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1. What topic are both photos connected to?

2. How are these pictures similar?
3. How are these pictures different?
4. Where do you think these pictures are taken?
5. What are advantages/disadvantages of life in a countryside/big city?
6. Where would you prefer to live? Why?

Extra Questions

1. Talk about a place where you live.

2. Do you know your neighbours? Are relationships with neighbours important in your society?

3. If you had grown up in a different city, how would your life have been different?
4. Would you prefer to live in a really old historical city, or a really new modern city?

1. What topic are both photos connected to?

2. How are these pictures similar?
3. How are these pictures different?
4. Where these pictures might be taken?
5. What are the advantages/disadvantages of each school?
6. Compare your school with those in pictures.

Extra Questions

1. Does your country provide a good public school system?

2. Are there many private schools in your country? Can everyone afford them?
3. How does advanced technology help us learn?
4. Does good education guarantee a good job? A good life?

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