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Part 1: Teachers use five (05+) of these questions to ask students (5 pts)
1. Who cooks in your family?
2. What kind of food and drink do you usually eat at your favorite café?
3. Are you a couch potato? Why or why not?
4. How many hours do you normally sleep a day?
5. Do you think you’re active or lazy?
6. What can you do if you want to be healthy?
7. What types of food do you like most
8. What sports do you like?
9. What sports are difficult and dangerous?
10. What sports are popular in your country?
11. Can you do any dangerous sports? Do you want to try it? Why?
12. When did you last go swimming?
13. Do you play sports at school? Tell me?
14. What did your family enjoy doing last week?
15. Do you know anything about the Olympic Games?
16. How does your close friend look like?
17. How different did you look last week and two years ago?
18. What did you do last weekend?
19. Where did you live when you were younger?
20. When did you last go to the cinema?
21. Did you have fun on your last holiday?
22. Who is your favorite celebrity? Can you describe him / her?
23. How do you travel when you go on holiday?
24. Which means of transport have you got in your country?
25. What do you normally do in the summer holidays?
26. How many different types of weather can you say in English?
27. What’s the weather like today in your town or city?
28. What will you do if you don’t have any homework tonight?
29. What are you going to do after school today?
30. What interesting things are there to do in Vietnam?

Part 2: Teachers give students one of a picture and ask them to describe it. (5 pts)

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(Describe 3 to 5 activities in one of the pictures below /where, when, what happening...etc.

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