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7 a my) BUDGETING \__Budgeting Durston’ in Case Training 2 ays Hour Menjawab Masalah Apa Penyusunan anggaran dan perencanaan perusahaan secara keseluruhan merupakan suatu rangkaian yang terpadu. Kesadaran mengenai hal itu perlu dipertegas untuk memposisikan anggaran sebagai alat perencanaan kuantitatif yang sebaiknya disusun secara terpadu dalam rangka mencapai sasaran perusahaan secara bersama. Penyusunan anggaran yang mengakornodasi sasaran dan strategi perusahaan dapat menjelaskan pentingnya komitmen para manajer dalam menyusun anggaran Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Setelah selesai menglkuti program ini, peserta diharapkan mampu: 1, Memahami keterkaitan antara proses perencanaan dengan penyusunan anggaran 2. Menyusun anggaran operasi 3. Menyusun anggaran keuangan 4. Memahami proses kontrol dengan menggunakan anggaran ‘Apa Saja yang Dibahas 1._Keterkaitan antara perencanaan dengan penyusunan anggaran 2. Operational Expenditure & Capital Expenditure 3. Anggaran operasi 4. Anggaran keuangan 5. Pengendalian melalui anggaran Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut + staff + Supervisor + Manager Program Terkait Program Pengembangan Ekseki Pp em Problems to Be Addressed Budgeting process and the company planning {as a whole are integrated processes. Companies should emphasize the awareness about this integrated system so that budgeting is regarded {as @ quantitative planning tool, which should be developed and integrated to achieve the company’s objective. The budgeting process that accommodates the objectives and the corporate strategy can explain the importance of the managers! commitment to making the budget. Objectives Having attended this program, the participants re expected to be able to: 1. Understand the relationship between the planning process and the budgeting process 2. Compose the operational budget 3. Compose the financial budget 4, Understand the controlling process using the budget ‘Subjects Covered 1. The relationship between planning and budgeting 2. Operational expenditure and capital expenditure 3. Operational budget %, Financial budget 5. Controlling through budget Who Should attend + stoft + Supervisor + Manager Related Program AEE PP | rover, Pengembangan eyoetgeer soot OM) Ekseku Durasi Duration In-class Training 2 har' (16 jar) In-class Training 2 days (16 hours Live Virtual Training 4 hari (12 jam) Live Virtual Training 4 days (12 hours) In-Class Training = Live virtual Training

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