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BTE2601 ASSESSMENT 03/2023

BTE 2601




BTE2601 ASSESSMENT 03/2023



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• SIGNED DECLARATION at the beginning of your assignment.

• Your name and student number
• Assignment number 03
• Module code: BTE2601
• Subject name: BECOMING A TEACHER



(This assessment will contribute 25% toward the year mark)


1. Answer all the questions.

2. The cover page of your assignment must contain all your details.

3. Do not forget to write the assignment's unique number.

4. Attach the declaration form.

BTE2601 ASSESSMENT 03/2023



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The under-mentioned declaration must accompany written assignments. Your

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I (full names): Suné Stewart

Student number: 18192173

Module: BTE2601

Declare that…

1. I understand what plagiarism entails and am aware of the University’s policy in

this regard.
2. I declare that this assignment is my own, original work. Where I used someone
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Signature Date: 10/ 07/ 2023

BTE2601 ASSESSMENT 03/2023

• Subject name: BECOMING A TEACHER .............................................................................................. 2
INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 2
DEPARTMENT OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTIONAL STUDIES .......................................................... 3
Declare that… ......................................................................................................................................... 3
QUESTION 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 5
QUESTION 2 .............................................................................................................................................10

BTE2601 ASSESSMENT 03/2023


1.1. Identify universal principles that are applied to curriculum

documents and approaches. (8)

There are a few universal concepts that are frequently used in educational curriculum
materials and methods. These guidelines serve as a guide for creating, implementing,
and assessing curricula in a variety of educational contexts. Insightful guidelines are
as follows:

1. Relevance: The curriculum needs to be pertinent to the needs, interests, and

objectives of the students. In addition to addressing problems and challenges
from the actual world, it should be in line with their cultural, social, and
economic contexts.
2. Alignment: Curriculum needs to be in line with academic standards, learning
goals, and outcomes. Across various grade levels or educational stages, it
should guarantee a cogent progression of knowledge, skills, and competencies.
3. Flexibility: The curriculum should be adaptable enough to take into account
pupils' varied backgrounds, learning styles, and aptitudes. To satisfy the needs
of a particular person or group, it must to be adaptable.
4. Continuity: A curriculum should allow students to move from one stage of
learning to the next in a smooth and cohesive manner. It ought to expand on
information and experiences from the past, encouraging a progressive
deepening and widening of understanding.
5. Engagement: Curriculum should be created to enthuse and inspire students. To
encourage student engagement, critical thinking, problem-solving, and
creativity, it should include active and participatory learning experiences.
6. Authenticity: Instruction should be grounded in real-world situations. It ought to
link what is learned in the classroom to actual circumstances, encouraging the
use of information and abilities in realistic settings.
7. Assessment: To evaluate student learning, the curriculum should incorporate
suitable and diverse assessment tools. It needs to be in line with learning goals

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and offer suggestions for development, encouraging both formative and

summative evaluation techniques.
8. Include all learners' various needs, backgrounds, and abilities in the curriculum
by making it equitable and inclusive. It should encourage cultural sensitivity,
openness, and respect for diversity in order to give every student the same
chance for success.
9. Reflection and Evaluation: It is important to regularly analyze, assess, and
update the curriculum based on data, student, teacher, and stakeholder
feedback. It ought to encourage an innovative and constant improvement
10. Curriculum should promote a love of learning and lay the groundwork for
lifelong learning. It ought to give students the knowledge, abilities, and attitudes
they need to adapt to a world that is changing quickly and to pursue continual
personal and professional development.

These guidelines help instructors and curriculum writers design engaging and fruitful
learning opportunities for students. These concepts continue to be crucial to the
creation and development of curricula even though the precise implementation may
differ between educational systems and circumstances.

1.2. Briefly discuss key planning elements that should be included

when designing a learning programme. (12)

A learning program's effectiveness and successful implementation should be ensured

by taking into account a number of important planning factors. Here are some crucial
components to incorporate:

1. Conduct a thorough requirements analysis to determine the precise educational

objectives and needs of the target audience. This entails being aware of any
gaps or potential improvement areas as well as their current knowledge, skills,
and competences.

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2. Learning Objectives: Clearly state the program's goals and anticipated learning
outcomes. To provide the program a clear direction and purpose, learning
objectives should be SMART—specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and
3. Develop a curriculum that outlines the subjects, lessons, and learning activities
that will be covered during the course of the program. In addition to addressing
the specified learning objectives, the curriculum should take into account
various learning preferences and styles.
4. Use the principles of instructional design to create fun and efficient learning
experiences. This entails picking effective teaching strategies, coming up with
interactive games, and developing evaluation tools to track students'
5. Finding and creating appropriate learning tools and materials is important for
the learning process. Case studies, simulations, multimedia content, online
modules, case studies, and other extra materials may all fall under this
6. Delivery Methods: Choose the best delivery strategies for the learning program.
Take into account elements like the target audience, the resources at your
disposal, and the learning objectives. There are various options, such as in-
person instruction, online learning environments, blended learning strategies,
or a mix of other techniques.
7. Implement a thorough structure for evaluation and assessment to determine
the efficacy of the learning program. This may incorporate pre- and post-
assessments, ongoing formative evaluations of the curriculum, and feedback
methods to elicit teacher and student input.
8. Learning Environment: Establish a cheerful and encouraging learning
atmosphere that promotes participation, teamwork, and information exchange.
Think about elements like physical space, digital platforms, communication
routes, and learner support services.
9. Flexibility & Adaptability: Make the program design flexible to account for the
changing demands of students and shifts in the educational environment. To
keep the program current and in line with changing trends and best practices,
evaluate and update it frequently.

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10. Collaboration among Stakeholders: Include pertinent parties in the design and
planning stages, including as instructors, administrators, and learners as well
as subject matter experts. The program's quality and fit with the needs of the
target audience can be improved with their input and feedback.

These essential planning components can help create learning programs that are
well-structured, learner-centred, and successful in producing the desired results.

1.3. Mention three principles of assessment and demonstrate how

you will apply them in your classroom. Practical examples
should be provided to support your answer. (6)


The degree to which an evaluation captures the objectives for which it was designed
is referred to as validity. I would match my evaluations with the curriculum's learning
objectives and content in order to ensure validity in my classroom. If the goal is for
students to demonstrate their comprehension of a historical event, for instance, I
would create an evaluation that calls for them to evaluate primary materials, provide
historical context, and draw links to more general concepts.


The accuracy and consistency of test results are referred to as reliability. I would
acquire proof of student learning using a variety of evaluation methods to increase
reliability. For instance, I would include projects, presentations, group work, and class
debates in addition to written assessments. This varied method would give a more
complete picture of students' knowledge and abilities while reducing the impact of
chance events that could affect a single evaluation.


A fair evaluation process makes certain that every student has the same chance to
prove their understanding of a subject. To be fair, I would take into account the various

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requirements, backgrounds, and talents of the students. If I have pupils with visual
impairments, for instance, I might offer alternative assessment forms like oral tests or
tactile materials. Similar to this, I would offer language aids to kids who are English
language learners, such as clarifying instructions or providing bilingual dictionaries.

To ensure that students are aware of how their work will be assessed, I would also
give them access to the clear and transparent grading standards in advance. The
ability for students to appropriately prepare and match their efforts with the
assessment objectives is made possible by this clarity, which encourages fairness.

In conclusion, I would make sure that my evaluations are fair, accurate, and valid by
putting these ideas into practice. It would be possible to accomplish validity by
matching tests to learning objectives, reliability by using a variety of assessment
techniques, and fairness by taking into account the requirements of various student
groups and establishing clear grading guidelines. These procedures would enable me
to collect precise data on student learning and foster their development in a way that
is both fair and inclusive.


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According to the Education White Paper 6: Special Needs Education:

Building an Inclusive Education and Training System (Department of
Education 2001), inclusive education (IE) regards education for all
children. Youth and adults have the potential to learn, given the
necessary support. The education system's inability to recognise
and accommodate the diverse range of learning needs results in a
breakdown of learning. All learners can learn, irrespective of gender,
race, language or sexual orientation.

2.1. Describe inclusive education in your own words. (5)

Unaffected by their backgrounds, skills, or differences, all students are encouraged to

participate in inclusive education, which attempts to give them equitable access to
resources and opportunities. It encourages the creation of a welcoming and inclusive
environment where each student feels appreciated, respected, and empowered to
take full advantage of the educational process.

Diversity is acknowledged and embraced in a system of inclusive education. In the

context of a mainstream classroom, accommodations are made for and inclusion of
students with disabilities, students from various cultural, linguistic, socioeconomic
backgrounds, and students with a variety of learning styles. With this strategy, the idea
that every student has the right to a top-notch education and that their individual
peculiarities should be celebrated rather than used as obstacles is emphasized.

The goal of inclusive education is to tailor instruction, resources, and learning

environments to each student's unique requirements. It goes beyond simple physical
integration. It promotes cooperation between students, instructors, and parents in
order to build a caring community that fosters each learner's development.

Important guidelines for inclusive education include:

1. Fair and just access to education for all pupils, regardless of their traits or skills,
is equity.

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2. Individualized help: Providing help and accommodations that are specifically

designed to match each student's unique needs so they can participate and
learn well.
3. Collaboration and Partnership: Promoting cooperation and partnerships
between students, instructors, families, and other stakeholders in order to
create a welcoming and encouraging learning environment.
4. Respect and Dignity: Fostering respect, acceptance, and understanding of
students' diversity while encouraging a feeling of community and a strong
sense of self.
5. Utilizing flexible teaching techniques, educational resources, and evaluation
procedures that take into account individuals' various learning preferences and
needs is known as universal design for learning (UDL).

Schools and educational institutions work to prepare students for the diverse society
they will meet outside of the classroom by supporting inclusive education. A more
inclusive and egalitarian society as a whole is fostered through its promotion of
empathy, tolerance, and acceptance.

2.2. Discuss the key strategies for implementing 2001 White Paper 6
on special needs education. (12)

1. Adopting an inclusive education strategy involves including kids with special

needs in regular classroom settings rather than isolating them. This strategy
encourages social engagement, lessens stigma, and enables personalised
support in a typical classroom environment.
2. IEPs, or individualized education programs, are essential for students with
exceptional needs. An Individualized Education Plan (IEP) specifies precise
objectives, changes, and support services catered to each student's particular
requirements. Continuous growth is ensured with the support of regular IEP
reviews and updates.
3. Professional development is essential for understanding and putting into
practice successful special needs education practices for teachers and support

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workers. Differentiated instruction, assistive technology, behaviour

management, and awareness of particular disabilities are just a few examples
of the subjects that may be covered in this training.
4. Collaboration and Teamwork: Promoting teamwork among teachers, special
educators, support staff, parents, and other professionals encourages a
comprehensive strategy for assisting students with special needs. Coordination
and communication on a regular basis help to guarantee coordinated and
consistent support.
5. The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) educational framework strives to
provide numerous ways for students to represent, engage with, and express
themselves in order to meet their varied learning needs. All students, including
those with special needs, may participate and succeed in class because to
UDL's adaptable and accessible learning settings.
6. Utilizing assistive technologies, such as text-to-speech software, alternate
keyboards, screen readers, and augmentative and alternative communication
devices, can improve curriculum access and encourage autonomous learning
for students with disabilities.
7. Supports for Positive Behaviour: Putting into practice ways for supporting
positive behaviour entails building an organized, encouraging atmosphere that
rewards good behaviour and imposes suitable penalties on problematic
behaviour. Instead of only depending on punishment, this method emphasizes
teaching and rewarding desired actions.
8. The importance of including parents and the larger community cannot be
overstated. A supporting network can be established and continuity between
the home and school environments ensured via regular contact, participation in
decision-making, and parent support groups.
9. Regular Assessment and Monitoring: Using both formal and informal
assessments on a regular basis will help you keep tabs on your students'
progress, pinpoint their areas of strength and need for development, and make
the appropriate adjustments to your education and support programs.
10. Offering sufficient financing, resources, and support services is essential for
putting special needs education into practice. These covers having access to
the right educational resources, assistive technology, qualified staff, and
essential adjustments and changes.

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The use of these tactics must be adapted to the unique requirements and
circumstances of each student as well as the educational environment, it is significant
to mention. The secret to good outcomes in special needs education is collaboration,
continuous review, and adaptability.

2.3. What are the characteristics of the social right approach?(7)

A political ideology known as "social right" places a great emphasis on upholding

ingrained social values, vibrant local economies, and the maintenance of long-
standing institutions. Here are some broad traits related to the social correct
approach, while exact traits can differ based on the situation and cultural quirks:

1. Traditionalism: The social right frequently aims to maintain traditional social

values and norms, placing priority on the preservation of cultural heritage,
rituals, and institutions. It prioritizes stability and continuity and has a tendency
to oppose rapid societal change.
2. Conservatism: The social right often adheres to conservative values, pushing
for minimal government involvement in the business sector and societal affairs.
It places a strong emphasis on a person's autonomy, independence, and
commitment to free markets.
3. Patriotism and nationalism: The social right philosophy frequently places a
significant focus on national identity. It encourages adherence to the nation-
state, cultural coherence, and a sense of shared identity while occasionally
placing a strong focus on preserving national borders and sovereignty.
4. Social Order and Authority: The social right is concerned with maintaining
social order and frequently emphasizes law and order, public safety, and the
legitimacy of traditional institutions including the family, religious institutions,
and hierarchical systems.
5. Moral and Religious Values: The social right approach is strongly influenced by
moral and religious values. Priorities include the safeguarding of traditional
family values, religious freedom, and the acknowledgment of the role of faith in
6. The social right frequently opposes what it sees as radical social change,
especially liberal social policies like same-sex marriage, abortion rights, and
gender equality. It might aim to maintain conventional family and gender roles.
7. Cultural Preservation: The social right attaches importance to maintaining
cultural traditions, national heritage, and languages. It might advocate for
measures that support cultural integration while opposing globalization or

Not all individuals or groups who adhere to the social right approach may exhibit all of
these attributes, and it's crucial to keep in mind that these traits may show differently

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across various circumstances and nations. Political ideologies can differ depending on
regional, historical, and cultural circumstances. They are complicated.


TOTAL: (50)


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