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6 International Regulations
Inquiry question: investigate a range of international scientific codes of conduct in regard to
scientific research and practice in the areas of, for example:
● cloning
● stem cell research
● surrogacy
● genetically modified foods
● transplantation of organs

evaluate the effectiveness of international regulation in scientific research and practice

Vids 1-3

1 Briefly describe what stem cells are.

2 Explain why the use of stem cells is regulated.

Vid 4

3 Briefly describe what cloning is.

4 Explain why the use of cloning is regulated.

Vids 5-7

5 briefly describe what surrogacy is.

6 Explain why the use of surrogacy is regulated.

Vids 8-10

7 briefly describe what genetically modified foods are.

8 Explain why the use of genetically modified foods is regulated.

Vids 11-13

9 briefly describe what genetically modified foods are.

10 Explain why the use of genetically modified foods is regulated.

11 Using at least two examples from above and the information from vids 14-16, explain why
some scientific ideas need to be regulated.

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