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College of Education



I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

a. identify the Basic Dance (foot) Steps of Binislakan;

b. execute properly the Basic Dance (foot) Steps of Binislakan;
c. create a simple choreography using the Basic Dance (foot) Steps of Binislakan .

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Basic Dance Steps of Binislakan

References: Physical Education Module 3, 4th Quarter - Grade 8
Teaching Aids: microphone, visual aid, laptop


Teacher Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routine
"Good morning class " "Good morning, ma’am"

a. Cleaning of classroom
Kindly pick up pieces of paper/trash under Okay ma’am!
your chair. (Students picking up the trashes)

b. Prayer
Let's begin our class with a short prayer. Let
us all stand and feel the presence of the Lord. (The students will rise)
Miggy please let the prayer Yes ma’am
c. Checking of attendance
Nobody is absent ma’am
Is there any absent for today’s class?

B. Motivation
Before we proceed to our topic for today
let’s have a short exercise first. You are
going to follow my demonstration.
(exercise using folkdance steps)
With music

Are you ready? Yes, ma’am!

Based on our short activity can you now Yes, Ma’am. It is all about basic steps of
identify the topic for today’s lesson? Folk Dancing.
Very good!

Now, who among you have watch or

(Students will share their observations or
experience performing a folk dance? Did
experiences in folk dancing)
you like it? Share your experience.

C. Lesson Proper

Philippines is rich in folk songs, dances and

has historic origins and characteristics. But
with the effect of acculturation, indigenous
dances of our country have been modified
because of the cultural influence of other
countries. Along with this are the influences
of our Asian neighbors that have enriched
our national dances to a large extent.

Yesterday, we have discussed the nature and

background of the folk dance including the
China ma’am!
dance terms used in Binislakan and we have
learned that this particular dance is
influenced by?

Today, you will become more familiar with

the dance as we learn the Basic Steps in
Binislakan. This will help you later on when
you study the dance literature of Binislakan
(the time signature and step pattern) (screenshot of video)
Are you ready to learn? Group 1- Skip - (step pattern) (time
Everybody please stand and arrange yourself Group 2- Gallop -
in 7 columns. Each group will be assigned Group 3- Bleking
one (1) dance step to learn and demonstrate.
You will be given 2 minutes to practice the Group 4- Mincing
step. After which, you will demonstrate it Group 5- Change step
while the rest of the group will follow and Group 6- Stamping
perform after each demonstration.
Group 7- Waltz

Did you enjoy learning the dance steps?

Are you now confident to perform it?
Yes ma’am
D. Application Yes ma’am
(guess the action) basic dance step
I will call your name who will action the Yes Ma’am.
dance step then your classmates will guess (students participating)
the action.
Student 1:
Student 2:
Student 3:
Student 4:
Student 5:
Student 6:
Student 7:
Congratulations for a job well done!
Student 8:
Did you enjoy it?

Yes Ma’am.

E. Generalization
Guide Questions:
Ok so, what benefits can you gain as you
engage in folk dancing?
(so to sum it up folk dancing is an excellent (Student’s answer may vary)
form of exercise and the importance of )
Folk dancing is an excellent form of
exercise as well as pleasurable leisure for all
IV. Evaluation
Since you already know the basic dance
steps in Binislakan. We will bring your Rubrics
experience to the next level. This time, you
will be divided into (2) groups. Each group
will create a simple choreography utilizing
the basic dance steps that you learn. You
will be given 5 minutes for your practice
and be ready for your performance.
You will be graded according to the rubric
which we will agree.
Congratulations give yourself 5 clap and 5

V. Assignments

I will give you the dance literature of

binislakan and you will study and learn the
figures of the dance. I will divide you into 7
groups. Each group will learn 1 figure of the
dance. Yes ma’am

Group 1-
You can refer to link Group 2-
(link of the dance in youtube)
Group 3-
Group 4-
Group 5-
Group 6-
Group 7-
Group 8-
Ok class let’s end our discussion with a
short prayer.
Dear God, we thank you for the opportunity
to gather together and for the knowledge
that we learned today, I pray that you will
Goodbye class. bless this class, teachers and all the people
here and guide us safely home.
In Jesus name, we pray amen.

Goodbye ma’am



Student Intern

Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher

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