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1- Where were you born?

2- Where did you grow up?

3- What’s your favorite childhood memory?
4- What’s your city or town like?
5- What transportation and public services are available?
6- What kinds of city or town problems are there?
7- What would you tell a visitor about your city or town?
8- Do you live in a house or an apartment? What’s it like
9- What’s your neighborhood like?
10- What do you wish you could change about your home/school or job/skills? Why?
11- What’s your favorite way to cook or eat [pasta]?
12- What do you like to do on vacation? Where do you like to go?
13- What requests can you make in the kitchen/bathroom/living room/bedroom?
14- How does technology affect the way people work and spend free time
15- Tell me about weddings in your country. What do couples do before their wedding?

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