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Section 1: Availability and Distribution of Natural Resources or Raw Materials

1. How would you describe the distribution of natural resources or raw materials in Somaliland?

a) Widely distributed across all regions

b) Concentrated in specific regions

c) Unevenly distributed across all regions

d) None existing at all

2. Which regions of Somaliland do you believe have available raw materials for industrialization?

a) Awdal

b) Maroodi Jeex

c) Togdheer

d) Sanaag

e) Sool

f) Sahil

3. What types of raw materials are available in the region for industrialization?

a) Mined raw materials (e.g., ores, stones, metals, minerals, lime, sand, soil, oil, and coal)

b) Plant-based raw materials (e.g., trees or plants, including fruits, nuts, flowers, vegetables, resins,
wood, cotton, and latex)

c) Animal-based raw materials (e.g., as milk, meat, Fish, seafood, furs, leather, and wool)

d) Other (please specify) ___________

4. How abundant are these raw materials in the region?

a) Abundant

b) Sufficient

c) Limited

d) Scarce
5. How accessible these raw materials are for industrialization in the regions?

a) Easily accessible

b) Accessible with some challenges

c) Limited access

d) Inaccessible

6. Are there any additional raw materials in the respective region that you believe should be considered
for industrialization?

a) Yes

b) No

Section 2: Support and Promotion of Enterprise Transformation

1. How important is it to support and promote the transformation of enterprises from trade and
commerce towards production by utilizing raw materials?

a) Very important

b) Important

c) Somewhat important

d) Not important

2. What measures can be taken to support and promote the transformation of enterprises in

a) Providing financial incentives for production-based enterprises

b) Offering technical assistance and training programs

c) Strengthening access to raw materials for industries

d) Developing and implementing favorable policies and regulations

e) Other (please specify) ___________

Section 3: Industrial Sustainability

1. What do you think are the underlying causes of industries failing in Somaliland?

a) Lack of access to raw materials

b) Insufficient infrastructure and utilities

c) Limited market opportunities

d) Inadequate financial support

e) Other (please specify) ___________

2. What do you think are the reasons some industries thrive in Somaliland?

a) Availability of raw materials

b) Strong market demand

c) Supportive government policies

d) Skilled workforce

e) Other (please specify) ___________

3. How can industries in Somaliland be made more sustainable?

a) Adopting eco-friendly production practices

b) Implementing resource-efficient technologies

c) Promoting recycling and waste management

d) Investing on producing raw materials

e) Investing in renewable energy sources

f) Other (please specify) ___________

4. Based on the availability and distribution of natural resources or raw materials in Somaliland, how can
industries be successful?

a) Developing strategic partnerships with similar industries

b) Manufacturing raw materials locally

c) Implementing efficient supply chain management

d) Encouraging research and development for innovation

e) Enhancing access to financing options

f) Other (please specify) ___________

Section 4: Needed Industries based on Natural Resources

1. Which industries do you think can be developed based on these available raw materials in the region?

a) Food processing and Agro-industries

b) Textile and garment manufacturing

c) Mining and minerals processing

d) Woodworking and furniture production

e) Pharmaceutical

f) Ceramics and cement

g) Rubber products

h) plastic products

i) paper and pulp

j) Iron and steel (including cast and forged products)

k) cleaning products

l) cosmetics

m) Chemicals and Petroleum products

n) Other (please specify) ___________

2. How important is it to prioritize the industrialization of these raw materials in the region?

a) Very important

b) Important

c) Somewhat important
d) Not important

3. How valuable are these raw materials for industrialization in the regions?

a) Highly valuable

b) Moderately valuable

c) Somewhat valuable

d) Not valuable

4. What challenges, if any, do you foresee in utilizing these raw materials for industrialization in the

a) Lack of infrastructure

b) Limited access to technology

c) Insufficient financing options

d) Lack of skilled workforce

e) Other (please specify) ___________

5. Are there any specific steps that should be taken to promote industrialization based on these raw
materials in the respective regions?

a) Implementing favorable policies and regulations

b) Providing financial incentives for industrial projects

c) Strengthening research and development efforts

d) Promoting entrepreneurship and business development

e) Other (please specify) ___________

Thank you for your participation!

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