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Are you going on holiday soon? Do you think taking a good photo is easier said than done?
Don't worry. I'll give you some tips in order to improve your photos and come from your trip
with better pictures.
1. Plan your photos.
Before you travel, you mustn't look only for the most typical places. You can also
have a look for places and elements that are unique or differents in your destiny, like
clothing and culture. Everybody likes to take pictures from the main attractions and
the most popular places, but try to take photos of some less popular places like small
buildings, beautiful bridges, curious vehicles or people, crowded markets and other
interesting features. You can do a previous research on travel pages or ask your
travel agent.
2. Practice and get comfortable with your photography equipment.
Even if you had a good reflex camera or just your phone's one, you have to be able
to use it. Try to practice with the different modes and settings it has, some weeks
before you leave. If you are going to take a picture of a landscape or of all the big
family, and you don't have a wide angle lens, you can try with the panoramic mode of
your phone, and get the whole scene. For family pictures put children standing-up in
front of adults, and taller people behind them. Use the portrait mode for pictures that
focus on people in the foreground and not in the background. And don't forget to
pack a tripod, and learn to use the camera's self-timer mode, so you can also be in
some of the pictures. You'll great me!
3. Shoot the food.
One of the best things about travelling is food. It can be delicious or not, but it's
always different from ours. So you can try to use the portrait to have a clearer focus
on the plate and a blurred background. Another option is taking the picture from a
different angle, from above looking down. That's a very interesting option!
When you arrive from your trip, you can use some apps for edit your photos and the most
important thing: make a digital album and print it. There are lots of programs to do it, like
Hoffman… be creative!! It would be a beautiful souvenir to remind you of your great holiday!!

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