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My name is Dina Arisonaningtyas, usually called Dina. I am the last child of three siblings. I got
married and have two sons. the biggest is 14 years old and the youngest is 9 years old. I live in
Sleman, Yogyakarta. My hobbies are cooking, traveling, watching movies. I usually spend my
free time doing those three things.

I come from Purwodadi Grobogan, Central Java. I was born in January 1987. There is nothing
special about my hometown because it is only a small town in Central Java province. only the
road to my city always impresses people who have never been there because the asphalt road
is damaged all year round because according to information the land in that area often moves
and many heavily loaded vehicles pass through it, so the asphalt road is often damaged even
though roads have been made from cast. the iconic food from my downtown is frog swieke. Of
course, it is not allowed to be eaten by Muslims. so, if my mother cooks, the protein replaced
with chicken.

I am working at the Rumah Sehat BAZNAS Clinic in Yogyakarta, which is one of the programs in
the health sector from the Badan Amil Zakat Nasional/BAZNAS Republic of Indonesia. I have
been working since 2018 as a medical service manager. then 2019 I was given the responsibility
to be the director of the clinic. The scope of my work is social because the funds are come from
infaq, zakat, shadaqoh. I love my job, because I can serve poor people who really need help,
especially in the health sector.

I studied at medical faculty of the Indonesia Islamic University Yogyakarta and graduated in
2010. Then took the medical profession and graduated in 2012. In 2016 I continued my studies
at Gajah Mada University and took a master degree of public health and graduated in 2018.
Initially I planned to take up a specialist program of cardiovascular. however, in the 2022 I did
not pass the selection. then I plan to continue my doctoral studies abroad. I really want to
continue my study abroad because that is one of my dreams. Switzerland is my destination.

after a week of hard work. usually our family spend time on weekends to make quality time.
Before we go to make a decision what kind of activity we have to do, we usually talk over
together. sometimes we go to the beach around Yogyakarta to find a fresh atmosphere. our
children really like to play at the beach especially the place that we have never visited before.
however, usually we look for beach that are not too crowded with visitors so that we feel more
comfortable enjoying the beauty of the beach, like in Gunung Kidul which has many hidden
beaches that are no less beautiful than the others. it's not healing if we don't try the delicious
culinary delights on the road leading to the beach. Around Gunung Kidul Beach, there are
currently also many restaurants that provide beautiful ocean views and instagramable places.
however, if our weekend feels very tired, the best place to relieve stress is hibernation at home
and hit the sack, or watching movie it is the most comfortable and cheapest place to relieve
human; are a diverse group, happily inhabiting almost every corner of the world. We all grow
up in different ways and have our own culture and traditions, national and local. Traveling
around the world and traveling to places means discovering new and beautiful cultures,
learning about ancient belief systems and hearing interesting stories about life in a different
environment than the people who actually live there.

Traveling abroad is one of the activities that are of interest to the people of Indonesia. This can
be seen from the number of national tourists from Indonesia who travel to a country.

Even though Indonesia is a very beautiful country. There are mountains, beaches, lakes,
waterfalls, forests, and many other vacation spots, but that's not enough to make some groups
decide on holidays in the country.

There are many reasons why people prefer to travel abroad. For example, if we want to visit
our favorite football club in England, Italy or Spain, of course we have to go there. Or, for
example, if we want to see Da Vinci's works in person, of course we have to go to Paris because
they don't exist in Indonesia.

Traveling abroad is much cheaper than going to several places in Indonesia. For example, a
vacation to Bangkok, Thailand. Departing from Jakarta, you only need to pay around Rp.
3,700,000 for a four-day vacation as well as a return flight ticket.

The cost of a vacation to Bangkok is much cheaper than Papua Papua. The ticket alone to
Jayapura from Jakarta is around IDR 2,000,000, even though that's a promo ticket price. Not to
mention the added living cost there.

Some people would really care about their prestige in front of a crowd.. For example, your
friend has been to Europe, so we haven't yet. Holidays abroad are always synonymous with
luxury. This is one of them because many countries are very good at maintaining the image of
their tourist attractions.

Facilities abroad are much more adequate than here. For example, in Japan, we can find a lot of
safe transportation all the time. In Japan it is also much tidier and there are many special places
for smoking.

There must be a happy feeling when you say cool when you are on vacation abroad. This is also
the reason for some travelers to vacation abroad, so that they look cool and slang.

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