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12/06/2023, 18:13 20.

Active Record | Agile Web Development with Rails 7

We cover: Chapter 20
The establish_connection
Tables, classes, columns, and
Active Record
IDs and relationships
Create, read, update, and
delete operations
Callbacks and transactions

Active Record is the object-relational mapping (ORM) layer supplied with

Rails. It’s the part of Rails that implements your application’s model.

In this chapter, we’ll build on the mapping data to rows and columns that
we did in Depot. Then we’ll look at using Active Record to manage table
relationships and in the process cover create, read, update, and delete op-
erations (commonly referred to in the industry as CRUD methods).
Finally, we’ll dig into the Active Record object life cycle (including call-
backs and transactions). 1/1

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