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Text: Mark 9:33-35



1. Quietly passing through Galilee, Jesus and His disciples came to

a. On the way, Jesus foretold His suffering a death a second time
- Mk 9:30-32
b. Also on the way, the disciples disputed who would be the greatest
- Mk 9:33-34
Maybe this is what was happening on the road to Capernaum. I can hear the conversation now. “You know guys; it was I,
Peter, James and John that the Master took up the mountain for that special meeting. I did notice that the rest of you
stayed behind in the village.”

“Now wait a minute,” Judas said, “I was collecting money for the poor that surely is greater than anything else?”

Matthew replies, “Nothing can be greater than working with the sick, at least we were trying to do something!”

It’s a shame they should have been learning from Jesus the meaning of true greatness. They should have been imitating
his life and learning his example instead of focusing on their childish thoughts and futile competitions with one another.
But since they were only fixed on themselves instead of on Jesus, they missed the point of what greatness is. What does it
matter if they were great in a worldly sense but they were not so great in God? What would it matter if their names were
famous on earth, but in the kingdom of God no one knew who they were? It was a terrible thing that these disciples had no
clue yet as to what greatness in God was. It was equally terrible that they really did not care much about their heavenly
situation and only cared about what others thought of them.

You know, if you are truthful with yourself, you’ve probably had conversations very similar in your own life.

2. Jesus took this opportunity to teach His disciples the way to true
a. A way involving servitude
b. A way involving humility

[Like many other paradoxes found in the Scripture (e.g., Mt 5:4-5), the
way to greatness in the kingdom of God is different than the way to
greatness in the kingdoms of men. From Jesus we learn it involves...]


1. "If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and
servant of all." - Mk 9:35
2. Greatness in Christ's kingdom is different than kingdoms of men
- cf. Mt 20:20-26
3. To be first (great), we must serve, just as Jesus served - cf.
Mt 20:27-28
-- The way up is down!
32 So few… I hate to say this. But so few of professed Christians today in our land knows so little about God. Oh, they
know all their religions, but to know God.
Humbled Himself, and that’s what makes Him great to me. That’s what makes Him real to me is to think that He was
willing to come down here and not be some great somebody, take some great name, or something like that. He made
Himself humble and become a servant to all of them. That’s my Lord Jesus. That’s the One I love; that’s the One, I’m—
want to give my life entirely to serve Him, and to work for Him, and do everything I can to get people to look at Him, and
believe Him, and love Him. He’s lovely. He’s precious.
33 Becoming a foot washer, taking the towel and girded Himself and washed the disciples’ feet, said, “Let him that’s
great among you be the servant of all.” That was His example. But us today, oh, hostile: “Yes, sir. I wouldn’t stoop to
that fellow though; that old drunk, you know, I wouldn’t have nothing to do with him. Oh, I’m Doctor
Jones.” See? That’s the reason we’re not getting anywhere. That’s the reason our pulpits are weak. That’s the reason
today, we don’t have signs and wonders in our churches. That’s the reason today we don’t have an old fashion
revival. We’re thinking we’re somebody when we’re nothing.
56-0218E - The Worst Sinner in The City
Rev. William Marrion Branham


1. Serve others in evangelism (pag-eebanghelyo)

a. Someone led you to Christ, can you not lead another to Him?
- Jn 1:35-42
b. Begin by being hospitable, offering acts of kindness and
c. At the very least: invite to services,
d. Open your home to host Bible studies
e. Pray to God that He hone your skills in personal evangelism, seek to improve
your ability to share the gospel
2. Serve others in edification (magandang halimbawa)
a. Many have contributed to your spiritual growth, can you help
others? - Ep 4:16
3. Serve others in benevolence (kabutihan)
a. Has anyone ever showed you kindness? "Be kind to one
another" - Ep 4:32
Be servants to one another. Don’t be bigger than somebody else. Try to see how little you can be.
174 I’ve often heard, say, “Don’t never be big in your own sight.” If you’re big, let it be in God’s sight. Be little in your
own sight. Every man that humbles himself, God will exalt. But those who exalts themself, God will bring abase. See? Be
175 This man say, “Well, he’s…”
“Well, I know but I…he’s my brother. I like to be his servant, you see.” Be servants to one another.
54-1003E - Jubilee Year
Rev. William Marrion Branham
[In order to offer the kind of service that really pleases God, and
thereby makes one great in the kingdom of God, the virtue of humility is
required. And so Jesus taught His disciples...]


1. It may not seem like much, but the way to greatness is not possible
a. A heart of a servant and a humble heart.
2. Jesus proved the greatness of service and humility by His own
a. Coming to this earth in the form of a servant - Php 2:5-7
b. Humbling Himself to the point of death on the cross - Php 2:8
c. Thereby being highly exalted by God - Php 2:9-11

If we desire to be great in the kingdoms of men, we are setting

ourselves up for a fall:

"For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles

himself will be exalted." - Lk 14:11

If we desire to be great in the kingdom of God, let us humbly serve one

another and those in the world...
Why does He stand by? The reason is in Romans 8:17-18, “And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with
Christ; if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together. For I reckon that the sufferings of this
present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” Unless we suffer with Him we
cannot reign with Him. You have to suffer to reign. The reason for this is that character simply is never made without
suffering. Character is a VICTORY, not a gift. A man without character can’t reign because power apart from character
is Satanic. But power with character is fit to rule. And since He wants us to share even His throne on the same basis that
He overcame and is set down in His Father’s throne, then we have to overcome to sit with Him. And the little temporary
suffering we go through now is not worthy to be compared to the tremendous glory that will be revealed in us when He
comes. Oh, what treasures are laid up for those who are willing to enter into His kingdom through much tribulation.
4 - The Smyrnaean Church Age
Rev. William Marrion Branham

Before He left His first church, He left His last doctrine. To serve one another. Feet washing is a way of life to be lived by
the bride.

Christians can only learn true greatness from the truly Great One— Jesus himself. I can learn greatness when I listen to
Jesus and begin to humble myself, accepting his teaching, rather than pretending not to understand it, and learning to
imitate him in all things.I can learn best when I learn to serve as my Lord served me. And I can serve when I am willing to
accept a person sinner in the name of Jesus, leading them to Jesus. God bless you to learn true greatness from the Lord
Jesus, and to imitate his humility and servantship.

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