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1.The identity element in a group G is unique; that is, there exists only one element e ∈ G such that
eg = ge = g for all g ∈ G

2. Let G be a group. If a, b ∈ G, then (ab) −1 = b −1a −1

3. A subset H of G is a subgroup if and only if it satisfies the following conditions. 1. The identity e of
G is in H. 2. If h1, h2 ∈ H, then h1h2 ∈ H. 3. If h ∈ H, then h −1 ∈ H

4. Let H be a subset of a group G. Then H is a subgroup of G if and only if H 6= ∅, and whenever g, h

∈ H then gh−1 is in H.

1. Let G be an abelian group. Prove that (a . b)n=an .b n ∀ a , b ∈G and n ∈ Z .

2. State and prove the Division Algorithm.

3. Find the inverse of (38 75 ) in GL ( Z

2 13 ).

4. Prove that the center of a group Z(G)is a subgroup of the group G .

5. .Give an example of the group which is not cyclic (with proper reason).

10m.5. (Cayley) Every group is isomorphic to a group of permutations.

8. Let G be a group and N be a subgroup of G. Then the following statements are equivalent. 1. The
subgroup N is normal in G. 2. For all g ∈ G, gNg−1 ⊂ N. 3. For all g ∈ G, gNg−1 = N.

9. Let φ : G1 → G2 be a homomorphism of groups. Then 1. If e is the identity of G1, then φ(e) is the
identity of G2; 2. For any element g ∈ G1, φ(g −1 ) = [φ(g)]−1 ; 3. If H1 is a subgroup of G1, then
φ(H1) is a subgroup of G2; 4. If H2 is a subgroup of G2, then φ −1 (H2) = {g ∈ G : φ(g) ∈ H2} is a
subgroup of G1. Furthermore, if H2 is normal in G2, then φ −1 (H2) is normal in G1.

10. 3 (First Isomorphism Theorem) If ψ : G → H is a group homomorphism with K = ker ψ, then K is

normal in G. Let φ : G → G/K be the canonical homomorphism. Then there exists a unique
isomorphism η : G/K → ψ(G) such that ψ = ηφ

11. (Second Isomorphism Theorem) Let H be a subgroup of a group G (not necessarily normal in G)
and N a normal subgroup of G. Then HN is a subgroup of G, H ∩ N is a normal subgroup of H, and
H/H ∩ N ∼= HN/N.

6. In a finite non-trivial ring R ,a is not a divisor of zero. Prove thata is a unit in R .

7. Prove that a finite integral domain is a field.
8. Show that the ring Z n is a principal ideal ring.

9. In a ring R of all real valued continuous functions defined on[ 0,1 ] , let S= f ∈ R :f ( 12 )=0}.
Then show that S is an ideal of R .
10. Find the maximal ideals and the prime ideals in the ring Z12 .Check that in the ring Z × Z , the
ideal S= { ( a , 0 ) : a ∈ Z } is a maximal or prime.
11. Prove that a non-trivial finite ring having no divisors of zero, then it contains unity.
12. Let R be a commutative ring with unity. Prove that P is prime ideal if and only if the quotient
ring R/ P is an Integral domain.
13. State and prove fundamental theorem of ring homomorphism.
14. Find a gcd of the elements 3+i ,5+ i in the Euclidean domain Z [i ] .
15. Prove that Z [x ] is not a principal ideal domain.
16. Find the units in the integral domain Z [ √−5 ] .
17. Let R be the ring of all real valued continuous functions defined on [ 0,1 ] . Let

S= f ∈ R :f ( 12 )=0} . Then prove that S is an ideal of R and also maximal ideal.
18. Prove that In a UFD, any tow non-zero elements have a gcd .
19. State and prove Division algorithm for F [ x ] , where F is a Field.
20. Check the irreducibility of the following polynomials over Q
i) 2 x5 −3 x 4+ 9 x2 +3
10 7 4 2
ii) 2 x −25 x +10 x +5 x +20
22. Let F be a field. Then prove that an ideal ⟨ p ( x) ⟩ ≠ ⟨ 0 ⟩ in F [ x ] is maximal if and only if p(x )
is irreducible over F .
23. Let R and R' be two rings and ∅ : R→ R' be a homomorphism. Then prove that ker ∅ is an
ideal of R . If∅ is an onto homomorphism, then prove that ∅ is an isomorphism if and only if
ker ∅={ 0 }.
24. Define R-Module and R-Module Homomorphism. Prove that Hom R ( M , N ) is an R-Module.
25. State and prove Structure theorem of finitely generated free modules.

29. Prove that a non-trivial finite ring having no divisors of zero, then it contains unity.
30. Let R be a commutative ring with unity. Prove that P is prime ideal if and only if the quotient
ring R/ P is an Integral domain.
31. State and prove fundamental theorem of ring homomorphism.
32. Find a gcd of the elements 3+i ,5+ i in the Euclidean domain Z [i ] .
33. Prove that Z [x ] is not a principal ideal domain.
34. Find the units in the integral domain Z [ √−5 ] .
35. Let R be the ring of all real valued continuous functions defined on [ 0,1 ] . Let

S= f ∈ R :f ( 12 )=0} . Then prove that S is an ideal of R and also maximal ideal.
36. Prove that In a UFD, any tow non-zero elements have a gcd .
37. State and prove Division algorithm for F [ x ] .
38. Check the irreducibility of the following polynomials over Q
iii) 2 x5 −3 x 4+ 9 x2 +3
10 7 4 2
iv) 2 x −25 x +10 x +5 x +20
40. Let N and K be two submodules of M , then prove that ≅ .
K N ∩K
41. State and prove Structure theorem of finitely generated free modules.
42. Let R be a PID and M be a finitely generated free module over R of rank n. Then the
following are true. (a) If N is a submodule of M, then N is also finitely generated, free of rank
r, with 0 ≤ r ≤ n. (b) If N 6= {0}, then there exists a basis {e1, e2, · · · , en} of M and non zero
elements a1, a2, · · · , ar ∈ R such that {a1e1, a2e2, · · · , arer} is a basis of N and ai |ai+1 ∀ 1
≤ i ≤ r − 1.
43. Let C and V be an inner product over F. For v, w ∈ V and c ∈ F we have 1. k cv k=| c |k v
k, 2. k v k> 0 if v 6= 0, 3. | (v, w) | ≤ k v kk w k, Equility holds if and only if w = (w,v) kvk 2 v. (It
is called the Cauchy-Swartz inequality.) 4. k v+w k ≤ k v k + k w k . (It is called the triangular

1. State and prove Gauss Lemma.

2. Define R-Module and R-Module Homomorphism. Prove that Hom R ( M , N ) is an R-Module.
3. Check the irreducibility of the following polynomials over Q
a. x 5+ 9 x 4 +12 x 2 +6
b. 2 x10−25 x 7 +10 x 4 +5 x 2+20
c. x 6 + x 3+ x +1
d. x 3+ x2 + x +1
5 5 9 4 3 3 2 3
e. x + x +15 x + x +6 x +
2 2 7 14

nswer all questions 10 ×6=60

1. If D is an integral domain and if na=0 for some a ≠ 0 in D and some integer n ≠ 0 . Prove
that D is of finite characterstic.
Prove that If R is a ring in which a =a ∀ a ∈ R ,then R must be commutative.
2. If R is a division ring. Prove that Z( R) is a subring of R . And also prove that Z(R) is a field.
Let R be a commutative ring and suppose that A is an ideal of R .
Let ( A ) ={ x ∈ R| x n ∈ A for some n } .
Prove that
a. N(A) is an ideal of R which contains A .
b. N(N(A))=N(A)

3. Let R be a commutative ring. Prove that A is a maximal ideal of R iff R/ A is a field.

If U, V are ideals of R , then prove that U+V and UV are ideals of R .
4. Prove that Z [i] is a Euclidean domain.
The ideal A=( P(x )) in F [x ] is maximal iff P( x ) is irreducible over F.
5. State and prove Eisenstein Criterion.
State and prove Division algorithm for F [x ].
6. *If R is a UFD, then prove that R[ x ] is UFD.
Let R be a Integral domain .If the primitive element f ( x)in R[ x ]is irreducible as an element
of F [x ]. Prove that f ( x)is irreducible as an element of R[ x ].
7. Prove that the polynomial f ( x )=1+ x + x 3 + x 4 is not irreducible over any field F .
Prove that the polynomial f ( x )=x 4 + 2 x +2 is irreducible over Q .
8. Let R be a ring with unit element, R not necessarily commutative, such that the only right
ideals of R are (0) and R . Prove that R is a division ring.
*If f (x) , g ( x)are two non-zero elements of F [x ], then
deg (f ( x)g ( x))=deg f ( x )+ deg g(x) .
9. Let R be any ring and let λ be a left ideal of R . Let M consists of all cosets of a+ λ , where
a ∈ R ,of λ in R . Prove that M is a R - module.
Let M and N be two R−¿modules. If T is a homomorphism from M onto N with
Ker (T )= A , prove that N is isomorphic to M / A .
10. Let N and K be two submodules of M , then prove that ≅ .
K N ∩K
*Let f : M → N be a homomorphism of M onto N where M and N are R -modules. Then
prove that the Kernel of f = { x ∈ M| f ( x )=0 } is a module K of M and the quotient module
M / K is isomorphic to N .

*Let R be a PID and let M, N be finitely generated R−modules. Then M and N are isomorphic
if and only if they have the same set of invariant ideals

43. * R be a commutative ring with unity. Prove that P is a prime ideal if and only if the quotient
ring R/ P is an integral domain.
44. Prove that Z [ i ] is a Euclidean domain.
45. *In a principal ideal domain D , P is neither zero nor a unit, then prove that the ideal ⟨ P ⟩ is
maximal if and only if ⟨ P ⟩ is prime.

Let G be a group of order 30. Show that a 3-sylow

subgroup or a 5-sylow subgroup must be normal in G.
If G is a group and N is a normal subgroup of G, then
prove that G/N is a group.
If G is a finite group and H is a subgroup of G, then
prove that o(H) is a divisor of o(G).
Prove that the center of a group is a normal subgroup
of that group. (6M)

If f is a homomorphism of a group G into a group G' with kernel 'K', then K is a

normal subgroup of G.
Define Euclidean ring and give one example.
(Cauchy’s Theorem for Abelian Groups). Suppose G is a finite abelian group and p|o(G),
where p is prime. Then ∃a not equal to e ∈ G s.t. a power P = e.

Let G be a group and N be a subgroup of G. Then the following statements are equivalent. 1. The
subgroup N is normal in G. 2. For all g ∈ G, gNg−1 ⊂ N. 3. For all g ∈ G, gNg−1 = N.

Let 4): G —. H be a homomorphism of groups. Then Ker 4) is a subgroup of G and Im 4) is a subgroup

qf H.

Second Isomorphism Theorem) Let H be a subgroup of a group G (not necessarily normal in G) and N
a normal subgroup of G. Then HN is a subgroup of G, H ∩ N is a normal subgroup of H, and H/H ∩ N
∼= HN/N.

Let R be a PID and M be a finitely generated free module over R of rank n. Then the following are
true. (a) If N is a submodule of M, then N is also finitely generated, free of rank r, with 0 ≤ r ≤ n. (b) If
N 6= {0}, then there exists a basis {e1, e2, · · · , en} of M and non zero elements a1, a2, · · · , ar ∈ R
such that {a1e1, a2e2, · · · , arer} is a basis of N and ai |ai+1 ∀ 1 ≤ i ≤ r − 1.

Define zero divisors in a commutative ring and give

one example.
State and prove fundamental theorem of ring

State and prove Structure theorem of finitely generated

free modules
Let R be a Euclidean ring and let A be an ideal of R. Then there exists an element a A such
that 'A' contains of all ax as x ranges over R.
Prove that every integral domain can be imbedded in a field
If U is an ideal of R let [R:U]={x R/rx U for every r R}. Prove that [R:U] is an ideal of R
and that it contains U.
Define Unique factorization domain and give one example
Let R be a Euclidean ring and If b is not a unit in R, then d(a)

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