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Course Title: Sewage Disposal & Treatment

Couse code - CTMG 3101

Academic year 2017/2018,

Semester- Summer Instructor
Debebe Meleta (MSc)
Course Title

1. Sanitation and Sewage

1.1 Sewer and Sewerage
1.2 Waste water and its quality
1.3 Drainage and Storm water
2. Sewer Design and Construction
2.1 Combined Sewers, Manholes, Inlets
2.2 Sewer Pumping
3. Waste Water Treatment
3.1 Septic Tanks
3.2 Disposal
4. Refuse Collection, Storage and Disposal
Chapter 1-Sanitation and Sewage
 Sanitation literally means measures necessary for improving and
protecting health and well being of the people.
 Sanitation is any system that promotes proper disposal of human
and animal wastes, proper use of toilet and avoiding open space
 Hygiene is the practice of keeping yourself and your surroundings
clean, especially to avoid illness or the spread of preventable
 It is the contamination of the environment with substances that
are potentially harmful to human, plant, and animal life or the
quality of that life.

 Disease classification by transmission route

 Bradley’s great innovation in 1970s

 If you know how it’s spread, you know how to stop it…
The F-Diagramme
Water supply

Fluids Hygiene


Faeces Food Future Victim


 Wastewater
 Community’s spent water.
 Mostly impurities added through human uses.
 Encompass a wide range of potential contaminants and
 Generally any water that has been adversely affected in
quality by anthropogenic influence and comprises liquid waste
o by domestic residences,
o commercial properties,
o industry, and/or
o agriculture
 Source: point and non-point sources.
 Categories: organic waste (contain carbon) and inorganic
(do not contain carbon)
 The raw wastewater coming into a treatment plant as
influent. The treated water discharged from a
wastewater treatment plant is known as effluent.
 Two methods of disposal and collection: conservancy &
water carriage system
 It part of wastewater that is contaminated with feces or urine,
 But is often used to mean any wastewater from sources
including domestic, municipal, or industrial liquid waste
products disposed of, usually via a pipe or sewer system
 Domestic or sanitary sewage originates from dwellings,
commercial or industrials and institutions
 A sewer is a pipe or conduit, generally closed, but
normally not flowing full, which carries sewage
Characteristics OF SEWAGE /Waste water
 The Characteristics of sewage arc classified as follows
1. Physical characteristics
2. Chemical characteristics and
3. Biological characteristics
1. Physical characteristics
 Color is due to the suspended and other matters found in
 If sewage is fresh it has a soap solution color i.e grey-brown and
decomposed sewage has dark grey color.
 Odour:Fresh sewage is of soapy or oily odour but stale sewage has
offensive odour due to H2S, CH4
 Temperature: Generally sewage has slightly higher temperature than the
water which increases the biological activities.
 Turbidity : It is very turbid than water due to the presence of high
suspended and other
 Solids : 350-1200 mg/L
 Though sewerage typically contains lower than zero to 0.5 %
solids, the remainder being water, still the nuisance caused by
the solids cannot be unnoted, as these solids are extremely
degradable and so want correct disposal.
 The sewerage solids could also be classified into dissolved
solids, suspended solids and volatile suspended solids.
2. Chemical Characteristics
 Sewage contains complex compounds derived from urine, faces,
inorganic chemicals etc.
 pH
 DO (Dissolved Oxygen)
 BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand)
 COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand)
 hydrogen ion concentration expressed as pH scale
 the pH scale of raw sewerage is within the vary 5 to 8.0
DO (Dissolved Oxygen)
 It is the amount of oxygen dissolved in waste water
 It presence indicates the sewage is fresh
 It is necessary to ensure at least 4 ppm of DO in receiving stream
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand)
 defined as the amount of oxygen required for the bacteria to oxidize
the organic matter present in the sewage.
 BOD – 80 mg/L
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand)
 It is defined as the amount of oxygen required for chemical oxidation
of organic matters readily oxidizable carbonaceous and other matter.
 COD – 150 mg/L

3. Biological characteristics
 related to the presence of various types of plant or animal
 This microorganism whose presence is 22 — 25 millions numbers in a
liter of sewage may be pathogenic, indicator organisms etc
 This pathogenic requires living tissues to grow and becoming harmful
1.1 Sewer and Sewerage
 It refers to the collection, treatment and disposal
of liquid waste.
 It is conveyed by a sewer and may include domestic and
industrial discharges as well as storm sewage, infiltration and
 Storm sewage is flow derived from rainfall events and
deliberately introduced into sewers

 Storm sewer caries storm sewage and any other wastes which
may be discharged into the streets or onto the surface of the
 Septic tank: A tank or container, normally with one inlet and
one outlet, that retains sewage and reduces its strength by
settlement and anaerobic digestion of excreta.

 Excreta: Defecation and urine

 Latrine: An installation used for defecation and urination

 Infiltration is water which enters the sewers from ground

through leaks.

 Inflow is water which enters the sewers from the surface

during rainfall events
 A system composed of combined sewer called a combined system,
while one which separates the storm water is called a separate
 Combined sewer caries both domestic and storm sewage.
 Partially Combined System
If some portion of storm or surface run-off is allowed to be carried
along with sanitary sewage the system is known as partially
combined system
 A house sewer is pipe conveying wastewater from an individual
structure to a common sewer or other point of disposal

 A lateral sewer is a common sewer with no tributary flow except

from house sewers.
Sewer and Sewerage
 A sub-main sewer collects flow from one or more laterals as
well as house sewers.

 A main trunk sewer collects from several sub-mains as well

as laterals and house sewers.

 Force mains are pressurized sewer lines which convey

sewage from pumping station to other main or to a point of
treatment or disposal.

 An intercepting sewer intersects other sewers to separate the

dry weather flow from storm water flow
Sewer and Sewerage
 An outflow sewer is a sewer which carries the collected waste
to a point of treatment or disposal
 Sewage treatment includes any process which may be used
to favorably modify the characteristics of the wastewater.

 Refuse it is the general which includes all the wastes or rejects

left as worthless. It may be solid, liquid, semi-solid or liquid
form. (garbage sewerage, sullage all terms include under

 Garbage solid or semi-solid waste products resulting from

food for human consumption.
Sewer and Sewerage
 Sullage is a liquid discharge from bath rooms, kitchens,
washing places, wash basins, etc. it doesn’t include discharge
from hospitals, operation theatres, and slaughter houses, which
has a high content of organic matter.

 Sanitary engineering is the application of engineering

methods to improve sanitation of human communities by,
primarily, providing the removal and disposal of human waste
and a supply of safe water.
Stages in Sanitary Engineering Projects



Disposal of sewage
Factors in Sewage Project
 Population of the city to be served

 Availability of funds, since very costly project

 Quality of sewage to be handled

 Rainfall in the locality

 Rate of sewage expected Sources of sewage

 Present arrangements of disposal

 Topographical features of the area

 Treatment methods , depend on the final disposal effluent

 Trend of the town development

1.2. Wastewater Source and Quality
Source of Sewage
 Wastewater is the main liquid waste of the community. Safe and
efficient drainage of wastewater is particularly important to
maintain public health (because of the high levels of potentially
disease-forming micro-organisms in wastewater)

 The basic sources of wastewater are:


non-domestic (commercial and industrial)

 In practice, the relative importance of the components will vary
with a number of factors, including:

 location (climatic conditions, the availability of water and its

characteristics, and individual domestic water consumption)

 diet of the population

 presence of industrial and trade effluents

 the type of collection system (i.e. separate or combined)

condition of the collection system.

 It operates at four different levels:

 remediation of contaminated sites (=fixing the past),

 treatment of effluents (=dealing with present),

1.2.1 Domestic
 In many networks, the domestic component of wastewater is the most

 Domestic wastewater is generated primarily from residential properties but

also includes contributions from institutions (for example, schools,
hospitals) and recreational facilities (such as leisure centers). In terms of
flow quantity, the defining variable is domestic water consumption, which
is linked to human behaviour and habits. Very little water is actually
consumed, or lost from the system.

 The net quantity = accounted water supplied + unaccounted private water

supplies + infiltration – (water losses + water not entering the sewerage)

 It is generally, 70 to 130 % of accounted water supplied

Water use
 Important factors affecting the magnitude of per capita water
demand include the following Climatic
 Socio-economic factors
Development type
Extent of metering & water conservation measures
Quantification (water consumption type; washing, bathing,
cooking etc…)
Water – wastewater relationship
 There is a strong link between water usage and wastewater disposal, with relatively
little supplied water being ‘consumed’ or taken out of the system. On a daily basis we
can simply computed using:
G – wastewater generated per person (l/d/h)
B – water consumption per person (l/d/h)
 Wastewater production is strongly linked to the widespread ownership
and use of a wide range of domestic appliances. The contribution of each
individual appliance depends on both the volume of flow discharged
after each operation and the frequency with which it is used.

Appliance Discharge (l/use)

WC 8.8

Bath 74

Shower 36

Wash basin 3.7

Kitchen sink 6.5

Washing machine 116

1.2.1 Non-domestic
 Commercial
 This category includes businesses such as shops, offices and
light industrial units, and commercial establishments such as
restaurants, laundries, public houses and hotels.
 Industrial
 The detailed rate of discharge will vary from industry to
industry and will depend significantly on the actual processes
 Water consumption is often expressed in terms of volume used
per mass of product.
 So, for example, papermaking consumes 50–150 m3/t and dairy
products 3–35 m3/t.
1.2.3 Infiltration and Inflow
groundwater entering sewers through defective
joints, and broken or cracked or broken pipes and
High during wet period, especially sewers constructed in
or close to streambeds

The water discharged into a sewer system, including
service connections from such sources as roof
basement, yard, and area drains; manhole covers; surface
runoff; street wash water; etc.
• Units: L/ha/day, L/km length, or L/cm diameter
Quantity may vary from 35 to 115 m3/km.
Factors affecting Infiltration
Depth of sewer invert below GWT
Sewer size
Material of the sewers
Sewer length under GWT
Nature and type of soil
Type of joints
Factor affecting sanitary sewage
Infiltration and ex-filtration
Rate of water supply
Type of area served i.e. residential, industrial or
Effect of growth of population on per capita
production of sewage
Fluctuations in sewage flow
 The magnitude of the peak flow relative to the mean
flow depends on the size of the contributing

 The larger the population, the lower the peaking

factor since flow fluctuations are smoothed out during the time of
travel in the sewer.

 The overall variation in the sewage is maximum in the smaller size

sewers than large
1.2.4 Wastewater Quality
 Wastewater contains a complex mixture of natural organic and inorganic
material present in various forms, from coarse grits, through fine
suspended solids to colloidal and soluble matter.
 Wastewater quality is very variable in respect to both
location and time. In addition, the techniques commonly
used for sampling and analysis are subject to error.
Therefore, caution is needed in interpreting standard or
typical values. Such data should never be assumed to
accurately represent the wastewater from a particular
community – this can only be properly confirmed by a
(possibly extensive) testing programme or access to historic data.
 Pollutant sources
 Wastewater quality is influenced by the contaminants discharged into it
derived mainly from human, household and industrial activities. The
quality of the carriage water (the original drinking water) or infiltrating
groundwater can also be influential.
 Human excreta: responsible for a large proportion of the pollutants in
wastewater. Adults produce 200–300 g of faeces and 1–3 kg of urine per
 Faeces account for 25–30 g/hd.d of BOD and urine 10 g BOD/hd.d, which is
60% of the organic compounds found in wastewater.
Toilet paper is used in large quantities. Although this disintegrates quickly
in the turbulent flow in sewers, it is only slowly biodegradable due to the
presence of the cellulose fibres. Approximately 7 g/hd.d is disposed of,
most of which will become suspended solids.

Digested food is the source of many of the excreta related pollutants
mentioned above. However, undigested food is a major contributor of fats
including butter, margarine, vegetable fats, meats, cereals and nuts. Food
residues are also a source of some organic nitrogen and phosphorus and of
salt (NaCl).

Washing and laundry activities add soaps and detergents to the sewer. The
polyphosphate builders used in synthetic detergents contribute
approximately 50% of the phosphorus load.
 a very large variety of pollutant types can be generated and industrial
wastewater may contain; extremes of organic content, a deficiency of
nutrients, inhibiting chemicals (acids, toxins, bactericides), resistant
organic compounds, heavy metals and accumulative persistent organics.
Storm Sewage:
 During rainfall, a part of rainfall water percolates into the ground and a
part is evaporated in the atmosphere.
 The remaining part flows over the ground surface and is termed as
surface run off, flood water, or storm water or storm sewage.
 Quantity of storm water depends on the following factors

Intensity and duration of rainfall

 Nature of the surface over which rainfall takes place or nature of the
• Quantity Storm Sewage
Peak discharge: sometimes called peak flow, is
the maximum rate of flow of water passing a
given point during or after a rainfall event.
• Hydrological analysis: Rational method, the SCS
technique, hydrograph technique and computer
simulation techniques
• Peak flow is calculated for an acceptable return
period based on risk and economy
• Frequency and risk
– The frequency with which a given flood can be
expected to occur is the reciprocal of the probability
or chance that the flood will be equaled or exceeded
in a given year.
– The probability of occurrence of an event (say a flood
of magnitude equal to or greater than X1) is
expressed as:
P{X1} = N1/N

The return period is then the reciprocal

T = 1/P{X1}
• Rainfall Intensity

IDF Curves

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