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**Test planning and requirements analysis

* I've experience this together with my TL. But for my part, I was tasked to
create test cases base on the requirements and feature functionality.

**Take an active role in all testing levels and development phases

* Testing phase - UAT > Staging > PVT

1. UAT - This is where we test the new feature's functionality/UI
independtly to see if the expected behavior and the exact design from the
requirements & figma was achieved.
2. Staging - After the new feature past from UAT, it is integrated with
the other feartures in Staging. Also in Staging we perform some Smoke Testing for
the basic functionality to make sure nothing was broken
after the integration of new the feature.
3. PVT (Production Verification Testing) - After passing in Staging, we
lastly integrate it to PVT which is the exact replicate of Production. This is the
final testing done to ensure that the new feature is now ready to be use
by the owner and other users. In PVT we perform Regression, Sanity, and Smoke

**Contribute to and maintain the team’s internal knowledge base

* I've shared to my TL on how the TestProject works and how to maintain and
execute tests automation.

**Work with ClickUp for deliverables, defect management, test reporting, and other
* Definitley we use ClickUp for our deliverables, defect management, test

**Participate in defect triage and QA Level Up

* Usually since we are just a small team in QA, I usally do the defect triage
or for both Web and Mobile. I logged any found bug to ClickUp giving the developers
the following details in the Ticket.

a. Issue - Giving the brief Title and summary of the bug/defect

b. Test Steps - Providing the specific steps to replicate the issue. Must be
brief and conscise.

c. Expected Results - Providing a breif comments/summary, screenshots, or

video of the expected result base on the requirements given if possible.

d. Actual Results - Providing the actual behavior of the feature upon


**Report testing progress and defect metrics

* For the testing progress, I usually create a summary to be reported to my
TL it is like a daily report on which tickets has been Passed, Failed, Blocked, or
Waiting for confirmation/clarification.
**Review and provide feedback on high-level requirements, business requirements,
and testing documents
* I usually spend time first on reading the requirements before creating or
testing the new feature. My initial thought process are the following:
a. How does this feature works?
b. What part of the system this feature mostly to interact?
c. What are the necessary data that I will need to test the feature?
d. How can I fast track the testing and create a deatiled preliminary
report as possible

**Conduct Functional and API Testing

*Usually the API Testing task was not given to us QA but was given to the
Devs. But sometime I will have to meet with the dev to test the API's by giving
them the necessary steps to replicate a certain bug/defect.

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