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targetted_decisions = {

cheats_disable = {
filter = self

from_potential = {
ai = no
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
potential = {
ai = no

allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
clr_character_flag = cheats_enabled
set_character_flag = cheats_disabled
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

cheats_enable = {
filter = self

from_potential = {
ai = no
NOT = {has_character_flag = cheats_enabled}
potential = {
ai = no

allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
set_character_flag = cheats_enabled
clr_character_flag = cheats_disabled
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

mind_control_disable = {
filter = self

from_potential = {
ai = no
has_character_flag = mind_control_enabled
potential = {
ai = no

allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
clr_character_flag = mind_control_enabled
set_character_flag = mind_control_disabled
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

mind_control_enable = {
filter = self

from_potential = {
ai = no
NOT = {has_character_flag = mind_control_enabled}
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
potential = {
ai = no

allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
set_character_flag = mind_control_enabled
clr_character_flag = mind_control_disabled
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

self_heals = {
filter = self

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no

potential = {
ai = no
OR = {
trait = ill
trait = has_tuberculosis
trait = stressed
trait = lunatic
trait = possessed
trait = depressed
trait = wounded
trait = maimed
trait = pneumonic
trait = leper
trait = syphilitic
trait = infirm
trait = incapable
trait = drunkard
trait = scarred
trait = has_typhoid_fever
trait = has_typhus
trait = has_bubonic_plague
trait = has_measles
trait = has_small_pox
trait = sickly
trait = has_aztec_disease
trait = cancer
trait = dancing_plague
trait = scurvy
trait = rabies
trait = food_poisoning
trait = gout
trait = dysentery
trait = flu
trait = cough
trait = fever
trait = diarrhea
trait = vomiting
trait = chest_pain
trait = cramps
trait = rash
trait = headache
trait = abdominal_pain
trait = fatigue
trait = malaise
trait = infection
trait = one_eyed
trait = one_handed
trait = one_legged
trait = disfigured
trait = mangled
trait = severely_injured

allow = {
always = yes

effect = {
ROOT = {
remove_trait = ill
remove_trait = has_tuberculosis
remove_trait = stressed
remove_trait = lunatic
remove_trait = possessed
remove_trait = depressed
remove_trait = wounded
remove_trait = maimed
remove_trait = pneumonic
remove_trait = leper
remove_trait = syphilitic
remove_trait = infirm
remove_trait = incapable
remove_trait = drunkard
remove_trait = scarred
remove_trait = has_typhoid_fever
remove_trait = has_typhus
remove_trait = has_bubonic_plague
remove_trait = has_measles
remove_trait = has_small_pox
remove_trait = sickly
remove_trait = has_aztec_disease
remove_trait = cancer
remove_trait = dancing_plague
remove_trait = scurvy
remove_trait = rabies
remove_trait = food_poisoning
remove_trait = gout
remove_trait = dysentery
remove_trait = flu
remove_trait = cough
remove_trait = fever
remove_trait = diarrhea
remove_trait = vomiting
remove_trait = chest_pain
remove_trait = cramps
remove_trait = rash
remove_trait = headache
remove_trait = abdominal_pain
remove_trait = fatigue
remove_trait = malaise
remove_trait = infection
remove_trait = one_eyed
remove_trait = one_handed
remove_trait = one_legged
remove_trait = disfigured
remove_trait = mangled
remove_trait = severely_injured

revoke_allowed = { always = no }
ai_will_do = { factor = 0 }

self_genes = {
filter = self

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no

potential = {
ai = no
NOT = {trait = strong}
NOT = {trait = fair}
NOT = {trait = genius}

allow = {
always = yes

effect = {
ROOT = {
add_trait = genius
add_trait = fair
add_trait = strong
remove_trait = inbred
remove_trait = harelip
remove_trait = clubfooted
remove_trait = hunchback
remove_trait = lisp
remove_trait = stutter
remove_trait = ugly
remove_trait = dwarf
remove_trait = slow
remove_trait = imbecile
remove_trait = weak

revoke_allowed = { always = no }
ai_will_do = { factor = 0 }

force_marry = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
age = 12
NOT = {is_married = yes}
NOT = {is_married_matrilineally = yes}
potential = {
ai = yes
age = 12
NOT = {same_sex = FROM}
NOT = {is_married = yes}
NOT = {is_married_matrilineally = yes}

allow = {
always = yes
effect = {

if = {
limit = {
FROM = {
is_female = no
add_spouse = FROM
if = {
limit = {
FROM = {
is_female = yes
add_spouse_matrilineal = FROM
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

end_marry = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
OR = {
is_married = yes
is_married_matrilineally = yes

allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
remove_spouse = spouse
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

impregnate = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
age = 12
is_pregnant = no
potential = {
ai = yes
age = 12
NOT = {same_sex = FROM}
is_pregnant = no
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
impregnate = FROM
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

imprison_them = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

kill_them = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
death = { death_reason = death_murder_unknown killer = FROM }
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

disown_them = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
is_child_of = FROM
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
hidden_tooltip = {
if = {
limit = {
FROM = {
is_female = no
mother_even_if_dead = {
ROOT = {
dynasty = PREV
set_father = none
if = {
limit = {
FROM = {
is_female = yes
father_even_if_dead = {
ROOT = {
dynasty = PREV
set_mother = none
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

move_them = {
filter = all
from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
NOT = { liege = { character = FROM } is_adult = no }
is_landed = no
is_ruler = no
OR = {
is_married = no
AND = {
is_married = yes
spouse = {
is_landed = no
is_ruler = no
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
move_character = FROM
spouse = { move_character = FROM }
any_child = {
if = {
limit = {
is_adult = no
is_ruler = no
is_landed = no
move_character = FROM
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

make_loyal = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
NOT = { has_opinion_modifier = { who = FROM modifier =
opinion_cheat_loyal } }
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
ROOT = {
opinion = {
modifier = opinion_cheat_loyal
who = FROM
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

convert_religion = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
NOT = {religion = FROM}
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
religion = FROM
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

convert_culture = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
NOT = {culture = FROM}
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
culture = FROM
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

change_ethnicity = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
ai = no
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
potential = {
NOT = { graphical_culture = FROM }
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
set_graphical_culture = FROM

revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

back_plot = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no

potential = {
ai = yes
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
back_plot = FROM
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

get_favor = {
filter = all
from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
has_dlc = "Zeus"
ai = no
NOT = {holds_favor_on = ROOT}

potential = {
ai = yes
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
FROM = { add_favor = ROOT }
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

make_consort = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
age = 12
has_concubinage = yes
NOT = {num_of_consorts = 5}
potential = {
ai = yes
age = 12
NOT = {same_sex = FROM}
NOT = {is_married = yes}
NOT = {is_married_matrilineally = yes}
NOT = {is_consort = yes}

allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
add_consort = FROM
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

befriend = {
filter = all
from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
NOT = { is_friend = FROM }
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
add_friend = FROM
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

defriend = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
is_friend = FROM
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
remove_friend = FROM
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

make_rival = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
NOT = { is_rival = FROM }
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
add_rival = FROM
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

remove_rival = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
is_rival = FROM
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
remove_rival = FROM
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

make_lover = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
NOT = {is_lover = FROM}
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
add_lover = FROM
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

increase_stats = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
ai = no
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
potential = {
NOT = { has_character_flag = stats_increased }
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
change_diplomacy = 70
change_intrigue = 70
change_martial = 70
change_learning = 70
change_stewardship = 70
set_character_flag = stats_increased

revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

decrease_stats = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
ai = no
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
potential = {
has_character_flag = stats_increased
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
change_diplomacy = -70
change_intrigue = -70
change_martial = -70
change_learning = -70
change_stewardship = -70
clr_character_flag = stats_increased

revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

self_stats = {
filter = self

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no

potential = {
NOT = { has_character_flag = stats_increased }

allow = {
always = yes

effect = {
ROOT = {
change_diplomacy = 70
change_intrigue = 70
change_martial = 70
change_learning = 70
change_stewardship = 70
set_character_flag = stats_increased

revoke_allowed = { always = no }
ai_will_do = { factor = 0 }

self_stats2 = {
filter = self

from_potential = {
ai = no
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
potential = {
has_character_flag = stats_increased
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
change_diplomacy = -70
change_intrigue = -70
change_martial = -70
change_learning = -70
change_stewardship = -70
clr_character_flag = stats_increased

revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

remove_nickname = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
has_nickname = yes
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
remove_nickname = yes
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

self_nickname = {
filter = self

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
has_nickname = yes
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
remove_nickname = yes
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0
abdicate = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
is_ruler = yes
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
abdicate_to = FROM
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

vassalize = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
is_ruler = yes
lower_real_tier_than = FROM
NOT = {vassal_of = FROM}

allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
set_defacto_liege = FROM
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

kill_dynasty = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
NOT = { dynasty = FROM}
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
death = { death_reason = death_murder_unknown killer = FROM }
any_dynasty_member = {
death = { death_reason = death_murder_unknown killer = FROM }

revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

fix_genes = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
OR = {
NOT = { trait = genius }
NOT = { trait = strong }
NOT = { trait = fair }
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
add_trait = genius
add_trait = fair
add_trait = strong
remove_trait = inbred
remove_trait = harelip
remove_trait = clubfooted
remove_trait = hunchback
remove_trait = lisp
remove_trait = stutter
remove_trait = ugly
remove_trait = dwarf
remove_trait = slow
remove_trait = imbecile
remove_trait = weak
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

heal_them = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
OR = {
trait = ill
trait = has_tuberculosis
trait = stressed
trait = lunatic
trait = possessed
trait = depressed
trait = wounded
trait = maimed
trait = pneumonic
trait = leper
trait = syphilitic
trait = infirm
trait = incapable
trait = drunkard
trait = scarred
trait = has_typhoid_fever
trait = has_typhus
trait = has_bubonic_plague
trait = has_measles
trait = has_small_pox
trait = sickly
trait = has_aztec_disease
trait = cancer
trait = dancing_plague
trait = scurvy
trait = rabies
trait = food_poisoning
trait = gout
trait = dysentery
trait = flu
trait = cough
trait = fever
trait = diarrhea
trait = vomiting
trait = chest_pain
trait = cramps
trait = rash
trait = headache
trait = abdominal_pain
trait = fatigue
trait = malaise
trait = infection
trait = one_eyed
trait = one_handed
trait = one_legged
trait = disfigured
trait = mangled
trait = severely_injured
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
remove_trait = ill
remove_trait = has_tuberculosis
remove_trait = stressed
remove_trait = lunatic
remove_trait = possessed
remove_trait = depressed
remove_trait = wounded
remove_trait = maimed
remove_trait = pneumonic
remove_trait = leper
remove_trait = syphilitic
remove_trait = infirm
remove_trait = incapable
remove_trait = drunkard
remove_trait = scarred
remove_trait = has_typhoid_fever
remove_trait = has_typhus
remove_trait = has_bubonic_plague
remove_trait = has_measles
remove_trait = has_small_pox
remove_trait = sickly
remove_trait = has_aztec_disease
remove_trait = cancer
remove_trait = dancing_plague
remove_trait = scurvy
remove_trait = rabies
remove_trait = food_poisoning
remove_trait = gout
remove_trait = dysentery
remove_trait = flu
remove_trait = cough
remove_trait = fever
remove_trait = diarrhea
remove_trait = vomiting
remove_trait = chest_pain
remove_trait = cramps
remove_trait = rash
remove_trait = headache
remove_trait = abdominal_pain
remove_trait = fatigue
remove_trait = malaise
remove_trait = infection
remove_trait = one_eyed
remove_trait = one_handed
remove_trait = one_legged
remove_trait = disfigured
remove_trait = mangled
remove_trait = severely_injured
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

adopt_them = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
NOT = { is_child_of = FROM }
NOT = { is_older_than = FROM }
ROOT = { age_diff = {who = FROM years = 13} }
ai = yes
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
if = {
limit = {
FROM = {
NOT = {
is_female = yes
hidden_tooltip = {
father = { ROOT = { set_real_father = PREV } }
set_mother = 0
set_father = FROM
dynasty = FROM
hidden_tooltip = {
any_child = {
limit = { is_child_of = THIS }
dynasty = ROOT

any_child = {
limit = { is_child_of = THIS }
dynasty = ROOT

any_child = {
limit = { is_child_of = THIS }
dynasty = ROOT
if = {
limit = {
FROM = {
is_female = yes
set_mother = FROM
dynasty = FROM
hidden_tooltip = {
any_child = {
limit = { is_child_of = THIS }
dynasty = ROOT

any_child = {
limit = { is_child_of = THIS }
dynasty = ROOT

any_child = {
limit = { is_child_of = THIS }
dynasty = ROOT
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

fall_on_sword = {
filter = self

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = no
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
death = { death_reason = death_suicide killer = FROM }
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

control_mind = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
has_character_flag = mind_control_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
NOT = { has_character_flag = mind_controlled }
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
any_character = {
limit = {
has_character_flag = mind_controlled
clr_character_flag = mind_controlled
set_character_flag = mind_controlled
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

mc_imprison = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
has_character_flag = mind_control_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
prisoner = no
allow = {
any_character = {
has_character_flag = mind_controlled
is_ruler = yes
effect = {
any_character = {
limit = {
has_character_flag = mind_controlled
ROOT = {
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

mc_marry = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
has_character_flag = mind_control_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
allow = {
ROOT = {
age = 16
any_character = {
has_character_flag = mind_controlled
age = 16
NOT = { is_spouse = ROOT }
OR = {
AND = {
is_female = no
ROOT = { is_female = yes}
AND = {
is_female = yes
ROOT = { is_female = no}

effect = {
any_character = {
limit = {
has_character_flag = mind_controlled
add_spouse = ROOT
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

mc_impregnate = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
has_character_flag = mind_control_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
is_pregnant = no
is_adult = yes
allow = {
any_character = {
has_character_flag = mind_controlled
is_pregnant = no
age = 12
NOT = { same_sex = ROOT }
effect = {
any_character = {
limit = {
has_character_flag = mind_controlled
impregnate = ROOT
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

mc_lover = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
has_character_flag = mind_control_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
allow = {
ROOT = {
age = 16
any_character = {
has_character_flag = mind_controlled
age = 16
NOT = { is_lover = ROOT}
OR = {
AND = {
is_female = no
ROOT = { is_female = yes}
AND = {
is_female = yes
ROOT = { is_female = no}
AND = {
trait = homosexual
ROOT = { trait = homosexual }

effect = {
any_character = {
limit = {
has_character_flag = mind_controlled
add_lover = ROOT
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

mc_friend = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
has_character_flag = mind_control_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
allow = {
any_character = {
has_character_flag = mind_controlled
NOT = { is_friend = ROOT}
effect = {
any_character = {
limit = {
has_character_flag = mind_controlled
add_friend = ROOT
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

mc_rival = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
has_character_flag = mind_control_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
allow = {
any_character = {
has_character_flag = mind_controlled
NOT = { is_rival = ROOT}
effect = {
any_character = {
limit = {
has_character_flag = mind_controlled
add_rival = ROOT
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

mc_vassalize = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
has_character_flag = mind_control_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
is_ruler = yes
allow = {
any_character = {
has_character_flag = mind_controlled
higher_tier_than = ROOT
ROOT = {
NOT = {
defacto_liege = PREV
effect = {
any_character = {
limit = {
has_character_flag = mind_controlled
ROOT = {
set_defacto_liege = PREV
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

mc_abdicate = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
has_character_flag = mind_control_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
is_ruler = yes
allow = {
any_character = {
has_character_flag = mind_controlled
effect = {
any_character = {
limit = {
has_character_flag = mind_controlled
ROOT = {
abdicate_to = PREV
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

mc_abdicate_them = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
has_character_flag = mind_control_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
allow = {
any_character = {
has_character_flag = mind_controlled
is_ruler = yes
effect = {
any_character = {
limit = {
has_character_flag = mind_controlled
abdicate_to = ROOT
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

clear_your_focus = {
filter = self

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = no
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
hidden_tooltip = {
clear_focus = yes
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

clear_your_ambition = {
filter = self

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = no
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
cancel_ambition = yes
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

join_their_dynasty = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
NOT = { is_child_of = ROOT }

potential = {
ROOT = { age_diff = {who = FROM years = 16} }
is_older_than = FROM
ai = yes

allow = {
always = yes

effect = {
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
NOT = {
is_female = yes
FROM = {
set_father = ROOT
if = {
limit = {
is_married = yes
ROOT = {
spouse_even_if_dead = {
FROM = {
set_mother = PREV
if = {
limit = {
is_married = no
ROOT = {
spouse_even_if_dead = {
FROM = {
set_mother = 0
dynasty = ROOT
hidden_tooltip = {
any_child = {
dynasty = ROOT

any_child = {
limit = { is_child_of = THIS }
dynasty = ROOT

any_child = {
limit = { is_child_of =
dynasty = ROOT
if = {
limit = {
ROOT = {
NOT = {
is_female = no
FROM = {
set_mother = ROOT
if = {
limit = {
is_married = yes
ROOT = {
spouse_even_if_dead = {
FROM = {
set_father = PREV
if = {
limit = {
is_married = yes
ROOT = {
spouse_even_if_dead = {
FROM = {
set_father = 0
dynasty = ROOT
hidden_tooltip = {
any_child = {
dynasty = ROOT

any_child = {
limit = { is_child_of = THIS }
dynasty = ROOT

any_child = {
limit = { is_child_of =
dynasty = ROOT
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

make_immortal = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
trait = immortal
potential = {
ai = yes
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
add_trait = immortal
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

make_mortal = {
filter = all

from_potential = {
has_character_flag = cheats_enabled
ai = no
potential = {
ai = yes
trait = immortal
allow = {
always = yes
effect = {
remove_trait = immortal
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

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