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Your 2021 Workbook

Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

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Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

Name your October

goals 01
Today, think about what your goals for participating in the Leadership
Challenge and how you want to grow by the end of the month.

Your takeaways, notes and insights

By the end of this month, I will…

Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

Lead with October

intent 04
“Our intention creates our reality.”
Wayne Dyer

Your takeaways, notes and insights

Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

Find your October

flow 05
FLOW: a state of being where we are more productive, happy and

Your takeaways, notes and insights

Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

One Word Wednesday October

Your takeaways, notes and insights

Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

Build your team: October

Talent Profile 07

Your takeaways, notes and insights

Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

Friday October

musings 08
Everyone needs habits of mind that allow them to dance across
David Epstein, Range

Your takeaways, notes and insights

Review your notes from this week. Highlight 2-3 things that stood out for you. Write
down one thing that you want to keep trying or working on after this week.


Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

Lead with October

intent 11
“Energy flows where intention goes.”
Michael Beckwith

Your takeaways, notes and insights

Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

Know your October

impact 12
Your takeaways, notes and insights

Day Learn Initiate Help

Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

One Word Wednesday October

Your takeaways, notes and insights

Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

Build your team: October

Development Goals 14
Your takeaways, notes and insights

Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

Friday October

musings 15
The goal in a learning culture is to welcome…experiments, to make
rethinking so familiar that it becomes routine.
Adam Grant, Think Again

Your takeaways, notes and insights

Review your notes from this week. Highlight 2-3 things that stood out for you. Write
down one thing that you want to keep trying or working on after this week.


Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

Lead with October

intent 18
“Attention energizes, intention transforms.”
Deepak Chopra

Your takeaways, notes and insights

Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

Take 10… October

for you 19
Your takeaways, notes and insights

Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

One Word Wednesday October

Your takeaways, notes and insights

Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

Build your team: October

Coach with GROW 21

Your takeaways, notes and insights

Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

Friday October

musings 22
Persuasion requires an open mind…[it] means you are open to new
facts, new ideas, new perspectives…it means you have a high desire
and capacity for more information, and you don’t limit yourself.
Trey Gowdy, Doesn’t Hurt to Ask

Your takeaways, notes and insights

Review your notes from this week. Highlight 2-3 things that stood out for you. Write
down one thing that you want to keep trying or working on after this week.


Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

Lead with October

intent 25
“Be mindful of intention. Intention is the seed that creates our future.”
Jack Kornfield

Your takeaways, notes and insights

Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

What can you do in October

30 days? 26
Your takeaways, notes and insights

Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

One Word Wednesday October

Your takeaways, notes and insights

Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

Build your team: October

Know team strengths 28

Your takeaways, notes and insights

Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

Friday October

What people think of as the moment of discover is really the discovery of the
Jonas Salk, as quoted in The Coaching Habit

Your takeaways, notes and insights

Review your notes from this week. Highlight 2-3 things that stood out for you. Write
down one thing that you want to keep trying or working on after this week.


Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

2021 October Leadership Challenge
My best take-aways at a glance

Monday Tuesday Wednesday

October 4 October 5 October 6

October 11 October 12 October 13

October 18 October 19 October 20

October 25 October 26 October 27

Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

Thursday Friday • Review your notes from this month and
record your best take-away, lesson, or
October 1 idea from each day.
• Consider if these things spark ideas for
areas you want to continue learning

October 7 October 8 • What are some steps that you might

take to continue learning next month?
• What should you add to your
development plan or talk about with
your manager?
October 14 October 15

October 21 October 22

October 28 October 29

Oracle Leadership Challenge October 2021

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