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A few days later after diamond had sold by people, suddenly local officials and a photographer came

together who wanted to complain that the diamonds purchased were fake diamonds, while the
photographer came to ask for bonuses that had not been paid.

Officer : Where is the manager of this company? I want to meet her (in a high note)

Customer S: I'm sorry sir, is there anything I can help you with?

Official: no need to elaborate, where is the manager or CEO of this company, how dare they sell
counterfeit goods

From afar suddenly came the CEO and manager simultaneously who happened to have just finished a

CEO : I'm sorry why is this fuss in my company?

Official: oh this turns out to be a fraud

CEO: Sorry, what do you mean?

Official: no need to talk a lot, I ask you to compensate

CEO: What compensation does this mean? I don't know what I did wrong, why am I suddenly being
asked to compensate?

Manager: sorry sir, don't talk carelessly (in a high tone)

CEO: Lila, please clear your mind, don't let us be provoked here

Manager: sorry boss, but this man has slandered us

Official: what do you mean by slander? Obviously this diamond is fake

CEO : how do you know this diamond is fake?

Official: no need to elaborate, immediately replace my money

Suddenly the photographer came angry

Photographer : why has my bonus not been transferred? I also need money for my needs

Manager: no need to shout sis

Photographer : I'm here to ask about my rights

CEO : just give cash for this photographer

Manager: ok boss

CEO : this is for the bonus, and sorry for the delay

Photographer: that's right, thank you boss (leave the company)

Official: how about this, immediately change my money

Suddenly a student approached

Student : Sis, I want to ask you, is this the real diamond? How come the photo and the real thing are

Official: oh madam here as a victim of fraud too huh?

Student : what kind of fraud, sir?

Official: diamond fraud sold by this company

Manager: sir, don't just talk

Official: That's the truth, isn't it?

Student : so it's true that this diamond is fake?

CEO : This diamond is real, why is it different in the photo and the real thing? Because in the photo there
is a lighting factor, Ms

Official: don't believe what this person says sis

CEO : I have proof of the authenticity of my diamond sir

Official: what evidence? Evidence of fraud again? Please change my money immediately or I will report it
to the police

Student : So how about this, Sis, are the diamonds fake or real, Sis?

Official: obviously fake, let's just report this company to the police so there won't be another victim

Manager: don't really talk sir

CEO : How do you know that the diamond I'm selling is a fake diamond?
Official: my wife said it was fake, my wife is a socialite so she definitely knows which diamonds are real
and which ones are fake ones

Student : I'm confused, are the diamonds real or fake? I'm still in college, don't be deceived, Sis, I bought
this diamond from my savings, Sis (while crying)

Official: we'll just report it to the police

CEO: please report, sir, you are an educated person so you should know how to solve problems
properly, you must have strong evidence if you want to report me, or do you want me to sue back for

Official : what do you mean by defamation?

CEO: I have strong evidence that the diamonds I sell are real diamonds

Official: what evidence? Please show me

CEO : Lila please get the documents in my drawer

Manager : ok boss (takes documents)

Manager : here is the document

CEO : this is a certificate that states my diamond is genuine, so you don't want to report me, because I
can sue you back

Official : aahhhhhgggg never mind (hurries away in shame)

Student : So this diamond is real?

CEO: yes, it's real, sis

Student : thank you sis (go)

Customer S: boss, sorry, my overtime money hasn't been transferred, right? I still need money

Ceo: oh yeah I forgot, Lila immediately transferred the bonus money to danty

Manager: ready to do it, boss

Customer S: Thank you boss

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