statement. "Disagree". Lastly, the lowest scale is ranging from of 1.00 to 1.75

with verbal interpretation of "Strongly Disagree". The 4-point Likert Scale is a four-point

scale which enables the respondents to say whether they agree or disagree with a certain


Scale Verbal Interpretation

3.26 – 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.51 – 3.25 Agree

1.76 – 2.50 Disagree

1.00 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree


Standard deviation

The standard deviation measures the dispersion of a dataset, it indicates how far

or spread the answers of the respondents in the questionnaire. Standard deviation will be

used to determine the difference of the factors and the usage of e-cigarettes.

Whereas obtained by the square root of the sum of squared differences from the

mean divided by the size of the data set.

Ꝺ = population standard deviation

N = the size of the population

xi = each value from the population

µ = the population meandard Deviation

Pearson’s Correlation

The Pearson's Correlation Coefficient is then used to determine the relationship

between the variables that were investigated, particularly the correlation between the

factors affecting the use of E-cigarette smoking. Pearson's correlation is utilized if

working with two quantitative variables in a population at the same time. According to

the potential hypotheses of the study, the variables may demonstrate either a positive

linear link, a negative linear relationship, or absolutely no linear connection at all.

Whereas obtained by first computing the sum of products of the X and Y

variables, and then comparing the number to the squared deviation scores of each of the

variables. This provides the final result.

N = the number of pairs of scores

Σxy = the sum of the products of paired scores

Σx = the sum of x scores

Σy = the sum of y scores

Σx2 = the sum of squared x scores

Σy2 = the sum of squared y scores


Name (Optional):_________________________________________


Instruction: Please put check (✔) in the corresponding box of your answer.





1. I live in urban
2. I live in rural
3. My neighbors
are smokers.
4. I experience
5. A lot of
individuals in
our community
are chain




1. My father is a
chain smoker.
2. My mother is a
chain smoker.

3. My sibling(s)
are/is using e-
4. My parent(s)
let me use e-
cigar rete.
5. I experience
because of my




1. My friend(s)
influenced me
to use e-
2. Most of my
is/are friend(s)
smoke e-

3. My friend(s)
told me that e-
cigarette is an
alternative for
4. My friend(s)
told me that e-
cigarette is less
harmful than
5. My friend(s)
let me try using

6. Vaping/
smoking helps
me socialize/
fit in the group



OTHER FACTOR (Psychologically)


1. Because of
Anxiety, I use
as a coping
2. Because of
Stress, I use
as a coping

3. Vaping/
Smoking helps
me ease my
4. Vaping/
became my
whenever I’m
sad or depressed
5. Vaping/
smoking helps
me whenever
I’m too
exhausted at




1. I am aware that
vaping can
cause coughing
and chest pain.
2. I am aware that
smoking can
cause lung

3. I am aware that
smoking can
4. I am aware the
smoking can
cause memory
5. I am aware that
smoking can
irritability and
6. I am aware that
smoking can
around me.
7. I am aware that
smoking can
damage other
organ. (i.e

heart, liver and

8. I am aware that
smoking can
also cause risk
for cancer.



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