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Todd: Lois, actually how old are you Lois?

Lois: I'm 25.

Todd: OK, 25, so, do you have any early Childhood memories? What's the
Earliest thing you can remember from Childhood?

Lois: Uh, my memories from my childhood aren't very good. I can't remember that much, but
I do remember one thing. I must have only been about 3 or 4, I'm not sure, and I was on
Holiday with my family, and my grandparents and I had an ice cream and I wanted to climb
to the top of this hill, and my parents were like," No, No, No. Wait until you Finish your ice
cream, and then you can go" and I was like, "Nope, I'm going to go now" so I climbed to the
top of the hill. It was only a small hill, I was only little and then I decided it would be great to
Run down the hill really fast, which I did, and I ran to the Bottom of the hill , fell over,ice
cream All mover me, and I don't think I got another ice cream after that.

Todd: Oh that's funny, and other memories from childhood.

Lois: I think I also remember pushing my brothers around in my brother's pram and him
falling out and banging his head and there being lots of blood. I think I might have got is a lot
of trouble for that one.

Todd: Oh! So you have a younger brother?

Lois: I have a younger brother and I have an older brother.

Todd: Oh, OK

Lois: So I'm the middle child, which is not always good because when we used to go on
holiday my brothers would always fight in the car, so I always had to sit in the middle of them
so if they were fighting I could stop the The fighting , so I didn't like being the middle child.

Todd: Well, I sure you served a good purpose for your parents.

Lois: Well, I hope so, but still my brothers are now 27 and 23 and they still fight now, so I
didn't actually manage to stop that.

run down childhood finish

bottom of the hill holiday earliest
older all mover younger manage

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