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English – 2020

A2.2 Unit 3
Critical Thinking

Student’s name: Valeria Mantilla Grade (Group): Nineth

Being a good citizen is possible, you just need to start small!

Activity 1: Try to advice people in your neighborhood, city or country in order for them to become
better citizens. Let them know some consequences of daily or common actions.

a. If you start to make people aware of the correct deposit and use of any type of garbage, your
environment will be cleaner, more beautiful, but above all it will be friendly to the environment

b. If we give the seat to someone, it is a gesture of courtesy, of generosity, but in addition to that
it is a great detail with which you really need it and will be very grateful for it. This is how we learn
to be helpful people, and we set the example so that we become more and more and make this a
better world.

c. If you start to question how to make this a better world and be a better person every day, a
good start is to start from home by creating spaces to chat and discuss constructively with your
family to reach agreements and reach a much stronger relationship and reliable, solving all the
problems between you. It is possible, you only need attitude, will and of course, a lot of love.

The Media has had a negative impact on children and teenagers, who just want to follow some
social rules related to beauty and power. For this reason, they prefer having money than studying,
or worrying about their bodies more than about their health or knowledge However, there are a lot
of Colombians who are positive models due to their values, progress, discipline, and sense of

Whom do you admire? A celebrity? A family member? A person you met?

Activity 2: Nominate a person to be awarded as the most influential Colombian and whose
actions deserve to be recognized by those who need a role model. Detail what that
person has done, and why you think he/she’s the right one. Add your voice.
Campus Santa Rosa de Osos: Carrera 21 No 34B – 07
Medellín: Calle 52 No. 47 – 42 Edificio Coltejer Piso 5
PBX (057) (4) 605 15 35 - FAX (057) (4) 605 42 20
Antioquia –
English – 2020
A2.2 Unit 3
Critical Thinking

Esteban Chaves, he doesn’t is the only Colombian example to follow for its great
achievements beyond having won and participated in very large cycling races. Right
now he has a foundation named FUN, which focuses on cycling and medicine,
especially orthopedics. He has already helped too many kids, both to recover from
their illnesses and to pursue their sports dreams.

She is not a celebrity, he may be one very soon, but he is one of the greatest
role models that I have in my life. There are too many things I can say about it
but there is not enough space to write it all. I will simply say that she is a
warrior, she is light, she is love, she is one of the best gifts the universe could
have given me if she is not the best.
She has taught me the value of life, she has taught me to be someone who
helps others just like she does.

Link of my Voice:

Are Colombian emotionally intelligent when . . .

 facing social/family problems?

 Using social networks?
 making relevant decisions?
 dealing with peace processes?

Activity 3. Design a poster, video or magazine in which you create a campaign to promote strategies
to have Colombians be emotionally intelligent, and so, stop increasing domestic
violence, intolerance, double thinking, indifference, male chauvinism and all the social
issues affecting us. (Use orders, suggestions, recommendations: imperatives) add your
voice – visual aids and text.

Link of my poster:

Link of my voice:
Campus Santa Rosa de Osos: Carrera 21 No 34B – 07
Medellín: Calle 52 No. 47 – 42 Edificio Coltejer Piso 5
PBX (057) (4) 605 15 35 - FAX (057) (4) 605 42 20
Antioquia – Colombia
English – 2020
A2.2 Unit 3
Critical Thinking

Example by Juanita Rodríguez (2018)
Campus Santa Rosa de Osos: Carrera 21 No 34B – 07
Medellín: Calle 52 No. 47 – 42 Edificio Coltejer Piso 5
PBX (057) (4) 605 15 35 - FAX (057) (4) 605 42 20
Antioquia – Colombia

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