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Assignment Worksheet

Assignment Name : Assignment 1

Assignment Weight : 25 % Course Name: Introduction to

Submission Dateline : by system Term/Academic Year:

Related Learning Outcomes:

 LO-1 : explain the kind of the algorithms in problem solving
 LO-2 : explain the usefulness of java syntax and OOPs

Instruction of Assignment:
1. Expand upon the concept of data types in Java by explaining the difference between
primitive data types and reference data types. Provide examples of each type and discuss
their characteristics.

2. Investigate the various methods available in the Java String class that can be used to
manipulate and modify strings. Choose three different methods and explain their purpose,
providing code examples to illustrate their usage.

3. Develop and implement an algorithm to check whether a number is prime numbers or

a. Explain your algorithm by using pseudo-code and flowchart!
b. Then, implement your algorithm explained in (a) by using Java programming

Rubrics/Checklist of Assignment:

Assessment Level Proficiency Weight Score

Component Excellence Good Average Poor
Ability to All of the More than The The 100% 100
express operations half of the operations operations
arithmetic, are operation is is
assignment, expressed s are expressed expressed
logical, and properly expressed for wrongly
relational properly different
operations in purpose

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