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Received: 5 June 2023 Accepted: 5 June 2023

DOI: 10.1111/ppl.13947

EDITORIAL Physiologia Plantarum

Plant volatiles and color compounds: From biosynthesis to


Plants biosynthesize secondary metabolites that can be useful in various The authors described the recent updates on the ecological aspects
applications, including health promotion, thanks to their organoleptic and context-dependence of plant–plant communication driven by vol-
properties and antioxidant activity. Moreover, pigments such as caroten- atiles, crucial elements that influence plant performance in different
oids, apocarotenoids, and polyphenols and volatiles such as fatty acid habitats. The authors described the biosynthesis pathways of volatile
derivatives, terpenoids, and phenylpropanoids contribute to attracting pol- terpenoids as being the most abundant class of VOCs. The interesting
linators to flowers and to facilitating seed dispersal by animals (Abbas aspect of the review was about the adaptability of crop plants and the
et al., 2020, 2023; Dudareva et al., 2013). Floral volatiles are complex, interplay of VOCs upon global climate change.
multifunctional signals that are often used by pollinators in combination Karalija et al. (2023) reviewed how plants use volatile compounds
with other signals, such as color (Mostafa et al., 2022; Muhlemann as a defense mechanism against aphids. The authors emphasized the
et al., 2014). Floral visitors use floral scent to estimate the amount of complexity and ecological significance of the tritrophic interplay
reward present in flowers, to facilitate the identification of a specific host between host plants, aphids, and parasitic wasps, all of which are
flower or as signals that chemically resemble those important for pollina- directly influenced by climate change. Aphids use VOC emissions from
tor insects in other ecological contexts. Some plant volatiles also have plants to locate their host plant, but plants can use the same signaling
defensive roles, for example, as repellant for pest insects, which impacts mechanism to entice parasitic wasps as an indirect defense system.
their interaction with their environment (Pichersky & Gershenzon, 2002). The release of certain terpenoids in response to an aphid threat is
There are good pieces of evidence that floral scent evolves under selec- linked to the appeal of host-specific parasitic wasps.
tion imposed by both mutualists and antagonists (Nadimpalli et al., 2000; Imran et al. (2023) investigated the significance of CRISPR-Cas9
Ninkovic et al., 2019, 2021). Antagonists may often limit the amount of and its function in aroma fragrance in rice using CRISPR-Cas9-mediated
scent emitted by flowers, thus contributing to spatial population variation. editing of BETAINE ALDEHYDE DEHYDROGENASE 2 (BADH2) gene.
Floral scent is also an important component of pollinator-mediated The researchers emphasize that the natural aroma compound 2-acetyl-
reproductive isolation, as it often covaries with color and morphology in 1-pyrroline (2-AP) is a pivotal fragrance substance among the over
sister species with different pollination systems (Ninkuu et al., 2021). The 200 volatiles outlined in fragrant rice. They stated that BADH2 is an
molecular and biochemical mechanisms underlying the interactions and important gene for transcriptional regulation of 2-AP biosynthesis and
cross talks between color and volatiles' biosynthesis pathways and their that CRISPR-Cas9 is a useful weapon for aroma enhancement. In addi-
regulation are not fully understood, although it has been discovered that tion, the author discusses the transcriptional cascades in the regulation
some transcription factors involved are common (Abbas, Ke, Zhou, Yu, of 2-AP biosynthetic pathway under Zn availability in fragrant rice
Waseem, Ashraf, Li, et al., 2021; Abbas, Ke, Zhou, Yu, Waseem, Ashraf, (Imran et al., 2022). There were over 678 transcription factors involved
Wang, et al., 2021; Mostafa et al., 2022; Qiao et al., 2021). The roles of in the upregulation of aroma compound (2-AP), with the majority of
these metabolites in plant biotic or abiotic stress and plant communica- them belonging to the WRKY, bHLH, and MYB families. Likewise, Ash-
tion are also still not fully understood. The special issue includes several raf et al. (2022) addressed how alternate wetting and drying (AWD)
research and review articles highlighting the role of floral volatiles and affected physio-biochemical attributes, grain yield, and aroma volatiles
color compounds in various plant life span as well as in human life. in fragrant rice. They concluded that AWD is more effective during the
Herein, Sarkar and Sadhukhan (2023) addressed the modification reproductive stage, promoting yield and quality attributes as well as
of plant volatiles in response to mycorrhizal fungi, which act as a grain aroma volatiles in terms of 2-AP content. Furthermore, the puta-
defensive shield toward plant pathogens. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi tive role of type-B authentic response regulator genes in fragrant rice
(AMFs) not only induced the plan defense mechanism but also modi- under alkaline salt stress was highlighted (Rehman et al., 2022).
fied the emission pattern of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The Wang et al. (2023) performed metabolome and transcriptome
authors also highlight up-to-date understanding of the cross talk of analysis to uncover the framework of anthocyanin biosynthesis deficit
AMF and VOC patterns in plants and the subsequent modulation of in litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) aril. The authors show that anthocya-
resistance against microbial pathogens. nins are more abundant in mature litchi pericarp than in aril (flesh). In
Abbas, O'Neill Rothenberg, et al. (2022) reviewed the diverse role addition to LcUFGT1 and LcMYB1, WGCNA identified 52 other can-
of plant VOCs, including plant defenses, attracting pollinators, and didate genes with a consistent expression profile. SGR, CYP75B1,
mediating various interactions between plants and their environment. GST, and MATE were among the seven genes linked to anthocyanin

Physiologia Plantarum. 2023;175:e13947. © 2023 Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society. 1 of 4
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Physiologia Plantarum

synthesis and transport, while another gene (LcMYB1) was found to Zhang et al. (2023) highlighted the anthocyanin role in Chaeno-
positively stimulate the promoters of LcUFGT1, LcGST4, and meles speciosa. The authors discovered that, under drought conditions,
LcSWEET10 through the prediction and identification of regulatory CsMYB6 interacts with CsbHLH11 to regulate anthocyanin formation.
interplay among structural candidate genes. A similar methodology Using suppression and transient expression assays, the authors dem-
was used to unravel the role of putative structural terpene synthase onstrated that CsMYB6 is a key TF in anthocyanin biosynthesis. They
genes involved in aroma biosynthesis (Abbas, Guo, et al., 2022). First, also found that CsMYB6 directly binds to the promoters of
the terpene synthase gene family was thoroughly examined, followed CsbHLH11 and structural anthocyanin biosynthesis genes (CsUFGT,
by a metabolomic approach to assess the volatile profile of litchi CsDFR, and CsANS). Another research found that loss-of-function
flowers and fruits at various stages of development. After integrating mutations in ObANS1/2 are involved in the all-green phenotype of
the data with multivariate analysis, key terpene synthase genes Ocimum basilicum L. (Gonda et al., 2023). The researchers looked at
involved in fruit and flower aroma biosynthesis were discovered. quantitative trait loci for sweet basil flowers and stem color in a bipa-
Ke et al. (2023) used a similar strategy to identify putative structural rental F2 population and revealed that both ANS genes had a loss-
biosynthesis genes and key transcription factors associated with floral of-function mutation. ObANS has a single base pair insertion in the
aroma production in Hydrangea arborescens “Anabella.” The volatile pro- active site, whereas ObANS has a missense mutation. In the purple-
file of ‘Annabelle’ was analyzed during flowering stages (F1–F3) using flower parent, ANS1 was functional, but ANS2 has a nonsense muta-
HS-SPME-GC-MS and UPLC-MS/MS metabolome approach. Most tion. Complementation assays in an Arabidopsis ANS mutant were
flower volatile components released during the F2 stage were found to used to validate the role of ObANS1 active allele. Another finding
be benzenoids and phenylpropanoids. Multiple genes showed differential showed that exogenous potassium application improves drought tol-
expression, and overlapping benzenoid/phenylpropanoid pathways were erance in Camelina (Camelina sativa L.) (Bukhari et al., 2022).
discovered in developing flowers. There was substantial multinode con- Ali et al. (2023) report the role of synthetic volatiles derived
nectivity between GRAS/bHLH/MYB/AP2/WRKY, making them promis- from Bacillus strains in nematode mortality and induced growth in
ing candidates for regulating benzenoids/phenylpropanoids volatiles. rice under extreme oxidative stress. These volatiles [benzaldehyde
The ornamental trait diversity and classification of 144 caladium (BDH), albuterol, dimethyl disulfide (DMDS), 2-undecanone (2-UD),
accessions were investigated by Zhou et al. (2023), who used EST- 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one (1,2-HIT), and 1,3-propanediole
SSR-based association analysis. Based on the transcriptome data, the (1,3-PD)] were used as biocontrol agents to control nematodes and
authors isolated 7706 SSR markers and subsequently screened have shown higher nematicidal activity with mortality rate than con-
26 SSR markers for polymorphism and reproducibility. SSR markers trol. The growth-promoting traits of the Bacillus strains GBSC56,
associated with petiole color, main vein color, and blade upperside SYST2, and FZB42, as well as their synthetic VOCs, led to notable
glossiness were found ( p < 0.01). improvements in the corresponding physiological parameters. Addi-
Chen et al. (2023) emphasized the significance of anthocyanin in tionally, the expression of specific growth-promoting and defense-
fruit and flower color formation. They stated that acylation modification related genes was significantly upregulated in rice seedlings exposed
is essential for anthocyanin modification and that the acyltransferase to synthetic VOCs.
gene (PhAAT1) is an important factor in the anthocyanin mecha- Likewise, whitefly contact toxicity, repellency, and anti-oviposition
nism in petunia. The authors mentioned that PhAAT1 was strongly were all tested using three different essential oils (EOs) extracted from
regulated by MYB TFs (PhAN2) and that silencing PhAAT1 lowered plants using ethanol (Wagan et al., 2022). Under controlled conditions,
anthocyanin stability and modified color by reducing caffeoylated Allium ascalonicum, Cinnamomum camphora, and Mentha haplocalyx
and p-coumaroylated anthocyanins, and PhAAT1 protein was located in were protected from whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) for up to 72 h when trea-
the cytoplasm. Another study found that 5-O-glucosyltransferase (5GT) ted with EOs. C. camphora EOs outperformed M. haplocalyx and A.
has a major impact on anthocyanin contents in petunia flowers, and ascalonicum in repellency, contact toxicity, and oviposition deterrence.
that suppressing the aforementioned gene changed the color of the The chemical components of these EOs were detected via gas
petunia from purple to light purple (Li et al., 2022). Furthermore, meta- chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) after their antagonistic
bolic findings indicate that glycosylation significantly altered the 5-O- impacts were established.
position of petunidins and malvidins. Besides that, petunia rhamnose In conclusion, the current special issue was initiated to bring
synthase (PhRHMs) plays an integral role in leaf and flower develop- together articles highlighting various roles of floral volatiles and color
ment as well as anthocyanin synthesis (Sang et al., 2022). The authors pigments in plants' life span. Numerous key structural genes and tran-
discovered and characterized three PhRHM genes (PhRHM1/2/3) and scription factors involved in floral aroma and anthocyanin biosynthesis
one PhUER1 gene. Silencing PhRHM1/2 resulted in abnormal plant mechanisms, as well as their roles under stress conditions, were revealed.
growth and decreased total anthocyanin, L-rhamnose, and photosyn- Furthermore, the role of EOs in the defense mechanism was determined.
thetic pigments, whereas PhUER1 did not. Furthermore, a multilateral The application of modern tools and techniques, both analytical and com-
crotonylation proteome evaluation of PaACL-silenced corollas and con- putational, useful for identifying, characterizing, and functionally validating
trol plants disclosed that crotonylation protein was strongly linked to posttranscriptional regulators were key in the research cited above. This
protein acetylation and that proteins with far more crotonylation sites special issue brings new insights on the physiological, molecular, and bio-
frequently had several acetylation sites (Yang et al., 2022). chemical cues to plant secondary metabolites.
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