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Technology has brought us a long way in the last 10 years, but how actually did it affect our daily


Firstly, one of the greatest advantages of digital and computer technology is communication. From the
first way of communicating with people across the world to the newest IPhone with all kinds of
socializing apps. People expressed that ‘Being able to contact anyone at any time in any place is
obviously the greatest advantage’. Communication is maybe one of the most important thing for
humans, we talk daily with the ones around us and even if our loved ones are miles away we can still
talk to then throughout apps like Instagram or WhatsApp or just give them a call.

Secondly, another advantage refers to people having access to information at any time. It is
unbelievable that all of us carry around everyday a little box that contains all the information we might
need. For example we no longer have to carry those bug maps when we have an app for that. Or if we
travel to another country, we have permanent access to a translate program. And this could also be a
good way of stopping pollution or recycling. For example if pill boxes would come without the
instruction sheet, a lot of trees would be saved.

With all of that being said, technology brought us a lot of advantages, one of the greatest being having
the possibility to talk with anyone at any time no matter the distance in between.

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