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Energy Forms and Changes

1. In this investigation you will discover how different forms of energy can change.
There are many ways that energy can move and change. Click here to use the
Phet simulation and then select “Systems”. 

2. Take about 5 to 8 minutes to explore the simulation.

Be sure to select different energy sources:

i. Chemical/mechanical (person on bike)
ii. Moving water (faucet)
iii. Solar/light (Sun)
iv. Steam (kettle)

Be sure to select different energy changers:

i. Generator
ii. Solar panel

Be sure to select different energy users:

i. Heating water
ii. Light bulb (standard incandescent bulb)
iii. Light bulb (compact fluorescent light)
iv. Motor/fan


Part 1: Now that you had some time to explore, I would like you to select the following:
Energy Source: Bike
Energy Changer: Generator
Energy User: Water

1. Change the speed to bike.

Making Observations:

2. What is the bicyclist doing (energy sources)?

3. What is the generator doing (energy changers)?

4. What do you notice about the water (energy users)?

5. What happens to the temperature when the bicyclist is pedaling?

6. Why do you think the temperature went up?

7. Now click the energy symbol. As the person is peddling what is


8. Let’s Discuss as a class.

Part 2: The light bulb in my room went out and I went to the store to get another one.

But when I got there the store had many light bulbs. I saw two main kinds at the store. A

standard incandescent bulb and a compact fluorescent light. I want to buy a l

light bulb that is more energy sufficient. But I’m not sure which one to get. Can you

investigate using the simulation which light bulb is more energy sufficient?
1. Making and Prediction: Which light bulb do you think will be more energy sufficient
(gives me more light energy) and why?

2. Now, I would like you to select the following:

Energy Source: Sun (No clouds)
Energy Changer: Solar Panel
Energy User: Standard Incandescent Bulb and Compact Fluorescent Light

Using the data table below jot down the amount of light and thermal energy leaving the light
bulbs of the Standard Incandescent Bulb and Compact Fluorescent Light in 1 minute.
You will reset the Sim between every trail and take the average.

Bulb Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average

(Time 1 min.)
+ + + /3
Incandescent Thermal:17 Thermal:12 Thermal:12 Thermal:
Light:28 Light:21 Light:30 Light:26.3

Fluorescent Thermal:12 Thermal: Thermal: Thermal:
Light:34 Light: Light: Light:

3. Based on your data that you collected which light bulbs should I buy and why?
4. Fill in the blanks. Write down what energy changed into which energy.

a. Light Energy (sun) →

b. → Light Energy (blub)

c. → Electrical Energy→

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