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(MAPC- 25)


ENROLLMENT NO 2107219847


















Internship Report

Enhancing Professional Career Counselling Services at The Study Lamp


Enrollment Number : 2107219847

Department : COUNSELLING



1. Background
This report presents a comprehensive overview of the internship experience at Sadei
Digital Private Limited, focusing on enhancing the Professional Career Counselling
services provided by their flagship product, The Study Lamp.

2. Objectives
The main objectives of the internship were as follows:
a) Improving the quality and effectiveness of Professional Career Counselling
b) Enhancing the overall user experience for individuals seeking career guidance.
c) Providing comprehensive and personalised guidance to help individuals make
informed career decisions.

3. Company Overview

Sadei Digital Private Limited -

Sadei Digital Private Limited is a leading education technology company dedicated
to providing high-quality online services and resources. Their flagship product, The
Study Lamp, offers Professional Career Counselling to assist individuals in making
informed decisions about their career paths.

The Study Lamp

The Study Lamp is an innovative platform that focuses on unravelling the process of
understanding and learning, using The Study Lamp as a metaphor for conceptual
knowledge. It provides online Professional Career Counselling services, helping
individuals explore career options, set goals, and make strategic decisions for their
professional growth.
Internship Objectives -

Description of Objectives
During the internship, the following objectives were assigned:
a) Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the existing Professional Career
Counselling services.
b) Developing strategies to enhance the counselling process and provide
personalised guidance.
c) Implementing improvements to the user interface and user experience of The
Study Lamp platform.

Alignment with Company Goals

These objectives aligned with the company's vision of providing high-quality career
guidance to individuals, empowering them to make informed choices and succeed in
their professional endeavours.

Methodology -
Methods and Approaches -
To achieve the internship objectives, a systematic approach was followed, which
a) Reviewing and analysing the existing Professional Career Counselling services
offered by The Study Lamp.
b) Conducting interviews and surveys with current and past users to gather feedback
and identify areas for improvement.
c) Collaborating with the counselling team to develop personalised career
counselling strategies.
d) Implementing user interface enhancements and improvements based on industry
best practices.

Data Collection and Analysis

Data collection involved gathering feedback through surveys, conducting interviews,
and analysing user interactions on The Study Lamp platform. The collected data was
analysed using qualitative and quantitative methods to derive insights and identify
areas for improvement.
CASE REPORT:1 - Career Counselling and Personality Development for Aniket

Client Information:

Name Aniket
Class XI
Parents' Opinion Bad boys, Indisciplined
Teachers' Opinion Talkative and good in Education
Friends' Opinion Useless, Overthinker
Self-Perception Bad boys, Indisciplined
Dream 1. Army 2. Banking 3. HM (Hotel
Favourite Subject Maths
Group Chosen Sports - Non-Academic 1
Career Choices based on Group Army, Police Professional, Sports
Activity Player

Problems :-
Aniket faces several challenges that need to be addressed to support his career and
personal growth:

Negative Perception: Aniket's self-perception as a "bad boy" and the opinions of his
parents and friends regarding his indiscipline and being useless may impact his
self-confidence and motivation.

Communication Style: The teachers' observation of Aniket being talkative indicates

the need to channel his communication skills positively and develop effective
listening skills.
Overthinking: Aniket's tendency to overthink, as mentioned by his friends, might
affect his decision-making abilities and cause unnecessary stress.
Behaviour Observation :-

Academic Performance: Aniket's teachers note his good performance in academics,

particularly in his favourite subject, Maths, which highlights his potential in analytical
thinking and problem-solving.

Group Activity Choice: Aniket's selection of the sports group suggests an interest in
physical activities and teamwork.

Assessment :-

Interest Assessment: Aniket's dream of joining the Army, pursuing a career in

banking, or opting for hotel management indicates his diverse interests. Further
exploration is needed to determine the extent of his passion and alignment with
these fields.

Aptitude Evaluation: Assessing Aniket's aptitudes, such as leadership potential,

physical fitness, problem-solving abilities, and customer service orientation, would
help determine his suitability for the identified career choices.

Personality Assessment: Conducting a personality assessment could provide

insights into Aniket's communication style, decision-making tendencies, and ways to
enhance his personal and professional growth.

Suggestions in Career and Personality Development

Career Recommendations -

Army: Aniket's interest in the Army aligns with his dream. Exploring opportunities
such as joining the National Cadet Corps (NCC) and participating in physical fitness
training would help him gain valuable experience and develop the necessary
discipline and leadership skills.

Banking: Aniket can start building a foundation for a career in banking by enrolling in
commerce-related subjects and participating in financial literacy programs.
Additionally, exploring internship opportunities at banks or financial institutions
would provide practical exposure to the industry.

Hotel Management: To pursue a career in hotel management, Aniket can explore

hospitality-related courses or certifications. Participating in hospitality events,
volunteering at hotels, or securing internships would offer hands-on experience in
the field.

Personality Development Suggestions

Discipline and Behavior: Aniket can work on improving his discipline by setting clear
goals, establishing routines, and engaging in self-reflection to identify and address
any disruptive behaviours.

Communication Skills: Developing effective communication skills, including active

listening and expressing thoughts clearly, can help Aniket convey his ideas and
opinions more effectively. Engaging in debates, public speaking events, or joining a
toastmasters club would aid in his communication development.

Decision-Making and Overthinking: Aniket can benefit from mindfulness techniques

and problem-solving exercises to manage his tendency to overthink. Learning to
assess situations objectively and seeking guidance when needed would help him
make informed decisions.

Self-Confidence and Self-Image: Building self-confidence can be achieved through

positive self-affirmations, engaging in activities that showcase his strengths, and
seeking support from mentors or role models who can provide guidance and

Through career counselling and personality development interventions, Aniket can
explore potential career paths in the Army, banking, or hotel management while
addressing the identified challenges. By enhancing his discipline, communication
skills, decision-making abilities, and self-confidence, Aniket can pave the way for a
successful career and personal growth. Ongoing support and guidance from a career
counsellor will be beneficial in navigating this journey.

CASE REPORT:2- Career Counselling and Personality Development for

Ekansh Rawat
Client Information:

Name Ekansh Rawat

Class XI
Parents' Opinion Useless child, 24/7 phone usage,lack of focus on
Teachers' Opinion Overconfident, difficulty in achieving goals
Friends' Opinion Fastest one in the group, skilled in mind games or
Self-Perception Normal boy, hobbies of sketching and singing
dedicated to physical fitness
Dream Work in the company 'Google,explore marketing or
Freelancing ,creating and selling Job
Favourite Subject Maths
Group Chosen Sports - Non-Academic 2
Career Choices based on
Group Activity Athlete, Professional Sports Player, P.T.Teacher

Ekansh faces several challenges that need to be addressed to support his career
and personal growth:

Lack of Academic Focus: The parents' opinion highlights Ekansh's excessive phone
usage and lack of dedication towards studies, indicating a need to address his
academic performance and time management skills.

Overconfidence: The teachers' observation of Ekansh being overconfident suggests

a potential barrier to setting realistic goals and achieving them. This trait needs to be
balanced with self-awareness and a growth mindset.

Career Clarity: Ekansh's diverse career aspirations, including working at Google,

exploring marketing or freelancing, and creating and selling NFTs, indicate a lack of
clarity regarding his long-term career path. Identifying a focused direction can help
him make informed decisions.

Behaviour Observation:-

Cognitive Abilities: The friends' opinion of Ekansh being the fastest in the group and
skilled in mind games or situations indicates strong problem-solving abilities and
critical thinking skills.

Group Activity Choice: Ekansh's selection of the sports group highlights his interest
in physical activities and a potential inclination towards a career in sports.


Academic Evaluation: The career counsellor will assess Ekansh's academic

performance in Maths and other subjects to identify any areas where he may need
additional support or improvement.

Interest Exploration: Further exploration will be conducted to understand Ekansh's

passion for working at Google and his motivations behind considering marketing,
freelancing, and NFTs. This will help align his career choices with his interests and

Aptitude Assessment: Assessing Ekansh's physical fitness, athleticism, and

leadership potential will provide insights into his suitability for a career as an athlete,
professional sports player, or P.T. teacher.

Suggestions in Career and Personality Development

Career Recommendations:-
Working at Google: Ekansh can explore internships, online courses, and
certifications related to technology, computer science, or digital marketing to
enhance his skills and increase his chances of securing a position at Google.

Sports Career: Given Ekansh's interest in sports and his athletic abilities, pursuing a
career as an athlete or professional sports player can be a viable option. Engaging in
rigorous sports training, participating in competitive events, and seeking guidance
from sports coaches would be beneficial.

P.T. Teacher: Ekansh's interest in physical fitness can be leveraged by considering a

career as a P.T. teacher. He can pursue a degree or certification in physical education
and gain practical experience by volunteering at schools or sports clubs.

Personality Development Suggestions -

Academic Focus: Ekansh can develop effective study habits by creating a structured
study schedule, minimising distractions, and seeking assistance from teachers or
tutors when needed. Utilising time management techniques can help him balance his
phone usage and academic commitments.

Balancing Confidence: While confidence can be advantageous, Ekansh can work on

developing self-awareness to ensure it does not hinder his ability to set realistic
goals and acknowledge areas where improvement is required.

Career Clarity: Exploring Ekansh's interests further through internships, informational

interviews, and networking opportunities can provide valuable insights into the fields
he is considering, helping him make a more informed career choice.

Skill Development: Ekansh can focus on honing his sketching and singing abilities by
attending workshops or joining artistic communities. Additionally, developing
knowledge and skills related to marketing and NFT creation can be pursued through
online courses and self-study.

Conclusion -
By addressing the challenges related to academic focus, overconfidence, and career
clarity, Ekansh can embark on a path of career success and personal development.
Through targeted interventions such as academic support, skill development, and
self-awareness exercises, he can achieve his dream of working at Google or explore
alternative career paths in marketing, freelancing, or NFT creation. Ongoing guidance
from a career counsellor will be instrumental in helping Ekansh navigate his career
journey with confidence and clarity.

CASE REPORT:- 3 Career Counselling and Personality Development for

Suhani Benwal

Client Information:

Name Suhani Benwal

Class 10th
Parents' Opinion Talkative, Hardworking, and Naughty
Teachers' Opinion Not talkative but good in education
Friends' Opinion Naughty, Supportive
Self-Perception Overthinker, overreacts, and naughty
Dream 1. Doctor, 2. Police
Favourite Subject Science, Biology
Group Chosen Non-Academic - Artist
Career Choices Choreographer, K-pop Idol, Radio
based on Group Activity Jockey

Suhani faces several challenges that need to be addressed to support her career
and personal growth:

Overthinking and Overreacting: Suhani's self-perception of overthinking and

overreacting suggests a need to develop strategies to manage stress, emotions, and
decision-making processes effectively.
Communication Style: While Suhani's parents describe her as talkative, the teachers'
opinion contradicts this perception. Understanding and addressing any
communication barriers can help in fostering effective expression and interaction.

Career Clarity: Suhani's dream of becoming a doctor or police officer requires further
exploration to gain clarity on the specific areas of interest within these fields.
Identifying her strengths and motivations will facilitate informed career decisions.

Behaviour Observation:-

Academic Performance: The teachers' opinion of Suhani being good in education

indicates her academic potential, particularly in the science and biology subjects.

Group Activity Choice: Suhani's selection of the artist group suggests an inclination
towards creative pursuits and artistic expression.


Aptitude Assessment: Assessing Suhani's skills in dance, creativity, and performing

arts will provide insights into her potential as a choreographer, K-pop idol, or radio

Interest Exploration: Engaging in career assessment tools, discussions, and

exposure to related fields will help Suhani gain a deeper understanding of her
passion for medicine and law enforcement.

Suggestions in Career and Personality Development

Career Recommendations-

Doctor: Suhani can explore opportunities to shadow doctors, participate in medical

workshops, or volunteer at healthcare facilities to gain firsthand experience in the
medical field. Additionally, focusing on academic excellence in science and biology
will be crucial for pursuing a medical career.

Police Officer: Suhani can participate in community policing programs, connect with
police officers for informational interviews, and engage in physical fitness training to
understand the requirements and demands of a career in law enforcement.
Personality Development Suggestions-

Emotion Management: Developing emotional intelligence through techniques such

as mindfulness, self-reflection, and seeking support from a counsellor or mentor can
help Suhani manage her overthinking tendencies and react more effectively in
different situations.

Effective Communication: Enhancing communication skills through workshops or

courses in public speaking, active listening, and assertiveness training will empower
Suhani to express herself clearly and build positive relationships.

Creative Expression: Suhani's passion for artistic activities can be nurtured through
participation in dance classes, joining theatre groups, or exploring other creative
outlets. This will enhance her confidence, self-expression, and creative
problem-solving abilities.

By addressing the challenges of overthinking, communication, and career clarity,
Suhani can develop a successful career and personal growth trajectory. Through
career counselling, aptitude assessments, and targeted interventions in emotional
management and communication skills, Suhani can pursue her dream of becoming a
doctor or police officer while also exploring alternative career paths in choreography,
K-pop performance, or radio jockeying. Ongoing guidance from a career counsellor
and mentor will be instrumental in helping S
CASE REPORT: 4- Career Counselling and Personality Development for Sunny

Name Sunny Singh

Class XI
Student ID CAPKVITBP0019
Parents' Opinion Simple, Can do better if Study
Teachers' Opinion Good in Nature, Plays well
Friends' Opinion : Good in Nature, Smartest in the class
Self-Perception Likes to play games, values family and friends
Dream 1. Lawyer, 2. Army Officer
Favourite Subject Social Science
Group Chosen Science
Career Choices based on
Group Activity Tournament Organizer, Player, Coach

Sunny's case presents a few areas that need attention to support his career and
personal development:

Academic Improvement: Sunny's parents believe that he can do better academically

if he applies himself more. Addressing any barriers to studying and implementing
effective study strategies will help him excel in his academic pursuits.

Career Clarity: Sunny's dream of becoming a lawyer or an army officer requires

further exploration to identify his specific interests within these fields and the
necessary steps to achieve those career goals.
Behaviour Observation:-
Nature and Social Skills: Sunny is described by both teachers and friends as having
a good nature and being well-liked in the class. This indicates his positive
interpersonal skills and potential for effective teamwork.

Interest in Sports: Sunny's involvement in group activities related to sports suggests

an inclination towards physical activities and a potential for leadership and
organisational skills.


Aptitude Assessment: Assessing Sunny's abilities in critical thinking, logical

reasoning, and persuasive communication will help determine his suitability for a
career in law or the military.

Interest Exploration: Providing opportunities for Sunny to engage in mock trials, visit
courtrooms, or connect with professionals in the legal and military fields will
facilitate a better understanding of his passion and potential in these areas.

Suggestions in Career and Personality Development

Career Recommendations:-

Lawyer: Sunny can explore participating in debate clubs, mock trials, or legal
internships to gain exposure to the legal profession. Strengthening his research and
public speaking skills will be essential for pursuing a career in law.

Army Officer: Sunny can consider joining youth organisations like the National Cadet
Corps (NCC) or participating in physical fitness training programs to develop
discipline, leadership, and teamwork skills required for a career in the military.

Personality Development Suggestions:-

Time Management and Study Skills: Sunny can benefit from learning effective time
management techniques and study strategies to improve his academic performance
and achieve his full potential.

Communication and Persuasion: Developing strong communication and persuasion

skills through workshops or courses in public speaking, negotiation, and critical
thinking will enhance Sunny's ability to present arguments convincingly.

Leadership and Organisational Skills: Engaging in leadership opportunities, such as

organising sports events or taking on leadership roles in school clubs, will help
Sunny cultivate his leadership and organisational abilities.

By addressing academic improvement, career clarity, and personality development,
Sunny can work towards achieving his dream of becoming a lawyer or an army
officer. Through career counselling, aptitude assessments, and targeted
interventions in time management, communication skills, and leadership
development, Sunny can build a solid foundation for his future success. Ongoing
support from a career counsellor and mentors will be valuable in guiding him on the
path to a fulfilling career and personal growth.
CASE REPORT:5-Career Counselling and Personality Development for
Deepanshi Giri

Name Deepanshi Giri

Class XI
Student ID CAPKVITBP0019
Parents' Opinion Friendly and Calm Nature
Teachers' Opinion Hardworking
Friends' Opinion Helpful, Caring, Loving, Friendly
Self-Perception Nice person, Helpful
Dream 1. Teacher, 2. Civil Services
Favourite Subject English
Group Chosen Writer, Poet, Radio Jockey
Career Choices based on
Group Activity Music - Non Academic

Deepanshi's case reveals some areas that can be addressed to support her career
and personal development:

Career Clarity: Although Deepanshi has expressed a dream of becoming a teacher or

pursuing a career in civil services, further exploration is needed to identify her
specific interests within these fields and the steps required to achieve her career

Skill Development: Deepanshi's chosen group activity of music suggests an interest

in creative expression. Identifying opportunities for skill development in writing,
public speaking, and creative arts can help enhance her potential in her chosen
career paths.
Behaviour Observation

Friendly and Calm Nature: Deepanshi's friendly and calm nature, as perceived by her
parents, teachers, and friends, indicates her strong interpersonal skills and ability to
build positive relationships.

Hardworking: The teachers' opinion of Deepanshi being hardworking reflects her

dedication and commitment to her studies and personal growth.


Career Assessment: Assessing Deepanshi's aptitude for teaching and civil services
through career assessment tools will provide insights into her strengths, interests,
and potential areas of growth in these fields.

Interest Exploration: Encouraging Deepanshi to participate in teaching programs,

community service initiatives, and exposure to the workings of civil services will help
her gain a better understanding of these career paths and their requirements.

Suggestions in Career and Personality Development

Career Recommendations-

Teacher: Deepanshi can explore opportunities to assist teachers or volunteer in

educational institutions to gain practical teaching experience. Developing effective
communication and classroom management skills will be crucial for pursuing a
career in teaching.

Civil Services: Deepanshi can engage in activities such as reading newspapers,

participating in mock civil service exams, and seeking guidance from mentors who
have experience in the civil services. Strengthening her analytical, problem-solving,
and decision-making skills will be beneficial for this career path.
Personality Development Suggestions

Leadership and Communication Skills: Encouraging Deepanshi to take on leadership

roles in school clubs, participate in public speaking events, and engage in group
discussions will help her develop strong leadership and communication skills.

Time Management and Organisational Skills: Assisting Deepanshi in honing her

time management and organisational skills through workshops or self-improvement
techniques will enhance her ability to balance academic responsibilities and
personal pursuits.

Empathy and Interpersonal Skills: Deepanshi can further develop her empathy and
interpersonal skills by engaging in community service activities, fostering strong
relationships with peers, and practising active listening and conflict resolution

By focusing on career clarity, skill development, and personality enhancement,
Deepanshi can work towards achieving her dream of becoming a teacher or pursuing
a career in civil services. Through career counselling, career assessments, and
targeted interventions in skill areas such as communication, leadership, and time
management, Deepanshi can lay a solid foundation for her future success.
Continued support from career counsellors, mentors, and participation in relevant
activities will be valuable in guiding her on the path to a fulfilling career and personal
CASE REPORT: 6- Career Counselling and Personality Development for Akash

Client Information:

Name Akash Pal

Class XI
Student ID CAPKVITBP0045
Parents' Opinion Intelligent but doesn't work hard
Teachers' Opinion Hardworking, Honest, Good in Mathematics
Friends' Opinion Kind-hearted person, helpful
Self-Perception Positive, Sincere, Extraordinary in some subjects, weak
in others
Dream 1. Coding, 2. Being rich
Favourite Subject Maths
Group Chosen Non Academic 3
Career Choices based on
Group Activity Table Tennis, Yoga Teacher, Govt Jobs (quota-based)

Akash's case reveals some areas that can be addressed to support his career and
personal development:

Work Ethic: Although Akash is perceived as intelligent by his parents, the feedback
suggests that he lacks the motivation to work hard. Addressing this issue is crucial
to help him achieve his career goals.

Subject Weakness: Akash's self-perception of being extraordinary in some subjects

but weak in others indicates a need to identify strategies for improvement and to
explore career paths that align with his strengths.
Behaviour Observation:-
Hardworking and Honest: The teachers' opinion of Akash being hardworking and
honest reflects his dedication towards his studies and his commitment to ethical

Kind-hearted and Helpful: Akash's friends' opinion of him being a kind-hearted

person who is always willing to help others demonstrates his positive interpersonal
skills and empathy.

Career Interest Assessment: Conducting a career interest assessment can help
identify Akash's aptitude and inclination towards coding and other relevant fields.
This assessment will provide insights into his compatibility with various career
options and guide his decision-making process.

Academic Evaluation: Evaluating Akash's performance in different subjects and

identifying the areas where he excels and struggles will help in developing targeted
strategies for improvement.

Suggestions in Career and Personality Development

Career Recommendations

Coding: Akash can pursue coding by participating in coding competitions, joining

coding clubs, and enrolling in online coding courses. Developing strong
programming skills and staying updated with the latest industry trends will be
essential for success in this field.

Entrepreneurship: Considering Akash's dream of being rich, he can explore

entrepreneurship opportunities. Encouraging him to develop problem-solving skills,
business acumen, and networking abilities will empower him to pursue his
entrepreneurial aspirations.
Personality Development Suggestions:-

Motivation and Goal Setting: Working with Akash to set specific goals and develop a
structured plan to achieve them will enhance his motivation and drive towards
academic and personal success.

Time Management and Organization: Assisting Akash in developing effective time

management and organisational skills will help him balance his academic
commitments and extracurricular activities.

Self-Reflection and Improvement: Encouraging Akash to reflect on his strengths and

weaknesses, and providing guidance on how to improve in weaker subjects or areas
of personal development, will contribute to his overall growth.

By addressing the issues of work ethic, subject weakness, and providing guidance in
career and personality development, Akash can strive towards his dream of excelling
in coding and achieving financial success. Through career counselling, career
interest assessments, and targeted interventions to improve study habits and
motivation, Akash can unlock his full potential. Continued support from teachers,
parents, and mentors, coupled with his own dedication and perseverance, will pave
the way for a successful career and personal growth.
CASE REPORT :7 Career Counselling and Personality Development for Jai

Client Information:

Name Jai Kumar

Class XI
Student ID CAPKVITBP0018
Parents' Opinion Mother's opinion of Jai Kumar being an I.A.S. Officer
Opinion Sincere
Friends' Opinion Helpful, communicative, understandable, curious
Self-Perception Nice person with negligible weaknesses, sincere, responsible,
capable of managing and handling things, not very intelligent but
possesses good qualities
Dream 1. Teacher, 2. Mode , 3. Makeup Artist
Subject Social Studies (Sst), Hindi
Group Chosen Non-Academic 1
Career Choices
based on Group
Activity Air Hostess, Teacher, Court Jobs

Jai Kumar's case reveals several areas to address in order to support his career and
personal development:

Self-Perception: While Jai Kumar possesses positive qualities, his self-perception of

not being very intelligent may affect his confidence and hinder his pursuit of certain
career options. Building self-belief and overcoming any self-doubt will be important
for his overall growth.
Clarity of Career Goals: Jai Kumar's dream of becoming a teacher, model, or makeup
artist indicates a lack of clarity in his career goals. Helping him explore his interests,
aptitudes, and aligning them with realistic career options will guide him towards a
fulfilling career path.

Behaviour Observation:-

Sincerity: Jai Kumar's teachers have observed him to be sincere in his academic
pursuits, indicating his commitment to his studies and a strong work ethic.

Positive Interpersonal Skills: According to Jai Kumar's friends, he is helpful,

communicative, understandable, and curious. These qualities suggest good
interpersonal skills and the potential for building positive relationships in various
professional settings.

Career Interest Assessment: Conducting a comprehensive career interest
assessment will help identify Jai Kumar's strengths, interests, and aptitudes. This
assessment will provide insights into potential career options that align with his
preferences and abilities.

Aptitude Evaluation: Assessing Jai Kumar's aptitude in subjects such as language

and social studies, along with identifying his artistic skills, will guide the selection of
suitable career paths.

Suggestions in Career and Personality Development

Career Recommendations

Teaching: Given Jai Kumar's dream of becoming a teacher, he can explore

opportunities in the field of education. Pursuing a teaching degree or participating in
teaching internships will provide valuable experience and enhance his understanding
of the profession.

Modelling and Makeup Artistry: Jai Kumar can engage in modelling workshops,
fashion events, and collaborations with photographers to gain exposure in the
modelling industry. Similarly, exploring makeup artistry courses and working with
professional makeup artists will develop his skills in this field.

Personality Development Suggestions

Building Confidence: Assisting Jai Kumar in building self-confidence and nurturing

a positive self-image will empower him to pursue his career goals with determination
and resilience.

Effective Communication: Encouraging Jai Kumar to further develop his

communication skills will enhance his ability to express ideas, collaborate with
others, and establish meaningful connections in various professional environments.

Goal Setting and Planning: Guiding Jai Kumar in setting realistic short-term and
long-term goals and assisting him in creating a structured plan to achieve them will
foster a sense of direction and purpose.

By addressing the issues of self-perception, clarifying career goals, and providing
guidance in career and personality development, Jai Kumar can embark on a fulfilling
journey towards his desired career paths. Through career counselling, career interest
assessments, and targeted interventions to enhance confidence and communication
skills, Jai Kumar can unlock his potential in teaching, modelling, or makeup artistry.
Continued support from teachers, parents, and mentors, combined with his own
dedication and perseverance, will contribute to his career success and personal
CASE REPORT: 8-Career Counselling and Personality Development for

Client Information:

Name Bhanusri
Class XI
Student ID CAPKVITBP0022
Parents' Opinion Weak in studies, kind-hearted, easily forgives but forgets who
made a mistake, anger issues, sadness, difficulty in
communicating with relatives
Friends' Opinion Helpful, communicative, understandable, curious
Self-Perception Nice person with negligible weaknesses, sincere, responsible,
capable of managing and handling things, not very intelligent but
possesses good qualities
Dream 1. Teacher, 2. Mode , 3. Makeup Artist
Subject Social Studies (Sst), Hindi
Group Chosen Non-Academic 1
Career Choices
based on Group
Activity Air Hostess, Teacher, Court Jobs

Bhanusri's case reveals several areas to address in order to support her career and
personal development:

Academic Challenges: Bhanusri's parents perceive her as weak in studies, which

may indicate a need for academic support and strategies to improve her learning

Emotional Well-being: Bhanusri's self-perception highlights anger issues, sadness,

and difficulty in maintaining relationships with relatives. Addressing her emotional
well-being and providing guidance in managing emotions will be crucial for her
overall development.

Behaviour Observation:-
Quick Learner: Teachers have observed that Bhanusri is a quick learner. However,
her tendency to forget quickly may require additional reinforcement and revision
strategies to enhance her retention.

Positive Interpersonal Skills: According to friends and teachers, Bhanusri is

responsible, honest, and good at making friends. These qualities can contribute to
her success in various career paths.

Emotional Intelligence Assessment: Conducting an emotional intelligence
assessment will help identify and address Bhanusri's anger issues, sadness, and
communication challenges with relatives. Developing emotional intelligence skills
will support her personal growth and relationships.

Learning Style Assessment: Assessing Bhanusri's preferred learning style will assist
in designing effective study strategies and memory retention techniques tailored to
her individual needs.

Suggestions in Career and Personality Development

Career Recommendations

Medical Field: Given Bhanusri's dream of becoming a doctor, particularly a heart

surgeon, guiding her towards a career in medicine will be beneficial. Providing
information on medical entrance exams, counselling her on different medical
specialties, and supporting her academic journey in science and biology will pave the
way for a medical career.

Performing Arts: Considering Bhanusri's interest in music and the group she has
chosen (Music - Non-Academic), exploring careers in the performing arts can be
valuable. Encouraging her to participate in singing competitions, theatre workshops,
and voice training programs will nurture her talent and passion.
Personality Development Suggestions:-

Anger Management: Assisting Bhanusri in developing effective anger management

techniques and coping strategies will help her navigate challenging situations and
maintain healthy relationships.

Communication Skills: Providing guidance and opportunities for Bhanusri to improve

her communication skills, especially in interacting with relatives, will enhance her
social interactions and broaden her support network.

Confidence Building: Fostering Bhanusri's self-confidence through positive

reinforcement, recognition of her strengths, and mentorship will empower her to
pursue her dreams with conviction.

By addressing Bhanusri's academic challenges, emotional well-being, and providing
guidance in career and personality development, she can embark on a rewarding
journey towards becoming a doctor or pursuing a career in the performing arts.
Continued support from parents, teachers, and mentors, combined with her own
determination and resilience, will contribute to her success in both her chosen career
path and personal growth.
CASE REPORT:09-Career Counselling and Personality Development for
Kritika Verma

Name Kritika Verma

Class XI
Student ID CAPKVITBP0029
Parents' Opinion Patients, supportive, clingy, annoying, good at study but best
Opinion Motivated, studious, committed, focused
Friends' Opinion Trusty, understandable, caring, loving, friendly
Self-Perception Positive vibe person, fun-loving
Dream Gynecologist
Subject Maths
Group Chosen Science
Career Choices
based on Group
Activity Professional Sports Player, Doctor, Army

Kritika's case highlights the following areas that need attention to support her
career and personal development:

Clinginess and Annoyance: Kritika's parents perceive her as clingy and annoying,
which may affect her interpersonal relationships and independence. Addressing
these behavioural patterns will promote personal growth and self-reliance.

Behaviour Observation
Academic Excellence: Both parents and teachers recognize Kritika's dedication to
her studies and consider her to be a motivated, studious, and committed student.
This observation indicates her potential for academic success.

Positive Interpersonal Skills: Kritika's friends describe her as trustworthy, caring,

loving, and friendly, highlighting her strong interpersonal skills and ability to form
meaningful connections.
Personal Values and Interests Assessment: Conducting an assessment to identify
Kritika's personal values and interests will assist in aligning her career choices with
her passions and intrinsic motivation.

Suggestions in Career and Personality Development

Career Recommendations

Medical Field: Considering Kritika's dream of becoming a gynaecologist and her

affinity for science, guiding her towards a career in the medical field is
recommended. Providing information on medical entrance exams, mentoring her in
biology and related subjects, and supporting her pursuit of medical education will
pave the way for a successful career as a gynaecologist.

Professional Sports: As Kritika has chosen the Science group and expressed an
interest in being a professional sports player, exploring opportunities in sports can
be beneficial. Encouraging her to participate in sports activities, joining a sports
academy, and providing guidance on sports-related career paths will nurture her
talent and passion for athletics.

Personality Development Suggestions

Independence and Self-Reliance: Supporting Kritika in developing independence and

self-reliance will help her overcome clinginess and annoyance. Encouraging her to
take on responsibilities, engage in decision-making, and develop problem-solving
skills will foster personal growth.

Emotional Intelligence: Enhancing Kritika's emotional intelligence through

workshops or counselling will help her navigate interpersonal relationships with
greater empathy, self-awareness, and communication skills.

Confidence Building: Assisting Kritika in building self-confidence through positive

reinforcement, recognizing her achievements, and providing opportunities to
showcase her abilities will contribute to her personal and professional success.

By addressing Kritika's clinginess and annoyance, fostering her academic excellence,
guiding her towards a career in the medical field or professional sports, and
promoting her personality development, she can achieve her dream of becoming a
gynaecologist or excelling in the field of sports. Continued support from her parents,
teachers, and friends, combined with her own dedication and positive attitude, will
contribute to her overall growth and success in both her chosen career path and
personal life.

CASE REPORT:10- Career Counselling and Personality Development for


Client Information:

Name Anushka
Class XI
Student ID CAPKVITBP0029
Parents' Opinion Careless, lazy, stubborn, responsible
Opinion Responsible, talkative, good in studies/management
Friends' Opinion Smart, aggressive, responsible, frank, social
Self-Perception Caring, responsible, likes to travel, believes in GOD
Dream Civil Services
Subject Maths
Group Chosen Non Academic 2
Career Choices
based on Group
Activity Army, Police, Professional Sports Player

Anushka's case highlights the following areas that need attention to support her
career and personal development:

Carelessness and Laziness: Anushka's parents perceive her as careless and lazy,
indicating potential challenges in maintaining discipline and motivation. Addressing
these behaviours will foster a more focused and diligent approach to her studies and
personal growth.
Stubbornness: Anushka's parents also identify her as stubborn, suggesting a need
for guidance in developing flexibility, open-mindedness, and adaptability to various

Behaviour Observation:-
Responsible and Talkative: Teachers acknowledge Anushka's sense of responsibility
and her tendency to actively engage in classroom discussions. This indicates her
potential for leadership and effective communication skills.

Smart and Aggressive: Anushka's friends perceive her as smart and aggressive,
which suggests a proactive and determined attitude towards achieving her goals.

Career Aptitude Assessment: Conducting a career aptitude assessment will help
identify Anushka's strengths, interests, and skills, providing a clearer direction for her
career choices.

Suggestions in Career and Personality Development

Career Recommendations

Civil Services: Given Anushka's dream of pursuing civil services, providing guidance
on the civil services examination pattern, study materials, and time management
techniques will help her prepare effectively for this highly competitive field.

Professional Sports: As Anushka has chosen the Sports group, exploring career
opportunities in professional sports can be beneficial. Encouraging her to participate
in sports activities, join sports clubs, and seek mentorship from professional athletes
will nurture her talent and passion for sports.

Law Enforcement: Considering Anushka's interests and the career choices aligned
with her group activity, exploring options in the army and police force can be a
suitable path. Providing information on entrance exams, physical fitness training, and
the requirements for joining the armed forces or police will guide her in pursuing
these careers.
Personality Development Suggestions

Discipline and Motivation: Assisting Anushka in developing discipline and

motivation through goal setting, time management, and accountability will help her
overcome laziness and maintain focus on her studies and personal goals.

Open-Mindedness: Encouraging Anushka to embrace diverse perspectives,

participate in debates or discussions, and explore new ideas will help her develop
open-mindedness and flexibility.

Communication Skills: Enhancing Anushka's communication skills through public

speaking workshops, debating clubs, and leadership programs will facilitate effective
expression of her ideas and opinions.

By addressing Anushka's carelessness, laziness, and stubbornness, fostering her
sense of responsibility and talkativeness, guiding her towards a career in civil
services, professional sports, or law enforcement, and supporting her personality
development, she can work towards achieving her dream and becoming a successful
individual. Continued support from her parents, teachers, and friends, combined with
her own determination and willingness to learn, will contribute to her overall growth
and success in both her chosen career path and personal life.
CASE REPORT:10-Career Counselling and Personality Development for
Akshita Sharma

Client Information:

Name Akshita Sharma

Class XI
Student ID CAPKVITBP0019
Parents' Opinion Can do better but doesn't try to do so
Opinion Non-participative
Friends' Opinion Caring, kind-hearted, helpful, and honest behaviour
Self-Perception Moody, changing every time, lonely, disturbed
Dream Engineering
Subject Science
Group Chosen Mathematics
Career Choices
based on Group
Activity Badminton Player, Government Jobs quota-based Engineer

Akshita's case reveals several areas that require attention to support her career and
personal development:

Lack of Motivation: Akshita's parents believe she has the potential to do better but
lacks the motivation to make an effort. Addressing this issue is crucial to help her
realise her capabilities and work towards achieving her goals.

Non-participative Behaviour: Teachers have observed Akshita's non-participative

behaviour, which may indicate a lack of engagement and active involvement in
classroom activities. Encouraging her to participate more actively will enhance her
learning experience and academic performance.
Moodiness and Loneliness: Akshita describes herself as moody, constantly
changing, and feeling lonely. These emotional challenges can affect her overall
well-being, social interactions, and academic performance.

Behaviour Observation:-
Caring and Kind-Hearted: Akshita's friends perceive her as caring, kind-hearted,
helpful, and displaying honest behaviour. These qualities indicate her potential to
establish meaningful relationships and contribute positively to her social

Career Interest Assessment: Conducting a career interest assessment will help
identify Akshita's areas of interest and match them with potential career options.
This assessment will provide valuable insights into her preferences and help align
her career choices with her passions.

Suggestions in Career and Personality Development

Career Recommendations

Engineering: Considering Akshita's dream of pursuing engineering, providing

guidance on entrance exams, selecting the right engineering specialisation, and
exploring opportunities for internships or industrial training will help her prepare for a
successful career in this field.

Badminton Player: As Akshita has chosen the Mathematics group, nurturing her
interest in badminton can contribute to her overall development. Encouraging her to
join badminton clubs, participate in tournaments, and seek coaching from
experienced trainers will help her excel in this sport.

Government Jobs: Exploring government job opportunities that align with Akshita's
skills and interests can provide stability and career growth. Providing information on
relevant government exams and the application process will guide her in pursuing
these career options.
Personality Development Suggestions

Motivation and Goal Setting: Assisting Akshita in setting realistic goals, creating a
plan of action, and providing continuous motivation and support will help her
overcome her lack of motivation and develop a sense of purpose and drive.

Emotional Well-being: Addressing Akshita's moodiness, changing behaviour, and

feelings of loneliness requires support from a counsellor or mental health
professional. Encouraging her to engage in activities she enjoys, fostering a
supportive network of friends, and promoting self-care practices will contribute to
her emotional well-being.

Communication and Participation: Encouraging Akshita to actively participate in

classroom discussions, group projects, and extracurricular activities will improve her
communication skills, boost her confidence, and enhance her overall engagement in
the learning process.

By addressing Akshita's lack of motivation, non-participative behaviour, moodiness,
and loneliness, and providing guidance in her career choices, she can work towards
achieving her dream of becoming an engineer. Additionally, supporting her
personality development by fostering motivation, promoting emotional well-being,
and encouraging active participation and communication skills will contribute to her
overall growth and success. Collaborative efforts from her parents, teachers, friends,
and professionals in the field of career counselling and mental health will be
instrumental in helping Akshita realise her potential and thrive academically and

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