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 Valeria Nicol Bustamante Pacheco
 Wilmer Erickson Garcia Urbina

Wilmer personal information:
Hi everybody, this is my new classmate. His full name is Wilmer Erickson, and last
name are Garcia Urbina, and he is 17 years old. Your email is, and his cell phone number is nine, two, one, six,
four, one, eight, eight, zero, he is Pacorano and his nationality is peruvian, which is
located in the northern region of the Province of Lambayequebut his parents are from
Chiclayo.His mother works in the fields and his father is a barber. His favorite food is
chaufa and his favorite sport is footbal. He is studying Systems Engineering at the
Technological University of Peru in the first cycle. He is 1.64 centimeters tall, has
brown skin, dark brown eyes. He has five siblings, he is the last child. his parents are
separated. Finally, he is a person who is considered friendly.

Valeria personal information:

Hi everybody, this is my new classmate. She name is Valeria Nicol, and last name are
Bustamante Pacheco, and she is 18 years old. Your email is
, and she cell pone number is nine, seven, zero, six, zero, seven, one, one, three, she
is chiclayana and his nationality is peruvian, which is located in the northern region of
the Province of Lambayequebut, she parents are from lima and are together. She
mother is housewife and his father is a plumber . His favorite food is mostrito and his
favorite sport is footbal.
She is studying Business Administration at the Technological University of Peru in the
second cycle. He is 1.54 centimeters tall, has brown skin, dark brown eyes. He has
four siblings, he is the last child. his parents are together. Finally, she is a person who
is considered sociable.

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