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Bilton, H. (2010). Outdoor Learning in The Early Years: Management and

Innovation. New York: Routledge.

Hamilton, M., & Liu, T. (2018). The Effects of an Intervention on the Gross and Fine
Motor Skills of Hispanic Pre-K Children from Low SES Backgrounds. Early
Childhood Educ J, 46, 223-230. doi:10.1007/s10643-017-0845-y

Maynard, T., & Waters, J. (2014). Exploring Outdoor Play in the Early Years. New
York: McGrawHill Education.

S, J., Arumugam, N., & Parasher, R. K. (2018). Efect of Physical Exercises on

Attention, Motor Skill and Physical Fitness in Children with Attention Defcit
Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review. ADHD Attention Defcit and
Hyperactivity Disorders, 1-13.

Wang, F., Xu, L., & Wang, C. (2016). Modern Resdential Outdoor Space For Children
With Their Inter-Generational Parents: A Case Study in Beijing. International
Journal of Tourism Cities, 206-220. doi:10.1108/IJTC-03-2016-0004

Bilton, H. (2010). Outdoor Learning in The Early Years: Management and

Innovation. New York: Routledge.

Hamilton, M., & Liu, T. (2018). The Effects of an Intervention on the Gross and Fine
Motor Skills of Hispanic Pre-K Children from Low SES Backgrounds. Early
Childhood Educ J, 46, 223-230. doi:10.1007/s10643-017-0845-y

Maynard, T., & Waters, J. (2014). Exploring Outdoor Play in the Early Years. New
York: McGrawHill Education.

S, J., Arumugam, N., & Parasher, R. K. (2018). Efect of Physical Exercises on

Attention, Motor Skill and Physical Fitness in Children with Attention Defcit
Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review. ADHD Attention Defcit and
Hyperactivity Disorders, 1-13.
Wang, F., Xu, L., & Wang, C. (2016). Modern Resdential Outdoor Space For Children
With Their Inter-Generational Parents: A Case Study in Beijing. International
Journal of Tourism Cities, 206-220. doi:10.1108/IJTC-03-2016-0004

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